iOS 13.1.1 出爐 - iOS

By Xanthe
at 2019-09-28T01:14
at 2019-09-28T01:14
Table of Contents
- Fixes issues that could prevent iPhone restoring from backup
- Addresses an issue that could cause battery to drain more quickly
- Fixes an issue that could impact recognition of Siri requests on iPhone 11,
iPhone 11 Pro and iPhone 11 Pro Max
修復了iPhone 11系列可能影響Siri請求識別的問題
- Resolves a problem where Safari search suggestions may re-enable after
turning them off
- Addresses an issue that could cause Reminders to sync slowly
- Fixes a security issue for third-party keyboard apps
大家期待的拍照功能 deep fusion 尚未出爐
- Fixes issues that could prevent iPhone restoring from backup
- Addresses an issue that could cause battery to drain more quickly
- Fixes an issue that could impact recognition of Siri requests on iPhone 11,
iPhone 11 Pro and iPhone 11 Pro Max
修復了iPhone 11系列可能影響Siri請求識別的問題
- Resolves a problem where Safari search suggestions may re-enable after
turning them off
- Addresses an issue that could cause Reminders to sync slowly
- Fixes a security issue for third-party keyboard apps
大家期待的拍照功能 deep fusion 尚未出爐
推 sophina923: ...... 09/28 01:15
推 western: 剛也看到了 09/28 01:16
推 lawwwwwwwer: 這次13真的全民公測... 09/28 01:18
→ kouta: Fixes issues that could prevent iPhone restoring from 09/28 01:18
→ kouta: backupAddresses an issue that could cause battery to d 09/28 01:18
→ kouta: rain more quicklyFixes an issue that could impact reco 09/28 01:18
→ kouta: gnition of Siri requests on iPhone 11, iPhone 11 Pro a 09/28 01:18
→ kouta: nd iPhone 11 Pro MaxResolves a problem where Safari se 09/28 01:18
→ kouta: arch suggestions may re-enable after turning them offA 09/28 01:18
→ kouta: ddresses an issue that could cause Reminders to sync s 09/28 01:18
→ kouta: lowlyFixes a security issue for third-party keyboard a 09/28 01:18
→ kouta: pps 09/28 01:18
※ 編輯: wsa28 ( 臺灣), 09/28/2019 01:43:14 → lunar: 什麼時候才要修連結問題... 09/28 01:46
推 maxw1102: 很少在禮拜六凌晨推更新的欸 09/28 02:59
→ ooxxboy: 這次13問題真的多 09/28 03:15
推 iorinick: 12也是啊 剛出時一堆毛 09/28 09:03
推 ooxxboy: 從8到12從沒發生問題過,這次13真的是慘耶,問題超多 09/28 09:35
推 JoeArtanis: 最多問題的不是iOS 13吧....13真的還好 09/28 09:40
→ ichen30259: iOS 11表示: 09/28 09:57
推 lu731015: 12才是問題最少的吧,歷代剛出都問題一堆,11還是整代悲 09/28 10:02
→ lu731015: 劇... 09/28 10:02
推 tonysd: 12應該是因為11爛到讓大家覺得12很棒... 09/28 10:07
推 lily7777: 11史上最爛毫無懸念 09/28 12:25
推 frozenmeat: ios11是有什麼超爛BUG嗎 我X到現在還在用@@ 09/28 14:23
推 lily7777: 升了12就知道爛在哪 09/28 14:31
推 frozenmeat: 現在好像只能更新13.1了XD 再觀望下 09/28 15:13
→ member7023: ios11爛都無感 你應該用五千元的手機就夠惹 09/28 19:31
推 sing60905: 我很訝異有人還停留在11 09/28 19:41
推 star951357: iOS 11超不ok 09/28 23:35
推 frozenmeat: 就11.1用到現在 也沒特別更新哈哈 09/30 17:45
All Comments

By Sarah
at 2019-10-02T11:10
at 2019-10-02T11:10

By Odelette
at 2019-10-03T01:11
at 2019-10-03T01:11

By Iris
at 2019-10-04T09:10
at 2019-10-04T09:10

By Ivy
at 2019-10-05T03:26
at 2019-10-05T03:26

By Madame
at 2019-10-09T23:59
at 2019-10-09T23:59

By Una
at 2019-10-14T18:54
at 2019-10-14T18:54

By Ursula
at 2019-10-15T10:06
at 2019-10-15T10:06

By John
at 2019-10-16T08:00
at 2019-10-16T08:00

By Puput
at 2019-10-21T06:22
at 2019-10-21T06:22

By Liam
at 2019-10-23T14:21
at 2019-10-23T14:21

By Emily
at 2019-10-27T22:49
at 2019-10-27T22:49

By Barb Cronin
at 2019-10-28T17:57
at 2019-10-28T17:57

By Isabella
at 2019-10-29T04:06
at 2019-10-29T04:06

By Odelette
at 2019-11-01T10:52
at 2019-11-01T10:52

By Kelly
at 2019-11-01T14:45
at 2019-11-01T14:45

By Kelly
at 2019-11-04T12:24
at 2019-11-04T12:24

By Isla
at 2019-11-06T16:34
at 2019-11-06T16:34

By Valerie
at 2019-11-07T19:01
at 2019-11-07T19:01

By Catherine
at 2019-11-10T15:09
at 2019-11-10T15:09

By Quintina
at 2019-11-15T01:50
at 2019-11-15T01:50

By Edwina
at 2019-11-16T05:22
at 2019-11-16T05:22
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