JPMorgan 洗錢被逮到 - 數位貨幣

Hedy avatar
By Hedy
at 2017-11-18T02:31

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Joseph Young on 17/11/2017

Jamie Dimon has offered baseless condemnation on bitcoin for many years,
calling it a bubble, a fraud, and a money laundering tool. This week,
ironically, JPMorgan was cracked down for money laundering, after being fined
$4 billion for mortgage fraud in September, merely two months ago.

多年來大力抨擊Bitcoin、將它貼上泡沫、詐欺、洗錢工具等標籤的Jamie Dimon,

Dimon and JPMorgan Criticized

Since early 2016, JPMorgan and its CEO Jamie Dimon have focused on attempting
to commercialize and market the term ‘blockchain” to compete with bitcoin.
The company has seen hardly any success with its blockchain technology “
Quorum,” which was developed by the JPMorgan development team within the
Enterprise Ethereum Alliance (EEA).

Realizing the lack of potential, applicability, and commercial success of
permissioned blockchain technology, Dimon began to take a different approach;
by directly condemning bitcoin, despite the harsh criticisms of highly
respected venture capitalists and experts such as Apple co-founder Steve
Wozniak, prominent venture capitalist Chamath Palihapitiya, and billionaire
hedge fund legend Mike Novogratz.

In response to Dimon’s comments, Wozniak emphasized that bitcoin is the most
legitimate system that exists, because it is decentralized, transparent, and
operates on a peer-to-peer network that is censorship resistant. Wozniak
stated at the Money2020 conference:


“Bitcoin is mathematical. I am a mathematician. There are only 21 million.
It is more legitimate than other systems. There is a certain finite amount of
bitcoin that can ever exist. Gold gets mined and mined and mined. Maybe there
’s a finite amount of gold in the world, but Bitcoin is even more
mathematical and regulated and nobody can change mathematics.”

In spite of criticisms from experts, Dimon continued to push through with his
agenda and condemn bitcoin publicly, while JPMorgan traders and their clients
have invested in bitcoin through the Swedish stock market Nordic Nasdaq.

Dimon Falsely Accuses Bitcoin of Being Money Laundering Tool

Dimon falsely accused bitcoin of being a money laundering tool earlier this
year. Then, JPMorgan was fined $4 billion for committing mortgage fraud, and
has been busted for money laundering.

Today, ironically, leading Swiss daily news publication Handelszeitung
reported that the Swiss subsidiary of JPMorgan was charged by the Swiss
regulator, FINMA, for money laundering and “seriously violating supervision

Subsequent to inaccurately portraying bitcoin as a fraudulent financial
network, JPMorgan and Jamie Dimon have been exposed of two major scandals and
fraudulent operations.

Various studies since 2016 have shown that the majority of millennials feel
disconnected from the banking sector and do not trust major financial
institutions with their wealth, capital, and investment. The hypocrisy and
the conceitful nature of major banks and financial service provider will only
result in the demise of the finance industry in the long-term, as
decentralized networks continue to render intermediaries obsolete.

False accusations and depictions of bitcoin by Dimon and other bank
executives will only hasten the mainstream adoption of bitcoin and the
migration of wealth from the traditional finance sector to decentralized
cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin.


Dimon 你看看你...





All Comments

Xanthe avatar
By Xanthe
at 2017-11-20T10:18
Ivy avatar
By Ivy
at 2017-11-21T00:35
Elizabeth avatar
By Elizabeth
at 2017-11-22T21:35
還好還好 藝術品跟房價也一直沒崩 況且市值相比根本超小
Rae avatar
By Rae
at 2017-11-25T16:43
Caroline avatar
By Caroline
at 2017-11-30T00:14
Kristin avatar
By Kristin
at 2017-12-02T02:26
再次驗證 一隻手指指別人 四隻手指指自己
Delia avatar
By Delia
at 2017-12-02T14:29
Daniel avatar
By Daniel
at 2017-12-06T13:07
Victoria avatar
By Victoria
at 2017-12-10T03:48
Sierra Rose avatar
By Sierra Rose
at 2017-12-13T09:26
珠寶/名錶 也都是洗錢用居多 有第三方機構認證價值
中國政商名流愛買 有很大一部份原因也是為了藏現金

Ibc 到底發生什麼事

Ivy avatar
By Ivy
at 2017-11-17T22:08
我看line群組,一堆說是詐騙 直銷幣,那個工程師的人頭 去搜尋發現是個藝術家 所以,到底ibc是怎麼騙錢的嗎? 有人能清楚說明? 感謝! ----- Sent from JPTT on my OPPO X9079. - ...

Ripple 和 XRP 簡單研究

Ina avatar
By Ina
at 2017-11-17T22:03
自從segwit2x取消之後,個人對於bitcoin的疑慮開始變大了。並不是說bitcoin不會漲, (未來的事誰知道),而是它可能慢慢離「這個世界需要的解答」比較遠了,變得更像是 一個大家追逐的投資標的。這段時間想花點時間想研究一下其他的加密貨幣。這次的目標 是 XRP。這邊的東西只是我小小整理,如果有強者 ...


Dora avatar
By Dora
at 2017-11-17T19:30
: 推 goldflower: 要看你hodl什麼啊XD 11/17 17:41 : 推 runnn: 你拼錯字了吧 11/17 18:48 : 推 swi ...


Frederica avatar
By Frederica
at 2017-11-17T19:22
剛剛找了一下polo裡全部的幣,發現沒有一個幣像btc一樣是創新高或是距離新高很近。唯D ASH距離歷史新高不算太遠,BCH雖然創新高才幾天,但是距離高點已經腰斬,ETH也只有最 高點時候2/3的價格。 這現象有什麼含義嗎?我只想到這代表被BTC套住高點的人極少,而其他幣被套在高點的數 量多。 有些幣真的是一 ...

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Tom avatar
By Tom
at 2017-11-17T18:36
圖文並茂版: 動機 話說量爸第一次知道比特幣的時候,那時候一個比特幣大約是等值於 100 塊美金, 直到最近這一年看到及全球市場高階顯卡因為挖曠而大缺貨時才又重新對這個議題做了一些了解。現在世界上對於加 ...