Kraken 取消美元入金 - 數位貨幣

Susan avatar
By Susan
at 2018-03-03T04:10

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(WTF!? 寄出前不用先審一下內容嗎)

原本應該不少人猜測 也許又是邪惡的美國銀行施壓之類的
但這封信解釋說,真的只是因為使用者增加太快 造成業務量太大,

針對不同地區、和不同國家的法幣,kraken做了很多說明 (請自行參考原文如下


If you use our bank partner in Japan to fund your Kraken account for EUR, GBP,
JPY or USD, please read this important notice. If you instead use one of our
many other funding options, such as EUR SEPA payments (available in all
SEPA-zone countries) or domestic USD transfers (available in most US states),
or CAD (in Canada), you can safely disregard this notice.

If you use our bank partner in Japan to fund your Kraken account with anything
but CAD, your funding instructions will be changing soon - please check your
account on March 21 for the new funding instructions. Deposits sent using the
old instructions must arrive no later than 11:59 pm on March 20 Japan time
(deposits arriving after this time will be returned). The new instructions
will appear in your account on March 21 and will include new bank account
details for sending deposits - please confirm that the bank account details
have changed before sending new deposits on or after March 21.

Why the change?

Currently one of our banking partners in Japan services clients who reside
both inside and outside Japan. Due to the strain placed on the bank by our
recent exponential growth, this banking partner needs to narrow the scope of
supported clients to maintain good quality of service. As of March 21 this
banking partner will only service residents of Japan. Japan residents will
send deposits to a different account at the same bank. Clients outside Japan
will use a new bank. The new bank integration is still being finalized and
this process may not be completed by March 21. Clients residing outside Japan
who fund their accounts through Japan should be aware of a possible
interruption in service starting March 21 (more on this below).

Does this mean one of Kraken’s bank accounts is being closed?

No bank accounts are being closed. If you previously received an email from
us talking about bank accounts closing, please disregard it since the language
is inaccurate and misleading.

If you reside in Japan and fund through our Japan bank partner

Your service will continue without interruption
Make sure any deposits using the old instructions arrive no later than 11:59
pm on March 20 Japan time
Make sure you start using the new deposit instructions that will be made
available in your account on March 21
You can continue to fund your account with JPY (domestic transfers)
You can continue to fund your account with USD, EUR, or GBP (international
SWIFT transfers)
If you reside outside Japan and fund through our Japan bank partner with
anything but CAD

We are working on a replacement option for you so that you can continue to
fund your account with JPY, USD, EUR and GBP transfers after March 20
The replacement integration is not finalized yet, meaning that there could
be an interruption in service before the replacement option is ready
You can continue to make deposits through our Japan bank partner until 11:59
pm on March 20 Japan time
You can continue to withdraw through our Japan bank partner until 12:00 pm on
March 27 Japan time
If the replacement integration is not ready by March 21, we will contact you
with another announcement, and you will have the option to withdraw your funds
until 12:00 pm on March 27 Japan time if you are concerned about the possible
interruption in service
We want to emphasize again that no bank accounts are being closed. The story
here is only about one of our many banking partners needing to narrow the
scope of clients they serve to maintain good quality of service. The majority
of Kraken clients, who use one of our many other funding options, are entirely
unaffected by this change. We currently have a team devoted to cultivating new
bank partnerships and expect to start seeing the fruits of this effort soon
with new bank funding options coming online.
For our clients residing outside Japan who have been using our bank partner in
Japan, we expect to announce a replacement option for you soon, and will let
you know if there will be any interruption in service.

Thank you for choosing Kraken, the trusted and secure digital assets exchange

The Kraken Team
※ 文章網址:
tomap41017: 推 03/03 09:26
ktworld: 官方說法當然是維護服務品質啊.... 03/03 10:16
ktworld: 就算真的是邪惡帝國銀行施壓,官方沒人會這樣說吧 03/03 10:18
for767: 台灣有辦法匯加幣過去嗎? 03/03 11:26
※ 編輯: koucc (, 03/03/2018 12:20:40
koucc: 加幣應該可以,只要是swift沒道理不行 03/03 12:23
koucc: 所以話說回來為何只有加幣不受影響?難道真的是有美國邪惡 03/03 12:24
koucc: 中轉行,而這些貨幣中只有加幣不是透過該行中轉? 03/03 12:25
somanyee: 是要先買CAD再匯的概念? 03/03 13:01
Paravion: 樓上 所有外幣都是先買再匯 03/04 03:08
Paravion: 只是看你是要在匯的時候買還是更早買 03/04 03:08
for767: 存款頁面上寫說不支援加幣存款 03/05 13:54

All Comments

Isla avatar
By Isla
at 2018-03-06T21:22
Zora avatar
By Zora
at 2018-03-10T10:50
Sandy avatar
By Sandy
at 2018-03-11T16:11
Jessica avatar
By Jessica
at 2018-03-15T15:11
Sandy avatar
By Sandy
at 2018-03-16T00:38
Skylar DavisLinda avatar
By Skylar DavisLinda
at 2018-03-19T10:11
Gary avatar
By Gary
at 2018-03-23T07:24
Hazel avatar
By Hazel
at 2018-03-27T20:08
Xanthe avatar
By Xanthe
at 2018-03-28T01:38
樓上 所有外幣都是先買再匯
Yuri avatar
By Yuri
at 2018-03-30T05:53

BAIC(Blockchain of AI and IOT)

Anthony avatar
By Anthony
at 2018-03-02T21:06
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Olivia avatar
By Olivia
at 2018-03-02T20:09
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By Hedda
at 2018-03-02T16:41
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By Connor
at 2018-03-02T14:46
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Olivia avatar
By Olivia
at 2018-03-02T12:16
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