Amazon Intel 530 240GB 特價 $149.99 - 儲存設備

Charlie avatar
By Charlie
at 2013-11-26T18:16

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有人問到保固, 所以我最近寫信給Intel問他們:

Dear Sir/Madam,

I would like to ask if I purchase an Intel SSD,
or more specifically, an Intel 530 Series 240GB SSD,
in the United States, would the warranty still be
valid in Taiwan? That is, if my drive broke down
while I'm in Taiwan, can I RMA it in Taiwan?

Also, I would like to verify if the reseller kit
is entitled to the same 5 year warranty as the
retail box version. It seemed that they both have
the same part number (SSDSC2BW240A4K5).

Thank you.

Hi John,

Thank you for writing to Intel Customer Support.

You can request for warranty replacement in Taiwan for your
SSD even if you purchased it in US as long as the SSD is still within
the warranty. Please visit this websiste at
about how you can contact us for support.

Both the reseller or retailer version of 530 SSD covered
a limited 5 years warranty, please check out the information below:

I hope the information given above was able to answer your
inquiries. Please feel free to contact us if you have other concern.
How would you rate the support you were provided with for today? Please
reply to this mail with YES if satisfied and NO- if not. A separate email
may be sent to you a few weeks from now for our online survey. If you are
satisfied with our support, please score items where applicable with 4 or 5.
We want to know your feedback so we could make our services better.
Have a nice day!

Best Regards,

Intel Customer Support
Sharon T

簡單點來說, Intel表示:
Intel 530 240GB SSD就算是在美國買的,
只要在保固期內, 在台灣也能保固.

另外, Amazon上特價的, 是Reseller Kit,
Intel表示Reseller Kit跟零售板一樣有5年有限保固.

當然, 水貨記得不要找代理商, 要直接找Intel.


All Comments

Hedda avatar
By Hedda
at 2013-11-27T00:04
Audriana avatar
By Audriana
at 2013-11-29T04:20
英文好就是不一樣XD 感謝你
Eartha avatar
By Eartha
at 2013-11-29T22:47
Liam avatar
By Liam
at 2013-11-30T16:28
不太懂,反正都能保固就是了 XD
Hedwig avatar
By Hedwig
at 2013-12-02T19:32
推熱心好人 :)


Connor avatar
By Connor
at 2013-11-26T17:39
※ 引述《wuliou (超大學生級的專題生)》之銘言: : 最近亂逛PChome發現SSD已經不是剛推出的時候的恐怖價格了 : 想說是不是可以把他裝在我的老桌機上增加一點效能 : 最近等讀取實在等到有點煩了 : 目前配備:Intel E8400, DDRII-800 4G, W7 x64 SP1 : 主硬碟 ...


Heather avatar
By Heather
at 2013-11-26T12:59
最近亂逛PChome發現SSD已經不是剛推出的時候的恐怖價格了 想說是不是可以把他裝在我的老桌機上增加一點效能 最近等讀取實在等到有點煩了 目前配備:Intel E8400, DDRII-800 4G, W7 x64 SP1 主硬碟:WD WD3200AAKS 藍標 320G SATA2 7200轉 ...


Margaret avatar
By Margaret
at 2013-11-26T10:04
如題 我這顆硬碟一個多月沒有用了,剛剛拿出來要用的時候 他會出現咖 咖 咖 這種跳電的聲音,然後讀不到 於是我憤怒的硬幹,一直放著,後來有斷斷續續出現格式化選項 然後我又不死心繼續放著(他還是一下有讀到一下又斷掉) 最後裡面的資料我看到了,也應該都還在(我稍微按了幾個) 所以我趕快備份 但是有 ...


Erin avatar
By Erin
at 2013-11-26T07:10
各位板友你們好, 小弟目前正在備份一顆3T...因為星期天發現他開始有問題了。 本來備份得好好的只是速度有點慢, 大概過了3 4 個小時硬碟就忽然不見了,在我的電腦也看不到 幸好重開機後在BIOS還抓得到,進WINDOWS也還抓得到。 目前都還在備份中,(已經過18小時了...) 現在有個問題是, ...


Ula avatar
By Ula
at 2013-11-25T21:26
各位好, 風扇是兩顆保銳12吋一前一後,前風扇擺在下面吹三顆硬碟 第四顆硬碟因為下面沒位置,我就把它放在上面的5.25吋抽取盒裏, 目前主機板4X和顯卡都是4X度,下置的硬碟都3X度左右。 但我的機殼好像在5.25吋那裏的對流比較少,所以通常開一整天機以後, 上面的硬碟就會跑到50~53度。 雖然想過買 ...