Gmail Available to Everyone in Egypt(埃及) - Google

By Caroline
at 2006-12-06T11:41
at 2006-12-06T11:41
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暨 澳洲 紐西蘭 日本之後
Gmail Available to Everyone in Egypt
People from Digg report that Gmail doesn't require invitations and you can
get an account by simply going to this page if you are in Egypt. Although the
Digg post stated that Gmail is available without invitation worldwide, it
seems that it's not the case. At the moment, the other countries where Gmail
is a public beta are: Australia, New Zealand and Japan. The day when Gmail
will be available to everyone is close.
Gmail Available to Everyone in Egypt
People from Digg report that Gmail doesn't require invitations and you can
get an account by simply going to this page if you are in Egypt. Although the
Digg post stated that Gmail is available without invitation worldwide, it
seems that it's not the case. At the moment, the other countries where Gmail
is a public beta are: Australia, New Zealand and Japan. The day when Gmail
will be available to everyone is close.
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