Gmail的Labs如何開啟? - Google

By Hardy
at 2009-04-18T12:33
at 2009-04-18T12:33
Table of Contents
※ 引述《hyi (懿)》之銘言:
: : → hector28:現在連中文版都有囉,不用切換語系。 04/18 11:17
: 嗚嗚,那我的 Settings 裡為什麼還是只有:
: General、Accounts、Labels、Filters、Forwarding and POP/IMAP、Chat、Web Clips
: 好像 Labs 應該要出現在最後一個 sheet? (
看看 Gmail 官方的說明:
Don't see the 'Labs' tab in your Settings? It could be because Gmail
labs aren't yet compatible with all of our supported browsers. Labs
are available only in Internet Explorer 7.0+, Firefox 2.0+, Safari
3.0+, and Google Chrome. You won't see a 'Labs' tab in your Settings
if you're not using the newer version of Gmail on the browsers listed
above. So keep in mind, if you're using Internet Explorer 6.0, you
will not have Gmail Labs.
如果還在用 IE 6 的話,
雖然它的說明是說 Gmail labs 「尚未」與 IE 6 相容,
不過我個人倒是覺得應該不會有相容的那麼一天了 XD
: : → hector28:現在連中文版都有囉,不用切換語系。 04/18 11:17
: 嗚嗚,那我的 Settings 裡為什麼還是只有:
: General、Accounts、Labels、Filters、Forwarding and POP/IMAP、Chat、Web Clips
: 好像 Labs 應該要出現在最後一個 sheet? (
看看 Gmail 官方的說明:
Don't see the 'Labs' tab in your Settings? It could be because Gmail
labs aren't yet compatible with all of our supported browsers. Labs
are available only in Internet Explorer 7.0+, Firefox 2.0+, Safari
3.0+, and Google Chrome. You won't see a 'Labs' tab in your Settings
if you're not using the newer version of Gmail on the browsers listed
above. So keep in mind, if you're using Internet Explorer 6.0, you
will not have Gmail Labs.
如果還在用 IE 6 的話,
雖然它的說明是說 Gmail labs 「尚未」與 IE 6 相容,
不過我個人倒是覺得應該不會有相容的那麼一天了 XD
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