A Deep Dive into Open Source Android Development - Android

Damian avatar
By Damian
at 2012-12-16T14:53

Table of Contents

** 歡迎轉載 **


David Wu is a principal software engineer at HTC. He works on the social
network team for HTC Sense, responsible for adding “social touches” to the
overall user experience. He is one of the core developers behind HTC Friend

In his free time he is also an active participant in the free software
community in Taiwan. He is a regular at both the Taipei Open Source Software
User Group and Hacking Thursday.


The increasing popularity of the Android platform over the past two years has
encouraged many talented developers to contribute. Developers no longer need to
invent their own wheels from scratch. Instead, many open source tools and
libraries are becoming available for Android developers. In this talk we will
take a deep dive into Android programming and how developers can leverage open
source tools to bootstrap their Android apps. We will also talk about how
developers can contribute back to the open source community.


報名:http://registrano.com/events/a22ba4 (統計人數及活動變更通知)
時間:2012/12/18 星期二,活動時間 7:00pm 開始,6:00pm 開始入場
主題:A Deep Dive into Open Source Android Development
主講人:David Wu (wuman)
語言: Chinese/中文
地點: Mix Coffee & Tea ( http://www.tossug.org/mix-coffee-tea )
備用地點: 如果 Mix Coffee & Tea 沒開請至對面的 丹堤咖啡 Dante Coffee
消費: 店家的低銷兩百元以下,到場付費,6:30pm 開始入場用餐、閒聊、認識新朋友,
注意事項:有免費的無線上網,請別把 notebook 忘在家裡。

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TOSSUG Google+ 社群 http://bit.ly/tossug-gp

台北開放原始碼軟體使用者社群 (台北土虱社群)
Taipei Open Source Software User Group (TOSSUG)

Tags: Android

All Comments


Gary avatar
By Gary
at 2012-12-16T14:30
as title 看了朋友一直在玩 我也好想玩 可是google了好久 都是大陸的網站 apk也下載不下來 我知道安卓有出 只是該到哪個地方去下載呢 可以請版友幫幫我嗎 - ...

Note2 分享經由的排序可以更改嗎?

Lydia avatar
By Lydia
at 2012-12-16T13:52
我的是Note 2有時候想要分享圖片給Line 可是一打開分享出現的Line都在第二頁之後 可以更改分享經由的排序嗎? 把常用的ap移到第一頁來 -- posted from android bbs reader on my samsung GT-N7100 https://market.andro ...

請問Xperia pro(mk16i)怎麼root?

Rosalind avatar
By Rosalind
at 2012-12-16T13:47
大家好 我的手機是非常冷門的SonyEricsson Xperia pro (MK16i) 已經升級上ICS 目前版本號碼為 4.1.B.0.587 最近想要來root一下手機 可是資訊好少atat 只找到了:http://apk.tw/thread-140651-1-1.html 依照上面的網 ...

Nexus 7 32G Wifi版

Queena avatar
By Queena
at 2012-12-16T13:33
最近在考慮購入Nexus 7 因為不能另外插記憶卡的關係 考慮買32G的比較不會遇到東西塞不進去的窘境 本來想說台灣沒有32G Wifi版 就上網找水貨 反正水貨也有全球一年保固 結果上網問了一間 跟我說是公司貨 賣8990 然後17~21號之間會到貨 又查了一下16G wifi的價格 發現有些店家已經把 ...


Selena avatar
By Selena
at 2012-12-16T13:28
如題 請問一下有撥號前可選擇是否顯示自己號碼的APP嗎 我知道在撥號號碼前打#31#就可以做到 但是每次都要多打這幾個字覺得有點麻煩 不知道是否有那種類似雙卡機撥號前可選擇用哪支號碼打的機制 也就是在撥號前可選擇是否要傳送號碼這樣而不用每次去設定或是多打#31# 已經爬過文了但沒有找到類似的文章 有知道的朋友 ...