EA vs Zynga~ - Facebook

Skylar Davis avatar
By Skylar Davis
at 2012-08-05T19:55

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EA says the infringement is so severe, it's hard to distinguish Maxis' The
Sims Social and Zynga's The Ville with an untrained eye.

EA表示這個違法真的太嚴重了,沒有受訓過的眼根本無法分辨Maxis的The Sim Social
和Zynga的The Ville

Electronic Arts announced on Friday that it has filed a a lawsuit on behalf
of its Maxis Label against Zynga Inc. for infringing EA’s copyrights to its
Facebook game, The Sims Social.

The Sims Social的著作權侵權問題

According to the publisher, the complaint was filed in the United States
District Court for the Northern District of California on August 3, 2012. It
alleges that Zynga has willfully and intentionally “copied and
misappropriated the original and distinctive expressive elements of The Sims
Social in a violation of U.S. copyright laws" with the launch of The Ville on

抄襲並且佔用那些在The Sims Social原創以及獨特的元件,違反美國著作權法,並且在
Facebook上開始營運The Ville

"The similarities go well beyond any superficial resemblance," said Lucy
Bradshaw, General Manager of EA’s Maxis Label, in a recent blog post. "Zynga
’s design choices, animations, visual arrangements and character motions and
actions have been directly lifted from The Sims Social. The copying was so
comprehensive that the two games are, to an uninitiated observer, largely
indistinguishable. Scores of media and bloggers commented on the blatant

"兩者間的相似不止於表面的相似"Lucy Bradshaw(EA在Maxis的經理特助)在一篇部落格上
說到,"Zynga在創作選擇、動畫、視覺效果、腳色移動和動作都是直接從The Sims

The Sims Social launched in August 2011, bringing the distinctive Sims
universe to Facebook. EA claims that it became an instant hit, rapidly
gaining "tens of millions" of users. The Sims Social currently maintains a
user base of several million active players on the popular social network
alone (the iOS and Android apps are separate). Meanwhile, Zynga's The Ville
was introduced in June 2012, and Bradshaw claims the infringement of The Sims
Social was "unmistakable to those of us at Maxis" as well as to players and
the industry at large.

在2011年8月開始營運的The Sims Social,把獨特的Sims帶到全球,EA聲稱一推出就成為
轟動,並有大量的使用者加入。The Sims Social現在維持幾百萬的使用者(仍在使用的)
並且在各平台上都有。同時間,Zynga的The Ville在2012年6月開始營運,Bradshaw聲稱
其對於The Sims Social的違法行為是"對於Maxis是不可能會弄錯的"(翻譯不太對請見諒)

"This is a case of principle," Bradshaw said. "Maxis isn’t the first studio
to claim that Zynga copied its creative product. But we are the studio that
has the financial and corporate resources to stand up and do something about
it. Infringing a developer’s copyright is not an acceptable practice in
game development. By calling Zynga out on this illegal practice, we hope to
have a secondary effect of protecting the rights of other creative studios
who don’t have the resources to protect themselves."


"Today, we hope to be taking a stand that helps the industry protect the
value of original creative works and those that work tirelessly to create
them," she added.


As of this writing, Zynga has not responded to the lawsuit.







Tags: Facebook

All Comments

Ina avatar
By Ina
at 2012-08-10T15:12
我覺得The Ville有點粗糙耶 雖然比較不LAG
Odelette avatar
By Odelette
at 2012-08-11T00:32
感覺蠻可笑的... 兩間公司的畫風明顯不一樣都可以凹...
Tracy avatar
By Tracy
at 2012-08-11T23:16
而且另外一個遊戲 SimCity Social 沒有被告就應該要偷笑了
Zenobia avatar
By Zenobia
at 2012-08-15T04:25
對啊怎麼會是 EA 告 Zynga 而不是反過來
Ophelia avatar
By Ophelia
at 2012-08-19T21:27
Linda avatar
By Linda
at 2012-08-21T09:43
拜託~SimCity可是建設類遊戲的始祖耶!CV沒被告才要偷笑吧= =
Charlotte avatar
By Charlotte
at 2012-08-21T11:03
Simcity 可是歷史悠久阿~~
Catherine avatar
By Catherine
at 2012-08-24T12:20
可是 PC 版的 Simcity 系列都沒有能量條... (被圍毆)


Necoo avatar
By Necoo
at 2012-08-05T19:32
請問粉絲頁首圖左下方的「關於」那幾行字,可以換行嗎? http://www.facebook.com/AfterThatDay 我想把英文字and#34;After that dayand#34;那一句換到第二行... 試了好久都不行, 看了一些粉絲團好像也都不行? 唉不換行好醜陋啊 T______ ...

蝸牛馬拉松 淘汰賽 跑完之後卻發現...

Hardy avatar
By Hardy
at 2012-08-05T19:25
☑ 我確認我已經按 z 瀏覽過精華區且也用 / 功能搜尋過板面上相關文章 注意:請按 Ctrl+X 再按 T 修改文章標題使之包含應用程式名稱 ─────────────────────────────────────── 今天是蝸牛馬拉松淘汰賽第一次登場,我的本尊與分身都有進入 淘汰賽就是了. ...


Joseph avatar
By Joseph
at 2012-08-05T18:13
今天發現我的FB被強制給成動態時報了... 有些功能還不是很熟... 想請問一下 我去別人的塗鴉版留言 但是我自己的FB不會顯示出來耶... 有去隱私設定那邊看了 但好像沒有這方面的設定 請問要怎麼在我的塗鴉版顯示出來呢?? - ...

The ville 簡單心得

Ophelia avatar
By Ophelia
at 2012-08-05T17:14
因為玩HC的關係 認識了The Ville 玩到現在 簡單一點心得 1.持續有邀請朋友問題 有數個朋友有時候會出現在下方有時不會 但不管我們互相發送幾次邀請都無法成功鄰居 就一直邀請來邀請去 所以就算看到板上有詢友文我也意興闌珊 要是加不進去一切白搭阿 (不過還是有一兩個一次就加成功了) ...


Caroline avatar
By Caroline
at 2012-08-05T16:39
動態時報我如果一直不用到底會怎樣 最近看我同學被強迫更新了 那以後我被強迫更新了我又不放照片 或是不用他的功能這樣不是很奇怪嗎 其實我連他有什麼特別的都不知道Orz 還有想問另外一個問題 我辦活動但是每次都找不到要怎麼進去活動頁面 冏 FB難道不能方便一點嗎什麼都要用的很複雜 不用又找不到人. ...