Android: Smaller, Faster, and More Energy-Efficient - Google

Blanche avatar
By Blanche
at 2009-05-19T01:53

Table of Contents



Title: Android: Smaller, Faster, and More Energy-Efficient --- A CSC
Speaker: 台大資工廖世偉副教授
Time: 5pm~6pm May 25 (Mon), 2009
Place: Room 111, CSIE building


I will first define my overarching perspective throughout the talk: a
Computer Systems Perspective. Next, I will describe my view of Android as a
step in completing the weakest link in the 3-tier computer systems called 天地
人, or heaven-earth-man [1]. The first tier (heaven) is commonly referred to
as cloud computing. This tier has rich research history in server computing
or distributed computing: Server computing dates back to the early days of
computer age, while grid computing in a distributed environment has been hot
in the HPC community for many years. The second tier (earth) refers to PC or
TV with a power supply and also has well-funded R&D history: Bill Gates'
vision 30 years ago was to put a computer on every desk. Largely we have been
there, done that.

But oftentimes the third tier (man) is still mistakenly viewed as a poor
man's version of the desktop. This talk is about vindicating and then
improving the third tier, Computer Systems for Consumers (CSC). We advocate
the name CSC instead of the traditional EE-oriented names such as Consumer
Electronics (CE) or Embedded Systems (ES). Thus, the three tiers are:

Heaven tier: Cloud computing
Earth tier: Desktop computing
Man tier: Computer System for Consumers

The man tier is about a personalized computer system that's part of you, or a
bigger you. Assuming you are still mobile, this mobile system also has skin
(touch screen), eye (camera), mouth (speaker), ear (microphone) and "he"
knows where you are (GPS). As such, these mobile systems, especially when
connected with the "omniscient" cloud, are very powerful, social, complex,
and not hidden like a second-class ES at all. The key to optimizing and
scaling this complex man tier lies in our expertise in CSC, not in the
CE-level (or low-level) driver or hardware alone that Taiwan has
traditionally been good at. In the years to come CS discipline in Taiwan
shall become more important relative to the EE than before. To illustrate
this, I'll present and DEMO my work in optimizing the Computer Systems for
Consumers: smaller Android footprint and optimized Android execution. The
talk will end with an invitation for more students to work on the much-needed
systems area, which is less flooded than the higher-level applications area
and lower-level drivers area in Taiwan. We believe that the connected, mobile
CSC is the future.

Tags: Google

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上載寬螢幕DV影片(720*576)到YOUTUBE上 …

Bethany avatar
By Bethany
at 2009-05-18T02:32
假如真的希望使用16:9顯示的話 建議你轉成1280x960 我這邊是拿威力導演舉例 第一步 第二步 ...

picasa 的相本預設顯示的圖片大小好小喔........

Belly avatar
By Belly
at 2009-05-18T01:21
看過 xuite 和天空的相本和無名小站的相本 就是picasa 預設顯示的圖片最小了 還要在去按 + 號 圖片才會變大 這個有方法解嗎... 我是很喜歡 picasa 的...就是圖片看起來好小讓我很困擾 如果真的無解就要跳去用天空相本了... -- ------------------ ...

上載寬螢幕DV影片(720*576)到YOUTUBE上 …

Connor avatar
By Connor
at 2009-05-18T00:57
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Wallis avatar
By Wallis
at 2009-05-18T00:10
如圖 chrome firefox IE 只有chrome沒有出現,請問是什 ...

Googlemaps KEY 一組可以用於多個網頁中嘛?

Jack avatar
By Jack
at 2009-05-17T23:33
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