apache用port安裝有問題(help2man) - BBS

By Connor
at 2007-03-31T23:29
at 2007-03-31T23:29
Table of Contents
※ 引述《pondaniel (NICE~~彭彭!!)》之銘言:
: 本來連gettext都有問題,不過我爬文後再安裝就沒問題了
: 但是下列的問題我爬文爬不到@@
: ===> Building for help2man-1.36.4_1
: /libexec/ld-elf.so.1: Shared object "libintl.so.6" not found, required by
: "gmake"
AFFECTS: users of devel/gettext (ie: YOU)
AUTHOR: [email protected]
As a result of the upgrade to gettext-0.16.1, the shared library version
of libintl has changed, so you will need to rebuild all ports that
depend on gettext (ie: most of them, sorry):
portupgrade -rf gettext
portmaster -r gettext
In addition, if you have multimedia/vlc installed, you should deinstall
it *before* either of the above commands, and reinstall it manually
afterwards - vlc erroneously installs its own version of lib/charset.alias
which will overwrite the one supplied by devel/gettext otherwise.
: 本來連gettext都有問題,不過我爬文後再安裝就沒問題了
: 但是下列的問題我爬文爬不到@@
: ===> Building for help2man-1.36.4_1
: /libexec/ld-elf.so.1: Shared object "libintl.so.6" not found, required by
: "gmake"
AFFECTS: users of devel/gettext (ie: YOU)
AUTHOR: [email protected]
As a result of the upgrade to gettext-0.16.1, the shared library version
of libintl has changed, so you will need to rebuild all ports that
depend on gettext (ie: most of them, sorry):
portupgrade -rf gettext
portmaster -r gettext
In addition, if you have multimedia/vlc installed, you should deinstall
it *before* either of the above commands, and reinstall it manually
afterwards - vlc erroneously installs its own version of lib/charset.alias
which will overwrite the one supplied by devel/gettext otherwise.
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