EVGA Precision 1.8.0 Released - 顯卡

Robert avatar
By Robert
at 2009-08-19T16:27

Table of Contents




Version History:

EVGA Precision v1.8.0 (2009-08-18)

* All vendor specific hardware access code has been moved from the
executable file to separate hardware abstraction layer library (RTHAL.dll) to
simplify the process of supporting new hardware products in the future

* Fixed GDI resource leak during monitoring window detachment /

* EVGA On-Screen Display Server has been updated to version 3.4.0.
New version adds pre-created On-Screen Display rendering profile for "The
Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena" and introduces floating
injection address hooking technology aimed to reduce the risk of On-Screen
Display detection by third party applications (e.g. anti-cheat systems).

* New skin format v1.2 gives new possibilities to skin developers and
reduces skin file size and runtime skin engine memory footprint.

* Reduced CPU usage for simultaneous GPU and PCB temperature
readings, both sensors are being read in single pass now.

* Added workaround for SLI mode switching related issues on ForceWare
190.xx series drivers. Now Precision is waiting for the end of SLI mode
switching process before retrieving any data via NVIDIA driver API.

* Includes new "Sleek Skins" by Jonttu.


Tags: 顯卡

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4870 wow low FPS 問題

Kumar avatar
By Kumar
at 2009-08-19T15:10
那個 大家好 第一次來這邊發問 最近遇到一個很尷尬的問題 我的電腦原本用的是 ASUS 4870 1G DDR5 櫻花妹版 跑魔獸時 在達拉然的FPS雖說不是很顯眼 但是起碼有20張 (陰影品質 雜物特效最低) 原本是從4850 升上來 卻得不到太多的喜悅。但是也沒想太多就將就用著 直到今天 幫朋友 ...

灌顯卡驅動 w7進windows會藍畫面 xp會頓

Odelette avatar
By Odelette
at 2009-08-19T13:59
最近新買的骨灰上將 原本想說用w7 可是灌完顯卡驅動之後 重開就藍畫面了 原本以為是w7的問題 就改換xp 可是xp灌完驅動後 有的時候會當掉 幾十秒後就恢復了 然後我玩魔獸爭霸 就會出現藍畫面 然後重開 現在我把驅動移除 就不會頓了 應該是顯卡的問題吧? 都是灌驅動之後就出問題 ...

asus 4770 formula

Hamiltion avatar
By Hamiltion
at 2009-08-19T13:59
上禮拜三入手 台中NOVA某家店(忘了) 非公版,散熱風扇改成賽車狀 要價4900 NT 我的電腦配備 AMD4800+ 2G RAM 550W POWER(兩年前的) SP3作業系統 我從來不覺得我插這張卡下去會有啥問題 但是 我玩GTA4竟然玩到一半會黑屏... 一開始只是LAG. ...


Frederica avatar
By Frederica
at 2009-08-19T13:41
不然您的滑鼠移到開始工作列那邊會不見 超爛 裡面的選項不知道搞多久了還是搞不好 小弟在此建議各位 千萬千萬不要裝190.38 等那些engineer改好了再說 (  ̄ c ̄)y▂ξ -- ㊣ ◥◣ ▅█▅ ◢══◣ by ...


Isla avatar
By Isla
at 2009-08-19T13:26
抱歉,因為真的非常不懂電腦 但是考完試很想玩遊戲 主機板內建的顯卡又老是不夠力 所以想請教華碩這款的P5GC-MX/1333可以搭配哪種顯卡? 現在是 雷電3、瘋狂計程車3、Nation_Red 等遊戲都沒辦法玩... 可以請大家推薦幾張顯卡嗎? 小弟還是學生,所以價格實惠也是考量重點 所以二手 ...