28k附近中度遊戲機(含OS、螢幕) - 遊戲機

By Joseph
at 2019-04-03T12:18
at 2019-04-03T12:18
Table of Contents
已買/未買/已付訂金(元): 未買
預算/用途: 28k附近,玩巫師3跟APEX,偶爾吃雞。不求高畫質,只求順暢。
CPU (中央處理器):Intel i5-9400F (CPU + MB + SSD HD = $8750)
MB (主機板):技嘉 B360 HD3 (略)
RAM (記憶體):威剛 8G DDR4-2666 ($1250)
VGA (顯示卡):微星 GTX1060 ARMOR 3G OCV1電競虎 ($4990)
HDD (硬碟):技嘉 SSD 240GB GSTFS31240GNTD (略)
WD 1TB 藍標 64M/7200轉 WD10EZEX ($1190)
DVD-RW (燒錄機):ASUS DRW-24D5MT/24XDVD 燒錄機 (略)
PSU (電源供應器):振華 LEADEX 650W/金牌/全模/DC-DC/CPU主線18AWG ($2600)
CHASSIS (機殼):全漢 CMT330 悍使者 ($1690)
MONITOR (螢幕):PHILIPS 243V7QDAB ($3190)
Mouse/KB (鼠鍵):視博通 神鍵手 鍵鼠組 ($149)
其它 (作業系統):Windows 10 家用隨機版64位元 (OS + 燒錄機 = $4190)
總價 (未稅/含稅): $27999 含稅
Stood by the gate at the foot of the garden
Watching them pass like clouds in the sky
Try to cry out in the heat of the moment
Possessed by a fury that burns from inside.
-- Joy Division, "The Eternal"
預算/用途: 28k附近,玩巫師3跟APEX,偶爾吃雞。不求高畫質,只求順暢。
CPU (中央處理器):Intel i5-9400F (CPU + MB + SSD HD = $8750)
MB (主機板):技嘉 B360 HD3 (略)
RAM (記憶體):威剛 8G DDR4-2666 ($1250)
VGA (顯示卡):微星 GTX1060 ARMOR 3G OCV1電競虎 ($4990)
HDD (硬碟):技嘉 SSD 240GB GSTFS31240GNTD (略)
WD 1TB 藍標 64M/7200轉 WD10EZEX ($1190)
DVD-RW (燒錄機):ASUS DRW-24D5MT/24XDVD 燒錄機 (略)
PSU (電源供應器):振華 LEADEX 650W/金牌/全模/DC-DC/CPU主線18AWG ($2600)
CHASSIS (機殼):全漢 CMT330 悍使者 ($1690)
MONITOR (螢幕):PHILIPS 243V7QDAB ($3190)
Mouse/KB (鼠鍵):視博通 神鍵手 鍵鼠組 ($149)
其它 (作業系統):Windows 10 家用隨機版64位元 (OS + 燒錄機 = $4190)
總價 (未稅/含稅): $27999 含稅
Stood by the gate at the foot of the garden
Watching them pass like clouds in the sky
Try to cry out in the heat of the moment
Possessed by a fury that burns from inside.
-- Joy Division, "The Eternal"
All Comments

By Eden
at 2019-04-06T19:51
at 2019-04-06T19:51

By Agatha
at 2019-04-09T00:53
at 2019-04-09T00:53

By Tristan Cohan
at 2019-04-13T10:15
at 2019-04-13T10:15

By Irma
at 2019-04-16T04:58
at 2019-04-16T04:58

By Poppy
at 2019-04-19T06:49
at 2019-04-19T06:49

By Poppy
at 2019-04-23T01:02
at 2019-04-23T01:02

By William
at 2019-04-25T08:32
at 2019-04-25T08:32

By Hamiltion
at 2019-04-29T20:50
at 2019-04-29T20:50

By Christine
at 2019-05-01T04:41
at 2019-05-01T04:41

By Ingrid
at 2019-05-04T20:08
at 2019-05-04T20:08

By Zenobia
at 2019-05-08T16:16
at 2019-05-08T16:16

By Joe
at 2019-05-11T11:27
at 2019-05-11T11:27

By John
at 2019-05-15T15:09
at 2019-05-15T15:09

By Agatha
at 2019-05-18T13:39
at 2019-05-18T13:39

By Isabella
at 2019-05-19T08:21
at 2019-05-19T08:21

By Tristan Cohan
at 2019-05-20T00:26
at 2019-05-20T00:26

By Quanna
at 2019-05-24T23:12
at 2019-05-24T23:12

By Yuri
at 2019-05-25T07:56
at 2019-05-25T07:56

By Brianna
at 2019-05-28T14:44
at 2019-05-28T14:44

By Edith
at 2019-05-30T22:48
at 2019-05-30T22:48
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