iWork 更新了! - MAC

By Kristin
at 2013-11-22T08:29
at 2013-11-22T08:29
Table of Contents
Customize the toolbar with your most important tools.
Center and edge guides are on by default.
Stability improvements and bug fixes.
Customize the toolbar with your most important tools.
New transitions includiing Blinds, Color Planes, Confetti, Fall, Perspectives,
Pivot, and Swoosh
Stability improvements and bug fixes.
Customize the toolbar with your most important tools.
Window size and placement preserved on Save
Set default zoom in preferences
Stability improvements and bug fixes.
※ 編輯: mingmin 來自: (11/22 08:34)
Customize the toolbar with your most important tools.
Center and edge guides are on by default.
Stability improvements and bug fixes.
Customize the toolbar with your most important tools.
New transitions includiing Blinds, Color Planes, Confetti, Fall, Perspectives,
Pivot, and Swoosh
Stability improvements and bug fixes.
Customize the toolbar with your most important tools.
Window size and placement preserved on Save
Set default zoom in preferences
Stability improvements and bug fixes.
※ 編輯: mingmin 來自: (11/22 08:34)
推 ninaninan:看到這個真是太感動了 不然只能被逼著用word啊 11/22 08:36
推 starbops:改革開放~ 11/22 08:48
推 simongarden:感動推 11/22 09:49
→ winlaplace:小更新,沒什麼變更,閹割過的東西還是沒回來 11/22 10:12
推 a3619453:很多功能都有加回來了吧 11/22 11:03
→ schel:XD,之前在罵不能自訂工作列爛死了,現在可以了,卻說沒啥變 11/22 11:25
推 celex:自定工具列真的是其次...現在根本沒啥工具啊~~~~ 11/22 11:37
→ hyperino:....歡欣鼓舞的是有沒有讀過那幾行短短的更新列表.. 11/22 11:55
→ schel:自訂工具列本來就是很方便的工具,加回來為什麼不能高興啊? 11/22 12:10
推 silaqui:X.0.1更新, 也沒指望有什麼大改進吧... 估計要等X.1 11/22 12:11
→ schel:自訂工具列09和11版能加的差異沒有很大吧 11/22 12:11
→ silaqui:不過能夠自訂toolbar起碼方便不少 11/22 12:12
推 a3619453:至少keynote透視轉場回來了 11/22 12:14
→ schel:就很尷尬的(刪除投影片、物件等),然後還沒回家的智慧型構件 11/22 12:17
→ schel:幾乎就一樣了吧...... 11/22 12:17
推 simongarden:09版也沒砍,用不習慣就用舊的,新的更新還不能高興 11/22 12:22
→ simongarden:軟體也沒收你錢,我實在是不懂邏輯是什麼 11/22 12:23
→ acjo:新版不就是換個界面嗎?為什麼要拔掉一堆功能? 11/22 13:22
推 winlaplace:要整合icloud和iOS才砍掉一堆啦,但整合也做得很鳥 11/22 13:24
→ winlaplace:以前笑MS office格式亂跑,結果iwork也一樣...zzz 11/22 13:25
→ winlaplace:況且iwork功能這麼陽春也可以跑成這樣,實在服了蘋果 11/22 13:25
→ winlaplace:office好歹一大堆功能,太複雜跑掉難免,iwork.... 11/22 13:26
→ winlaplace:用新版開舊版檔案有些還會打不開...有夠扯 11/22 13:26
→ winlaplace:好在iwork本就沒什麼專業人士在用,不然office搞成這樣 11/22 13:27
→ winlaplace:微軟早就被幹到翻過來又翻過去了... 11/22 13:27
