activex exe Runtime error 430 - Windows

Gary avatar
By Gary
at 2015-01-27T07:38

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sorry I can not type chinese now

my question is :

I have an activex exe and had registered it by cmd

"active.exe /regserver"

but the main exe referencing it showed error "Runtime error '430' class does
not support Automation or does not support expected interface"

and then I restarted the computer and re-registered the activex.exe ,it could

I am confused that why the activex.exe worked after I restarted computer and
re-registered it.Was that an unstable bug of register in OS so that it should
be reset after computer had restarted?if it was,how to confirm the registry

my computer is win 7 64 bit and the activex.exe and the main exe were written
in VB6.

Tags: Windows

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Windows 10 開始 使用管理者帳戶就壞了

Madame avatar
By Madame
at 2015-01-26T16:39
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Kelly avatar
By Kelly
at 2015-01-26T14:53
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Sierra Rose avatar
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