google assistant 無法連動電視 (300P) - 手機討論

By Agatha
at 2021-08-23T14:42
at 2021-08-23T14:42
Table of Contents
我想要透過 siri 開關我的 chromecast with Google TV
作法是手機 siri ----> 手機 google assistant ----> chromecast with Google TV
我透過 google assistant 指令 「關閉我房間的電視」
只會關掉 chromecast 的電源,chromecast 不會連動關掉電視
導致電視顯示 「無訊號」
透過 assistant 開啟 chromecast 也可以連動把電視電源打開,但就是沒辦法關閉
想請教有沒有解法... 奉上 300P 作為答謝
→ Microscft:從dos玩到win8 就剛好win的server版沒玩過啊 09/27 11:29
→ Microscft:去做簽名檔啊 如果你們樂意這隻蛆爽到升天的話 09/27 11:35
作法是手機 siri ----> 手機 google assistant ----> chromecast with Google TV
我透過 google assistant 指令 「關閉我房間的電視」
只會關掉 chromecast 的電源,chromecast 不會連動關掉電視
導致電視顯示 「無訊號」
透過 assistant 開啟 chromecast 也可以連動把電視電源打開,但就是沒辦法關閉
想請教有沒有解法... 奉上 300P 作為答謝
→ Microscft:北七 你去找一個要按ctrl-alt-del來登入的系統給我看09/27 11:18
→ Microscft:找不到你就學大和田那樣跟我下跪 09/27 11:19 → Microscft:幹你們一堆人是用哪個平行宇宙的電腦? 睜眼說瞎話09/27 11:23
推 tokyoto: 09/27 11:26 
→ Microscft:去做簽名檔啊 如果你們樂意這隻蛆爽到升天的話 09/27 11:35
All Comments

By Rachel
at 2021-08-26T04:17
at 2021-08-26T04:17

By Bennie
at 2021-08-28T17:52
at 2021-08-28T17:52

By Mary
at 2021-08-31T07:28
at 2021-08-31T07:28

By Donna
at 2021-09-02T21:03
at 2021-09-02T21:03

By Poppy
at 2021-09-05T10:38
at 2021-09-05T10:38

By George
at 2021-09-08T00:14
at 2021-09-08T00:14

By Catherine
at 2021-09-10T13:49
at 2021-09-10T13:49

By Brianna
at 2021-09-13T03:24
at 2021-09-13T03:24

By Delia
at 2021-09-15T17:00
at 2021-09-15T17:00

By Lauren
at 2021-09-18T06:35
at 2021-09-18T06:35

By Zenobia
at 2021-09-20T20:10
at 2021-09-20T20:10

By Annie
at 2021-09-23T09:46
at 2021-09-23T09:46

By Oliver
at 2021-09-25T23:21
at 2021-09-25T23:21

By Freda
at 2021-09-28T12:56
at 2021-09-28T12:56

By Hardy
at 2021-10-01T02:32
at 2021-10-01T02:32

By Noah
at 2021-10-03T16:07
at 2021-10-03T16:07

By Ingrid
at 2021-10-06T05:42
at 2021-10-06T05:42

By Puput
at 2021-10-08T19:18
at 2021-10-08T19:18
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