→ a3619453:新版iWork是整個程式砍掉重做 11/22 13:31
→ a3619453:話說樓上你可以不要用 沒人逼你zzz 11/22 13:35
→ a3619453:更新又不會把舊版iWork09砍掉 人家高興更新乾你屁事 11/22 13:36
→ jatj:某樓很兇喔 11/22 13:37
→ jatj:只准稱讚不准批評 一言堂嗎 11/22 13:38
→ acjo:他可能中毒太深吧 11/22 13:39
→ SicInfit:新版哪裡只換個介面…是為了格式互通以及 feature parity 11/22 13:40
推 wegoliving:不用錢~就將就點用吧! 11/22 13:40
→ SicInfit:整個重寫的好嗎。 11/22 13:40
→ wegoliving:智慧型構件以前也沒用過~其實沒啥差別 11/22 13:41
→ a3619453:無理取鬧近來放砲火 回一下就被說一言堂 頗喝 11/22 13:42
推 winlaplace:你告訴我我講的哪裡有亂炮的點? 11/22 13:52
→ winlaplace:有在用iwork對新版iwork期待有多深你懂嗎? 11/22 13:53
→ winlaplace:結果出來是這種東西能不被炮嗎? 11/22 13:53
→ winlaplace:我的確持續用09...這你有問題嗎?a3619453 11/22 13:54
→ winlaplace:我干涉過別人更新嗎?這有問題嗎?a3619453 11/22 13:54
→ schel:批評不是不可以,但是為了批評而炮就有點......以前說iwork 11/22 14:04
→ schel:做出來的東西多漂亮,羨慕死用MS office的人,然後MS office 11/22 14:05
→ schel:做不到這些事情,結果更新免不免費這件事後,iwork就變成陽 11/22 14:06
→ schel:春到不行,完全和MS Office沒得比的東西,爛東西應該要免費 11/22 14:07
→ schel:再回到iwork11,真的到不堪用的地不了嗎?我想也沒有吧 11/22 14:09
→ schel:可能因為我要教學用的投影片我都不用智慧型構件,所以我目前 11/22 14:09
→ schel:開了超過50個檔案,也沒有開不得的,至少就不像某樓宣稱的完 11/22 14:10
→ schel:全打不開好多了,格式大概也因為我沒用智慧型構件,所以新舊 11/22 14:11
→ schel:版跑掉的地方比較嚴重的是在上下標,還有字體沒有的地方(因 11/22 14:12
→ schel:為那些檔案是在另一台有很多字體的筆電做的),其他就沒有遇 11/22 14:13
→ schel:到格式很誇張跑掉的,我上台前有空就會先用新版的run過一遍 11/22 14:14
→ schel:有跑掉的有時間就修一下,懶的修的時候就用舊版開就好啦 11/22 14:15
→ alog:iwork陽春應該是看的人問題 11/22 20:03
推 alog:戰打不開這件事情 我不懂 應該沒經歷過office全系列版本 11/22 20:07
推 alog:iwork我用五年,不能說比office優秀,但用起來很順手 11/22 20:10
→ alog:新版的設計主要改了界面互動方式,就好比office 2007 11/22 20:11
→ alog:帶來的變革一樣,都具有特定意義,不要厭惡他其實蠻好的 11/22 20:12
推 mike7689:題外話,不知道為什麼,office for mac 2011 執行起來 11/22 23:48
→ mike7689:總是會卡卡的...? 11/22 23:49
推 a3619453:某人跟小學生一樣不承認自己很無聊 顆顆 11/23 00:18
→ a3619453:是不是亂砲一眼就看出來了 還需要我解釋嗎(菸 11/23 00:20
→ hyperino:對果粉來說 負評就是砲就是無理取鬧就是不爽不要用 11/23 01:06
推 LiaoKen02:推文精彩且激動 不錯XDDD 11/23 07:31
→ schel:哀,又是老套的這句話,原來不合理地給負評是正確地,出來解 11/23 10:34
→ schel:釋的就是反而不對,這樣照句,這就是視窗粉的態度(大誤) 11/23 10:36
推 winlaplace:我倒想知道這篇誰給過不合理的負評? 11/23 11:48
→ winlaplace:哪一句? 11/23 11:49
→ winlaplace:某a的機動用語連放屁都出來了這就是大人嗎? 11/23 11:49
→ winlaplace:是不是只要apple被噹就是不合理負評? 11/23 11:50
→ winlaplace:會不會等等又有人回,不是不能負評,是不能砲...囧 11/23 11:51
→ winlaplace:iwork被噹的點各大知名科技網站都講到爛了, 大家也都 11/23 11:53
→ winlaplace:用過, 是不是亂砲會看不出來嗎? 但新手我就不肯定了 11/23 11:54
→ hyperino:負評=砲=不合理=你不懂啦=你不會用啦=回去用微軟啦 11/23 14:18
