iPhone 5 Launching in Second Week of September? - MAC

Rosalind avatar
By Rosalind
at 2011-07-28T17:43

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iPhone 5 Launching in Second Week of September? iPad 3 Later?

The China Times pinpoints the iPhone 5 release to the second week of September
with an initial order of 4 million units. Suppliers are said to be currently
preparing 400,000 trial run units. The news report also reports that the next
iPad may be delayed until Thanksgiving due to component shortages.

A mid September launch lines up nicely with current expectations for the
iPhone 5 release. Apple has held an iPod media event in September for the
past 3 years. With no iPhone release during this year's WWDC, Apple is expected
to include the iPhone launch at this September event alongside the public
release of iOS 5.

There's been some debate about what features the iPhone 5 will include.
Recently leaked case designs have shown some major design changes, while other
sources have said the iPhone 5 will look largely like the iPhone 4.

The China Times has had a hit or miss record with Apple-related rumors, though
they do seem close to Apple's suppliers in China and may certainly have
knowledge of their production plans. Reuters had previously also reported the
iPhone 5 would see a September release with production beginning in July.

Last Release: June 24, 2010
Days Since Update: 399 (Avg = 256)

Tags: MAC

All Comments

Brianna avatar
By Brianna
at 2011-08-01T08:37
iphone 更新不需要再用推算的了,因為以往都是6月發表
Selena avatar
By Selena
at 2011-08-04T20:00
Franklin avatar
By Franklin
at 2011-08-05T00:49
Quanna avatar
By Quanna
at 2011-08-07T12:53
樓上張爸 不要點
Zanna avatar
By Zanna
at 2011-08-09T21:32
Callum avatar
By Callum
at 2011-08-12T21:35
也不知道是不是真的 聽聽就好

iPhone5傳9月5日開賣 蘋果走強

Harry avatar
By Harry
at 2011-07-28T17:26
http://beta.tw.news.yahoo.com/iphone5傳9月5日開賣-蘋果走強-200100613.html iPhone5傳9月5日開賣 蘋果走強 根據最新傳聞,蘋果公司9月5日將在美國推出iPhone 5,一個月後在全球問世。蘋果股價 26日收盤突破400美元大關,再創天價,現在部 ...

把Safari v5.1 降級至 v5.0.5

Edward Lewis avatar
By Edward Lewis
at 2011-07-28T16:39
新版的 Safari v5.1 雖然增加了一些新功能,像閱讀列表,不過很多人反應說 升級至 Safari v5.1 之後,原本的外掛都不能使用了,怎麼辦? (小弟常用的 1password,evernote 也暫時不能用了)有一個辦法大家可以試看看,就是把 Safari v5.1 降級至 v5.0.5。 ...


Cara avatar
By Cara
at 2011-07-28T16:02
前幾天剛因入手的mbp13 2011 馬上就up to date升級成lion了 不過kkbox最近狂當機耶 我大概點開只能聽個一首歌 就會當掉問我要不要回報 或是要加歌進新歌單的話也會馬上當掉 爬文看一下大家好像沒這麼問題 感覺是kkbox還不支援lion的感覺 上來問問看大家是不是有一樣的 ...

Paragon NTFS for Mac 限時免費

Selena avatar
By Selena
at 2011-07-28T15:48
http://www.giveawayoftheday.com/ntfs-for-mac-os-x-9-special/ 支援 Lion 的版本限時免費中 下載: http://www.giveawayoftheday.com/download/?id=22673 申請序號: http://www.para ...

Parallels Desktop 6.0.12090 嚴重的記憶體處理 Bug

Heather avatar
By Heather
at 2011-07-28T14:38
目前已知道PD 6.0.12090 可以在 OS X Lion上正常運作 但是具有嚴重的記憶體利用瑕疵 隨著虛擬機使用的時間拉長(大約開 5 hrs) 會發現系統的記憶體會慢慢減少 已經發現是 PD6 會強制占用記憶體而不釋放 造成系統嚴重延遲!! 解決辦法: 只能關閉 PD6 讓他把記憶體吐出來 並重新執 ...