Asus筆電升級win10後無法充電的解決方法 - 筆電

Liam avatar
By Liam
at 2015-09-07T14:21

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作者: tamado9519 (蕃茄救我一救) 看板: Windows
標題: [心得] Asus筆電升級win10後無法充電的解決方法
時間: Mon Sep 7 14:20:52 2015



關鍵字 windows 10 upgrade cannot charge Laptop

Hi - hoping people find my solution useful. I have an ASUS UX32A, but am
guessing that this problem is common to their Zenbooks. When the laptop is
fully charged, it will say "plugged in, fully charged", unfortunately, some
laptops just stop charging the battery and the light on the plug blinks red
and green meaning a fault, and will never charge again. I have read in other
threads that this can be fixed by uninstalling drivers and unplugging the
battery, but this has to be done constantly. On my UX32A the battery went
down to 4% and refused to charge at all, even when shut off. But I figured
out what the problem was: it is in the BIOS settings, for USB charging when
off, and allow laptop to go into low power mode when off. These settings were
ENABLED on mine the day the problems started, and the problems stopped when I
disabled them. So it must be a bug in the BIOS. If you have the same problem,
try changing these settings in the BIOS.

簡單說就是他的ASUS UX32A也遇到一樣狀況,後來進去bios把呃......好長一段,
我的Asus UX32VD上這個功能是叫做ASUS USB Charger+ in battery mode,選擇disabled

我剛剛對著我的Asus UX32VD照著做,現在也可以直接充電了~


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Tags: 筆電

All Comments

Olive avatar
By Olive
at 2015-09-10T13:26
沒遇到問題的人 可能有定期更新bios 我這台買到手到現
Sierra Rose avatar
By Sierra Rose
at 2015-09-12T23:10
應該就是BIOS跳線問題 用google解決問題很有成就感吧


Isabella avatar
By Isabella
at 2015-09-07T12:12
廠牌:Asus 型號:k55v 購入日期:2年前 距上次使用正常時間: OS版本:win8 平常作業內容: 有無內建還原功能(Y/N):y 問題內容: 請問是因為一次更新很多項目才這樣嗎 一直更新失敗... 麻煩大大解救小弟...謝 ...


Wallis avatar
By Wallis
at 2015-09-07T12:00
廠牌:ASUS 型號:X550JX I5 購入日期:2015/9/6 距上次使用正常時間:今天 OS版本:WIN8.1 平常作業內容:買來目前只有上網跟PTT 有無內建還原功能(Y/N):Y 問題內容:用PTT的時候有時候看文章的時候會頓個半秒左右才有反應 打字按完ENTER也是有時候等一下子才 ...

Asus X555LF 獨顯

Rachel avatar
By Rachel
at 2015-09-07T10:54
廠牌:ASUS 型號:X555LF 購入日期:9/6 距上次使用正常時間: OS版本:WIN10 平常作業內容: 有無內建還原功能(Y/N): 問題內容: 昨天剛入手的筆電 目前有出現3個比較大的問題 第一個是螢幕畫面霧霧的 很像抓不到獨顯 我到管理畫面 也是顯示內顯運作中 但是裝置管 ...


Hamiltion avatar
By Hamiltion
at 2015-09-07T10:23
原本有用散熱墊,雖然是買二手的,不過也用了4年多(///▽///)...是以下這台 最近電源孔接觸不良了...想換新 綜合許多喜歡的特點,想再買台一樣的 喜歡的點有以下: 1. 風扇轉速2300 2. 活了這麼久還很安靜,網頁說20分貝 3. 有線材收納盒 4. 防滑軟 ...

ASUS UX32VD 鍵盤不會發光

Isla avatar
By Isla
at 2015-09-07T03:39
今天幫朋友重灌windows7以後,所有驅動皆 可正常運作,唯獨鍵盤不會發光了,請問各位 是少裝到什麼驅動嗎?有按過fn+F3,F4都沒有 任何反應。(從ㄧ開機道進入桌面都不會亮) 謝謝各位。 - ...