→ jatj:某a出來哭么一兩句無意義的話就龜起來 還比較像小學生咧(煙) 11/23 16:38
→ jatj:負評=不爽不要用=人家高興干你屁事=小學生=頗喝=顆顆 11/23 16:42
→ jatj:的確是大人才會使用的詞彙 11/23 16:42
推 majohn:對狂熱蘋果迷 批評任何蘋果東西都是有罪的 11/23 18:23
推 winlaplace:我不覺得會說那種言論是多狂熱蘋果迷,應該是新手 11/23 21:35
→ winlaplace:在那邊裝果迷... 11/23 21:35
→ winlaplace:果迷會不了解apple東西優缺點?才詭異了... 11/23 21:36
推 guestno1:用“砍掉功能”來形容新iwork本來就容易讓人誤會 11/23 23:41
推 steve1012:winlaplace講的不是真的嗎 為什麼亂砲? 11/24 11:57
→ steve1012:不是的確有人跑掉 和打不開嗎@@? 11/24 11:58
推 olo777:某a太難看了... 是小屁孩嗎.... 11/24 12:09
→ schel:任何的軟體都很難做到完美,但批評合不合理就看得出來了。 11/25 12:35
→ schel:像是明明三四個月前還在那邊說iwork多麼了不起,能做到一堆 11/25 12:35
→ schel:MS office做不到的事情,現在卻又說iwork是個陽春的爛東西, 11/25 12:36
→ schel:明明沒啥功能,不像MS office一樣一堆功能,改版版面還能跑 11/25 12:37
→ schel:剛改版實在那邊罵說爛改版,竟然把自訂工具列拿掉,這次更新 11/25 12:37
→ schel:放回來了,卻說這次更新沒有啥改變,這些都不是合理的評論吧 11/25 12:38
→ schel:apple自從換人以及換時代後,就逐漸開始走向雲端整合化和扁 11/25 12:40
→ schel:平化的設計,而不同的介面間要整合,只能取最小公因數,也就 11/25 12:41
→ schel:是不能讓效能最低的播放製作設備(ex.手機)無法使用,雲端化 11/25 12:42
→ schel:的最終目的就是要讓所有電腦只要連上網路,就算是MS的也可以 11/25 12:44
→ schel:使用,而扁平化的其中一個目的就是讓同一個功能不要在多數的 11/25 12:46
→ schel:地方重複出現,為了達到了這些目的,iwork這次的改變就非常 11/25 12:47
→ schel:大,但是他們似乎有點躁進,並不是所有人都需要或是習慣上面 11/25 12:48
→ schel:的原則,像是電腦使用者,他不使用其他的播放設備時,他只需 11/25 12:49
→ schel:要他喜歡的特效或是功能,不在乎是否在其他設備是否可以使用 11/25 12:49
→ schel:我只需要在我馬上可以看見的地方擺上我想要的指令,即便他是 11/25 12:51
→ schel:三個步驟內可以找到的(之前有聽過一個演講,說在一定步驟內 11/25 12:51
→ schel:的功能不應該特別在多一個指令,而一個快捷鍵不應該點進去後 11/25 12:52
→ schel:還需要選擇,但是幾步我忘了),老實說,我也很不愛扁平化 11/25 12:53
→ schel:而這些東西是不是只有apple在努力,其實不是,MS也一直在作 11/25 12:54
→ schel:因為這是時代的趨勢,只是MS的改版比較頻繁,也比較強勢, 11/25 12:55
→ schel:所以在每次改版都可以只改一部分(當然你要用新版就只好多花 11/25 12:56
→ schel:一次錢),apple想要一次到位,他們也發現了,並沒有辦法讓所 11/25 12:59
→ schel:有的使用者接受他們的想法,所以他們只好慢慢的再把其他功能 11/25 12:59
→ schel:寫回來,基本上09和11已經可以當成是不同的軟體,並不是只改 11/25 13:00
→ schel:個介面而已,只是他們寫成可以讀取相同的檔案格式,所以就導 11/25 13:01
→ schel:至如果你使用未被寫入的格式或是特效等,就會讓新版的無法正 11/25 13:02
→ schel:確的把你的東西放在正確的位置,因此格式便會跑掉,但是是不 11/25 13:03
→ schel:是真的像某些人說的,很大的機率會開不得或是跑掉呢?我想真 11/25 13:03
→ schel:的有常用的人就會發現其實不多,除非你所有的檔案都是使用同 11/25 13:04
→ schel:一個版面、特效、功能,這當然每一個都會出問題,MS當年就直 11/25 13:07
→ schel:接把檔案副檔名改掉,讓你完全不能開,告訴你我就是不一樣的 11/25 13:08
→ schel:東西,你要硬開或是轉換一定會跑,那是你家的事,我想有經歷 11/25 13:10
→ schel:四五年前左右那一場檔案大混亂的人應該也都還記得,那真的要 11/25 13:11
→ schel:以這點就說apple不如MS的話是不是也要考慮到這點呢? 11/25 13:11
→ jatj:樓上建議你可以直接回一篇 == 11/25 14:56
All Comments

