FreeBSD 6.2 可以支援硬體 RAID 嗎? - BBS

By Audriana
at 2007-03-08T14:27
at 2007-03-08T14:27
Table of Contents
OS: FreeBSD 6.2-RELEASE-amd64
主機板: (AMD Athlon AM2) M2N-MX
CPU: (AMD AM2 940) SEMPRON 3000+
Memory: A-TOP 1G DDRII
Hard Disk: Maxtor 160GB SATA2/8MB *2
想用以上設備做兩顆硬碟的 raid 1,並用光碟安裝。
但是當進入安裝畫面,要做 partition 時,它告訴我:
No disks found! Please verify that your disk controller is being
properly probed at boot time. See the Hardware Guide on the
Documentation menu for clues on diagnosing this type of problem.
若將 BIOS 中的 IDE Configuration 中的
nVidia RAID Function 從 Enabled 改成 Disabled 再行安裝,
則不僅兩顆硬碟都可被抓到,跑出 ad4 跟 ad8,
還會多跑出 ar0 這個 drive。
此時若決定安裝 FreeBSD 在 ad4 或 ad8,系統會跑出以下訊息:
WARNING: A geometry of 310101/16/63 for ad4 is incorrect. Using
a more likely geometry. If this geometry is incorrect or you
are unsure as to whether or not it's correct, please consult
the Hardware Guide in the Documentation submenu or use the
(G)eometry command to change it now.
Remember: you need to enter whatever your BIOS thinks the
geometry is! For IDE, it's what you were told in the BIOS
setup. for SCSI, it's the translation mode your controller is
using. Do NOT use a ``physical geometry''.
這是在 RAID 已經建好的狀態,若再將 RAID 砍了,
則只會有 ad4 跟 ad8 兩個 drives。
請問我該怎麼做,才能用硬體 raid 安裝 FreeBSD 呢??
還是說 ar0 實際上就代表了 RAID 呢,安裝在 ar0 即可呢??
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