google pages可以管理多個site... - Google

Hedda avatar
By Hedda
at 2006-09-26T22:26

Table of Contents

※ 引述《evoodoo (vivi)》之銘言:
: how to operate it?
在右邊 Uploaded stuff 上方有個 Site Settings
進去把 Experimental features 改成 on
: ※ 引述《chris234 (ZGMF-X19A)》之銘言:
: : 剛剛發現的 不曉得是不是新增的功能 ^^"
: : 以前只能用
: : 現在同一個ID可以新增許多site
: : 每個site是獨立的100MB網頁空間 @@"
2 new features

Multiple Sites: If you have experimental features enabled for your
site, you can now create an additional four sites with unique URLs.

File Uploads: The cap on file uploads was at 100. You wanted more, so
we bumped it up to 500.

(salgat) If I get a new Gmail account, will I be able to have my user
name as my site's URL?

Yes, our databases are working together.

(vivakevian) Why aren't these new features being posted in the
updates group?

I mentioned this before, but will again. I dropped the ball on this
one. These announcements will/should go out right when we launch new
features. I'll make it a priority to deliver this information in a
more timely fashion.

(Helpme74) - If I have a 2nd Gmail account, then I can have a total
of 10 sites. Am I breaking any rules?

Nope - that's perfectly fine.

(nick@@) - Can I create multiple sites if I'm a part of Google Apps
for your Domain.

Nope - this feature is only available to our general Google Page
Creator users.

(Joao) - Is there a tool available so I can transfer my pages from
one site to another.

Not at this time.

(Mhenriday) - Can I now have 500 files per site or 500 files total?

500 per site. Also, the 100MB limit has not changed.

(Iisensei) - Can I delete a multiple site or release the name?

Not at this time.

Tags: Google

All Comments

Google Calendar New Features!

Erin avatar
By Erin
at 2006-09-26T17:37
Calendars with web content events and special icons Weand#39;ve added a new calendar format with a little extra eye candy. These calendars have small icons ...

想要一組Gmail >"<a.....

Elizabeth avatar
By Elizabeth
at 2006-09-26T16:14
小弟最近想要申請一組Gmail...卻不知道去哪生邀請信 以前不需要的時候常常看到 XD... 所以來這求救 看有沒有人能分享一下 先行謝過 Q.Q - ...


Kyle avatar
By Kyle
at 2006-09-26T05:57
奇怪,圖片搜尋都一直說找不到伺服器..可是網頁搜尋功能一切正常.. 請問可能是什麼問題? - ...

Re: 請問Google Spreadsheets

Caitlin avatar
By Caitlin
at 2006-09-25T23:39
※ 引述《huangkai (阿凱)》之銘言: : 請問 Google Spreadsheets 的 share 部份 : 勾選 Let anyone view. 之後,會給一個網址 : 還以為是人人都可以看,但是似乎是一定要有 Google Account : 就算我寄e-mail來分享 收到mail的人 ...


Gary avatar
By Gary
at 2006-09-25T22:31
大家好: 我想請問一下,我想把我的網頁搜尋排序排前面一點,..我知道好像交錢可以比較前面 可是我找不到這個GOOGLE網頁..可以請教大家一下嗎.. 非常感謝您的幫忙。 - ...