Heartbleed 受影響的Android機器 - Android

Eden avatar
By Eden
at 2014-04-20T10:54

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Android phones that run Android version 4.1.1. are vulnerable to the
Heartbleed, which allows hackers to steal their data.
跑Android 4.1.1的,會受到OpenSSL HeartBleed安全漏洞影響,

Lookout analyzed the operating systems of more than 100,000 Android users
nationwide and found the Android phones most vulnerable to Heartbleed are the
HTC Evo, the HTC One S and the HTC One X. Also vulnerable were some Motorola
Atrix HD and HTC One X+.


Only a small percentage of all Android phones are vulnerable because most
Android phones have been upgraded to Android 4.2.2 (a later version of Jelly
Bean,) which Google says is not vulnerable to Heartbleed.


Lookout advises Android users with vulnerable phones to update their
operating system to the latest version of Android. To see if you're running
the latest version, check your settings and find the "about" and "software
update" options (or whatever your phone's equivalent is.)


If no update is available for your phone, you may'll have to wait for your
manufacturer and carrier to issue an update. Lookout notes that in some
cases, they may never release an update and that some users may have phones
too old to run Android 4.2.2.

Android 4.2.2 版本。


Tags: Android

All Comments

Daniel avatar
By Daniel
at 2014-04-22T19:15
刷CM吧 如果可刷
Zora avatar
By Zora
at 2014-04-26T07:57
小米2s表示 打死不升級

Nexus7 一代變耗電??

Quanna avatar
By Quanna
at 2014-04-20T10:48
Nexus7 1代近期變得很耗電 之前有送修單換電池 想要送修,但擔心會愈修愈差嘛?? 請問送修後會給你整新機 ,還是良品??? 3Q - ...

Sony Xperia V 升級囉(210)

Zenobia avatar
By Zenobia
at 2014-04-20T01:54
自從2月中升級至4.3後 災情四起(換主題會無限開機.在移動物體[Ex:火車.汽車]上用3G行動網路會重新開機) 3月中的更新臺灣版又遲遲不跟進 直到這幾天終於可以更新了(連結PCC才能) 希望可以改善這些問題.不知道各位大大更新後有沒有什麼改善或新災情可以分享 http://i.imgur.com/fZrb ...


Zanna avatar
By Zanna
at 2014-04-20T01:47
請問大家喔 如果講將人封鎖 那你LINE的大頭貼換照片 對方會看得到嗎? 謝謝囉! - ...


Iris avatar
By Iris
at 2014-04-20T00:37
http://i.imgur.com/Jx3SWwg.png 我信任的應用程式 前面那個框框沒辦法打勾 誰可以幫幫我 -- Sent from my Android - ...


Olga avatar
By Olga
at 2014-04-20T00:36
大家好 因為家裡的長輩已經80多歲了 早上都會騎腳踏車出門運動 雖然距離不遠,但還是希望能掌握行蹤比較放心 但教導他們拿手機他們都很排斥 只好用被動一點的方式 目前想法是在車上裝個小包包 買個智慧型手機+行動電源 利用GOOGLE內建的裝置管理員做觀察 我的需求就是能掌握這隻手機的位置在 ...