By Delia
at 2013-11-25T02:29
at 2013-11-25T02:29

By Kumar
at 2013-11-27T23:39
at 2013-11-27T23:39

By Bennie
at 2013-11-29T04:41
at 2013-11-29T04:41

By Ivy
at 2013-11-29T21:19
at 2013-11-29T21:19

By Xanthe
at 2013-11-30T17:31
at 2013-11-30T17:31

By Oscar
at 2013-12-05T06:48
at 2013-12-05T06:48

By Sierra Rose
at 2013-12-05T16:09
at 2013-12-05T16:09

By Edith
at 2013-12-07T04:23
at 2013-12-07T04:23

By Oscar
at 2013-12-09T10:48
at 2013-12-09T10:48

By Wallis
at 2013-12-11T14:01
at 2013-12-11T14:01

By Harry
at 2013-12-12T07:21
at 2013-12-12T07:21

By Necoo
at 2013-12-12T20:04
at 2013-12-12T20:04

By Charlotte
at 2013-12-17T09:26
at 2013-12-17T09:26

By Rae
at 2013-12-19T23:18
at 2013-12-19T23:18

By Todd Johnson
at 2013-12-22T03:26
at 2013-12-22T03:26

By Rosalind
at 2013-12-25T19:02
at 2013-12-25T19:02

By Belly
at 2013-12-28T11:23
at 2013-12-28T11:23

By Edward Lewis
at 2013-12-28T20:46
at 2013-12-28T20:46

By Joe
at 2014-01-02T18:49
at 2014-01-02T18:49

By Lucy
at 2014-01-03T20:30
at 2014-01-03T20:30

By Tristan Cohan
at 2014-01-07T02:59
at 2014-01-07T02:59

By Joe
at 2014-01-09T07:59
at 2014-01-09T07:59

By Annie
at 2014-01-09T13:54
at 2014-01-09T13:54

By Lydia
at 2014-01-13T23:04
at 2014-01-13T23:04

By Rebecca
at 2014-01-18T22:28
at 2014-01-18T22:28

By Olga
at 2014-01-19T13:02
at 2014-01-19T13:02

By Thomas
at 2014-01-20T09:01
at 2014-01-20T09:01

By Yuri
at 2014-01-22T20:38
at 2014-01-22T20:38

By Kyle
at 2014-01-27T09:53
at 2014-01-27T09:53

By Elma
at 2014-01-28T19:05
at 2014-01-28T19:05

By Selena
at 2014-02-02T15:31
at 2014-02-02T15:31

By Edith
at 2014-02-06T05:02
at 2014-02-06T05:02

By Franklin
at 2014-02-07T22:55
at 2014-02-07T22:55

By James
at 2014-02-10T08:15
at 2014-02-10T08:15

By Robert
at 2014-02-12T11:55
at 2014-02-12T11:55

By Sandy
at 2014-02-13T10:54
at 2014-02-13T10:54

By Quintina
at 2014-02-18T05:53
at 2014-02-18T05:53

By Valerie
at 2014-02-20T15:04
at 2014-02-20T15:04

By Belly
at 2014-02-22T17:18
at 2014-02-22T17:18

By Lydia
at 2014-02-24T04:44
at 2014-02-24T04:44

By Frederic
at 2014-02-26T13:24
at 2014-02-26T13:24

By Ivy
at 2014-02-27T14:01
at 2014-02-27T14:01

By Franklin
at 2014-02-28T03:07
at 2014-02-28T03:07

By Susan
at 2014-02-28T16:14
at 2014-02-28T16:14

By Victoria
at 2014-03-04T18:22
at 2014-03-04T18:22

By Rae
at 2014-03-05T22:36
at 2014-03-05T22:36

By Bennie
at 2014-03-10T15:30
at 2014-03-10T15:30

By Suhail Hany
at 2014-03-14T08:58
at 2014-03-14T08:58

By Gary
at 2014-03-15T14:43
at 2014-03-15T14:43

By Yuri
at 2014-03-16T15:31
at 2014-03-16T15:31

By Elma
at 2014-03-17T16:00
at 2014-03-17T16:00

By Quintina
at 2014-03-19T21:58
at 2014-03-19T21:58

By Jack
at 2014-03-22T11:07
at 2014-03-22T11:07

By Victoria
at 2014-03-22T22:43
