Apple TV app is now available on all Android TV devices, - iOS

By Linda
at 2021-06-02T16:17
at 2021-06-02T16:17
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Apple TV app is now available on all Android TV devices, too
Ben Schoon - Jun. 1st 2021 9:09 am PT
Following up on Google’s promise from earlier this year, Apple TV is rolling
out to more devices running Android. Starting today, the Apple TV app is now
available on all modern Android TV devices.
Nvidia broke the news of the app arriving on its Shield TV today, but the
good news goes beyond that. Starting today, Apple TV is available for the “
Android TV OS ecosystem,” Google tells us. This means that any modern
Android TV device can access the service. The list includes your traditional
streaming box/stick including the likes of Xiaomi as well as TVs from TCL,
Hisense, and other brands. Previously, the app was only available on Sony
Bravia TVs and Chromecast with Google TV.
We’ve confirmed the app’s availability on a Hisense U8G television running
on the standard Android TV platform. The app shows up in Play Store search
and can be installed immediately.
There are no major restrictions to the availability either. Google tells us
that any Android TV device running 8.0 Oreo or higher that’s not an
operator-tier device has access to Apple TV starting today. Don’t expect a
formal announcement from Google or other OEMs, but the change should be live
now for everyone.
As we mentioned this morning, this expansion comes just in time for Apple’s
Summer content rollout. Lisey’s Story, Home Before Dark Season 2, Physcial,
Central Park Season 2, and the highly anticipated second season of Ted Lasso
are all set to debut in the coming weeks. You can catch up on everything
available on the service and what’s coming up here.
Apple TV app 現在已經可以在多數的 Android TV 系統下載了, 只要是 Android TV
8.0 以上的設備都可以下載更新。
如果不是重度依賴 Apple 生態體系的人,確實可以在未來更換電視時選擇有支援
AirPlay 2 或 Apple TV app 甚至是 HomeKit 。不一定要買 Apple TV (硬體)了。
Apple TV (硬體) 的需要性越來越低。
※ 文章網址:
※ l98:轉錄至看板 Digitalhome 06/02 16:33
※ 編輯: l98 ( 羅馬尼亞), 06/02/2021 16:34:26
→ hijacknokia: 前陣子買了一台apple tv,現在只能安慰自己有好看的 06/02 16:54
→ hijacknokia: 螢幕保護程式了 06/02 16:54
推 KimomiKai: 我的三星Q80R內建的Apple TV跟屎一樣...而且電視內建 06/02 17:29
推 KimomiKai: 的AirPlay延遲太高。 06/02 17:29
推 KimomiKai: 如果第三方沒有持續優化這部分,我想Apple TV還是會賣 06/02 17:30
推 KimomiKai: 得出去 06/02 17:30
推 baibaizo: 讚 終於看iTunes片片了 06/02 17:34
推 siegfriedlin: sony內建的airplay不錯用,拿來google meet剛好 06/02 17:57
推 homelife: 目前還是沒有Apple Music對嗎? 06/02 18:24
推 c16521652: 怪了沒有5.1聲道 06/02 19:04
→ l98: Apple Music 的話,Samsung 電視可安裝。 06/02 19:23
推 roccqqck: 可以airplay? 06/02 21:13
推 roccqqck: 載了沒有airplay功能 06/02 21:33
→ l98: 它不就只是個app,本身沒有Airplay功能呀!Airplay 2功能是要 06/02 21:40
→ l98: 看你的智慧型電視有沒有支援這項。 06/02 21:40
→ Aaso: airplay2 不太會延遲阿 用了很滿意 06/02 22:51
推 dmc721201: 為何播放時畫面會一直破圖,有人跟我一樣嗎 06/03 08:02
推 powerplus: 家裡電視是 KD55 7500F 但store找不到 06/03 20:56
→ powerplus: 有人可以正常下載嗎? 06/03 20:57
推 obb70: 我也覺得sony內建的apple tv不錯用 06/04 13:40
→ l98: 找不到下載的,問一下自己的電視廠商的客服。 06/04 14:49
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