Flickr goes international with seven new languages - Flickr

Tom avatar
By Tom
at 2007-06-12T18:17

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Flickr goes international with seven new languages

By Eric Auchard

Tue Jun 12, 1:06 AM ET

SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Flickr, the popular online photo-sharing site owned
by Yahoo Inc. (Nasdaq:YHOO - news), said on Monday it is moving to further
internationalize its service by creating versions in seven major languages
besides English.

The three-year-old service, which was founded in Vancouver, Canada by the
husband-and-wife team of Caterina Fake and Stewart Butterfield, already sees
more than half of its users coming from outside the United States.

Flickr said it is set to introduce sites in French, German, Korean, Italian,
Portuguese, Spanish and traditional Chinese, with other languages to follow.
A Japanese site remains in the works with independently operated Yahoo Japan

"These are the markets where Flickr is taking off already," Butterfield said
in an interview.

"Why are we only getting around to this now?" he asked self-mockingly. "There
are two answers. One: We are stupid. Two: that we are late."

As of April, Flickr had 24 million active monthly users, according to online
audience measurement firm comScore Inc. Fifty-five percent come from overseas
and the rest are located in the United States, according to internal company

Flickr was first to popularize the notion of Web site "tagging," the simple
trick of applying short words or phrases to help other Web users find
material of interest.

The sites users have added around 12.5 million unique tags, including generic
words and geographic and other names, according to Butterfield. There are
some 525 million photos stored on Flickr, the company said in a statement.

Besides the United States, the top other two countries for Flickr users are
Britain and Canada, Butterfield said, citing internal company data. Germany,
Brazil, Spain, France and then Australia make up the next five countries in
terms of users.

Tags: Flickr

All Comments

Margaret avatar
By Margaret
at 2007-06-15T07:51
Sandy avatar
By Sandy
at 2007-06-19T03:58
Callum avatar
By Callum
at 2007-06-19T19:17
Caroline avatar
By Caroline
at 2007-06-20T07:12
原來是這樣阿~~ 不過居然是香港yahoo翻的....所以還是..


Odelette avatar
By Odelette
at 2007-06-12T00:39
上回忘了在哪個板上看到一個連結,是某使用者的一般圖片,有tag。 但點擊tag後卻顯示該tag無照片,我再試著察看該使用者的大量tag, 有些tag點入後也顯示沒有內容物。 那該圖片為何可以被直接察看呢?(雖然是直接從網址連入的) 印象中也沒見到有guest pass的字樣。 是否有辦法讓某些tag與se ...


Cara avatar
By Cara
at 2007-06-11T23:25
抱歉 來這裡討教一下 我有一個set目前是設定隱藏 之前好像有看到一篇文章是教說 就算瀏覽者沒有flickr的帳號也可以看得到這個相簿 不曉得 有哪一位大哥 可以指點一下 該要怎麼設定呢 讓這些沒有相簿的人也可以看得到照片 謝謝 Orz - ...


Linda avatar
By Linda
at 2007-06-11T22:04
※ 引述《airdog29 (黑熊)》之銘言: : : 這個網址他做的超連結我可以理解 但是裡面有個Larger version連結到 : http://fa ...


Olga avatar
By Olga
at 2007-06-11T20:44 這個網址他做的超連結我可以理解 但是裡面有個Larger version連結到 ...


Megan avatar
By Megan
at 2007-06-11T16:31
我之前不知道在哪改了網址 也記得只能改一次 例如這樣 (隨便打xxx還真有其人) 但現在忘了是在哪裡修改 有印象的朋友可以告訴我嗎 -- [Pantheon] Muses of the 60and#39;s http://www.wret ...