at 2014-03-22T22:43

By Ula
at 2014-03-27T03:13
at 2014-03-27T03:13

By Kumar
at 2014-03-30T20:50
at 2014-03-30T20:50

By George
at 2014-04-04T04:12
at 2014-04-04T04:12

By Skylar Davis
at 2014-04-04T20:46
at 2014-04-04T20:46

By Anonymous
at 2014-04-05T13:22
at 2014-04-05T13:22

By Ula
at 2014-04-09T18:17
at 2014-04-09T18:17

By Frederica
at 2014-04-11T03:17
at 2014-04-11T03:17

By Edward Lewis
at 2014-04-14T07:00
at 2014-04-14T07:00

By Bennie
at 2014-04-15T15:37
at 2014-04-15T15:37

By Tom
at 2014-04-19T08:30
at 2014-04-19T08:30

By Olga
at 2014-04-22T12:21
at 2014-04-22T12:21

By Kyle
at 2014-04-23T20:29
at 2014-04-23T20:29

By Adele
at 2014-04-25T06:52
at 2014-04-25T06:52

By Hedda
at 2014-04-27T15:01
at 2014-04-27T15:01

By Rebecca
at 2014-04-29T08:12
at 2014-04-29T08:12

By Elizabeth
at 2014-05-03T16:07
at 2014-05-03T16:07

By Hardy
at 2014-05-06T22:15
at 2014-05-06T22:15

By Kyle
at 2014-05-09T09:20
at 2014-05-09T09:20

By Rebecca
at 2014-05-11T08:19
at 2014-05-11T08:19

By Rebecca
at 2014-05-13T01:32
at 2014-05-13T01:32

By Zora
at 2014-05-17T14:46
at 2014-05-17T14:46

By Charlotte
at 2014-05-20T02:52
at 2014-05-20T02:52

By Delia
at 2014-05-24T09:36
at 2014-05-24T09:36

By Erin
at 2014-05-28T14:47
at 2014-05-28T14:47

By Edith
at 2014-05-31T06:41
at 2014-05-31T06:41

By Bethany
at 2014-06-01T12:59
at 2014-06-01T12:59

By Agatha
at 2014-06-03T09:27
at 2014-06-03T09:27

By Madame
at 2014-06-07T05:39
at 2014-06-07T05:39

By Megan
at 2014-06-07T16:26
at 2014-06-07T16:26

By Suhail Hany
at 2014-06-10T08:47
at 2014-06-10T08:47

By Thomas
at 2014-06-11T13:47
at 2014-06-11T13:47

By Frederica
at 2014-06-12T10:06
at 2014-06-12T10:06

By Olivia
at 2014-06-13T22:53
at 2014-06-13T22:53

By Frederic
at 2014-06-16T11:21
at 2014-06-16T11:21

By Poppy
at 2014-06-21T01:49
at 2014-06-21T01:49

By Franklin
at 2014-06-24T21:19
at 2014-06-24T21:19

By Rebecca
at 2014-06-29T09:50
at 2014-06-29T09:50

By Thomas
at 2014-06-30T17:56
at 2014-06-30T17:56

By Edith
at 2014-07-04T21:35
at 2014-07-04T21:35

By Sandy
at 2014-07-09T02:11
at 2014-07-09T02:11

By Harry
at 2014-07-13T20:15
at 2014-07-13T20:15

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at 2014-07-14T06:22
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at 2014-07-14T23:53
at 2014-07-14T23:53

By Yedda
at 2014-07-16T23:54
at 2014-07-16T23:54

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at 2014-07-24T16:06
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at 2014-07-25T11:02
at 2014-07-25T11:02

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at 2014-07-28T11:40
at 2014-07-28T11:40

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at 2014-07-30T09:18
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