Copy 又有更多空間囉! - 免空

By Andrew
at 2013-05-16T04:33
at 2013-05-16T04:33
Table of Contents
1. 現在所有免費的 copy 帳號都有 15gb 空間
2. 如果四個人透過分享的功能共同擁有 20gb 的資料,一人只會扣 5gb 的空間。
對小弟來說 2. 的吸引力真的滿大的!
最後這是小弟的 copy 邀請連結: 還沒用的人可以試試看 :)
Announcing Fair Storage and 15GB for All
Space for more of your amazing things.
Hello, fellow Copiers! All free Copy accounts now include 15GB of space. We
believe people deserve lots of storage to realize the full benefits of the
cloud. Also, Fair Storage for All with Copy means you will "split the bill"
for shared folders — 20GB synced between four people would only count as 5GB
per person.
Click here to read more about the announcement.
Click here to watch our Fair Storage for All video.
Earn Huge Space with Copy
Refer friends and rack up your FREE cloud storage.
Copy offers one of the most rewarding referral programs in cloud storage.
With nearly half a million users joining Copy in just the first 90 days, the
news is spreading fast.
You will earn 5GB of additional free storage for both yourself and the person
you introduce to Copy for each referral, with no limit on the total capacity
you can rack up. The average Copy referrer has already earned over 60GB of
free space, and some overachievers have reached several terabytes!
Thank you for helping us get the word out about Copy.
◢◤◢◤Aweather小風-英語教室 ◥◣◥◣
◢◤◢◤ 每個禮拜一晚上十點在以下頻道有永久免費的英文教學 ◥◣◥◣
◥◣◥◣ 分流:◢◤◢◤
◢◤◢◤ 喜歡星海的朋友或是想要聊天喇賽的也平常歡迎來坐坐 ◥◣◥◣
◥◣◥◣ 詳情可以參閱 ◢◤◢◤
1. 現在所有免費的 copy 帳號都有 15gb 空間
2. 如果四個人透過分享的功能共同擁有 20gb 的資料,一人只會扣 5gb 的空間。
對小弟來說 2. 的吸引力真的滿大的!
最後這是小弟的 copy 邀請連結: 還沒用的人可以試試看 :)
Announcing Fair Storage and 15GB for All
Space for more of your amazing things.
Hello, fellow Copiers! All free Copy accounts now include 15GB of space. We
believe people deserve lots of storage to realize the full benefits of the
cloud. Also, Fair Storage for All with Copy means you will "split the bill"
for shared folders — 20GB synced between four people would only count as 5GB
per person.
Click here to read more about the announcement.
Click here to watch our Fair Storage for All video.
Earn Huge Space with Copy
Refer friends and rack up your FREE cloud storage.
Copy offers one of the most rewarding referral programs in cloud storage.
With nearly half a million users joining Copy in just the first 90 days, the
news is spreading fast.
You will earn 5GB of additional free storage for both yourself and the person
you introduce to Copy for each referral, with no limit on the total capacity
you can rack up. The average Copy referrer has already earned over 60GB of
free space, and some overachievers have reached several terabytes!
Thank you for helping us get the word out about Copy.
◢◤◢◤Aweather小風-英語教室 ◥◣◥◣
◢◤◢◤ 每個禮拜一晚上十點在以下頻道有永久免費的英文教學 ◥◣◥◣
◥◣◥◣ 分流:◢◤◢◤
◢◤◢◤ 喜歡星海的朋友或是想要聊天喇賽的也平常歡迎來坐坐 ◥◣◥◣
◥◣◥◣ 詳情可以參閱 ◢◤◢◤
All Comments

By Queena
at 2013-05-20T17:01
at 2013-05-20T17:01

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at 2013-05-25T05:51
at 2013-05-25T05:51
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