MacbookPro 13" wo TB 2017無預警關機 - MAC

Catherine avatar
By Catherine
at 2021-03-12T08:56

Table of Contents

電腦是MacBookPro 13" 2017,無TB版本 A1708



Mar 12 07:23:07UserNamedeMacBook-Air akd[295]: objc[295]: Class
AKCarrierBundlePhoneCertificate is implemented in both
(0x7fff95446bf0) and
(0x10ea1e480). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Mar 12 07:23:07UserNamedeMacBook-Air akd[295]: objc[295]: Class
AKCarrierBundleUtilities is implemented in both
(0x7fff95446c18) and
(0x10ea1e4a8). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Mar 12 07:23:08UserNamedeMacBook-Air usernoted[321]: DEPRECATED USE in
libdispatch client: dispatch source activated with no event handler set; set
a breakpoint on _dispatch_bug_deprecated to debug
Mar 12 07:23:08UserNamedeMacBook-Air NotificationCenter[323]: objc[323]:
Class NCJSONTransformer is implemented in both
(0x7fff93c1d6b0) and
(0x10cd4a648). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Mar 12 07:23:08UserNamedeMacBook-Air NotificationCenter[323]: objc[323]:
Class NCMaterialLayer is implemented in both
(0x7fff93c1d700) and
(0x10cd4adf0). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Mar 12 07:23:08UserNamedeMacBook-Air[1]
( Unknown key for integer:
Mar 12 07:23:10 --- last message repeated 3 times ---
Mar 12 07:23:09UserNamedeMacBook-Air WeChat[278]: objc[278]: Class
AFHTTPSessionManager is implemented in both
(0x1122e2008) and /Applications/
(0x11114c378). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Mar 12 07:23:09UserNamedeMacBook-Air WeChat[278]: objc[278]: Class
AFNetworkReachabilityManager is implemented in both
(0x1122e1f68) and /Applications/
(0x11114c418). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Mar 12 07:23:09UserNamedeMacBook-Air WeChat[278]: objc[278]: Class
AFSecurityPolicy is implemented in both
(0x1122e1fb8) and /Applications/
(0x11114c468). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Mar 12 07:23:09UserNamedeMacBook-Air WeChat[278]: objc[278]: Class
AFQueryStringPair is implemented in both
(0x1122e2148) and /Applications/
(0x11114c4b8). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Mar 12 07:23:09UserNamedeMacBook-Air WeChat[278]: objc[278]: Class
AFHTTPRequestSerializer is implemented in both
(0x1122e2198) and /Applications/
(0x11114c508). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Mar 12 07:23:09UserNamedeMacBook-Air WeChat[278]: objc[278]: Class
AFStreamingMultipartFormData is implemented in both
(0x1122e21c0) and /Applications/
(0x11114c530). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Mar 12 07:23:09UserNamedeMacBook-Air WeChat[278]: objc[278]: Class
AFMultipartBodyStream is implemented in both
(0x1122e2210) and /Applications/
(0x11114c580). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Mar 12 07:23:09UserNamedeMacBook-Air WeChat[278]: objc[278]: Class
AFHTTPBodyPart is implemented in both
(0x1122e2238) and /Applications/
(0x11114c5a8). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Mar 12 07:23:09UserNamedeMacBook-Air WeChat[278]: objc[278]: Class
AFJSONRequestSerializer is implemented in both
(0x1122e22d8) and /Applications/
(0x11114c648). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Mar 12 07:23:09UserNamedeMacBook-Air WeChat[278]: objc[278]: Class
AFPropertyListRequestSerializer is implemented in both
(0x1122e2328) and /Applications/
(0x11114c698). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Mar 12 07:23:09UserNamedeMacBook-Air WeChat[278]: objc[278]: Class
AFHTTPResponseSerializer is implemented in both
(0x1122e2378) and /Applications/
(0x11114c6e8). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Mar 12 07:23:09UserNamedeMacBook-Air WeChat[278]: objc[278]: Class
AFJSONResponseSerializer is implemented in both
(0x1122e23c8) and /Applications/
(0x11114c738). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Mar 12 07:23:09UserNamedeMacBook-Air WeChat[278]: objc[278]: Class
AFXMLParserResponseSerializer is implemented in both
(0x1122e2418) and /Applications/
(0x11114c788). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Mar 12 07:23:09UserNamedeMacBook-Air WeChat[278]: objc[278]: Class
AFXMLDocumentResponseSerializer is implemented in both
(0x1122e2468) and /Applications/
(0x11114c7d8). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Mar 12 07:23:09UserNamedeMacBook-Air WeChat[278]: objc[278]: Class
AFPropertyListResponseSerializer is implemented in both
(0x1122e24b8) and /Applications/
(0x11114c828). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Mar 12 07:23:09UserNamedeMacBook-Air WeChat[278]: objc[278]: Class
AFImageResponseSerializer is implemented in both
(0x1122e2508) and /Applications/
(0x11114c878). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Mar 12 07:23:09UserNamedeMacBook-Air WeChat[278]: objc[278]: Class
AFCompoundResponseSerializer is implemented in both
(0x1122e2558) and /Applications/
(0x11114c8c8). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Mar 12 07:23:09UserNamedeMacBook-Air WeChat[278]: objc[278]: Class
AFURLSessionManagerTaskDelegate is implemented in both
(0x1122e2058) and /Applications/
(0x11114c918). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Mar 12 07:23:09UserNamedeMacBook-Air WeChat[278]: objc[278]: Class
_AFURLSessionTaskSwizzling is implemented in both
(0x1122e20d0) and /Applications/
(0x11114c990). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Mar 12 07:23:09UserNamedeMacBook-Air WeChat[278]: objc[278]: Class
AFURLSessionManager is implemented in both
(0x1122e20f8) and /Applications/
(0x11114c9b8). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Mar 12 07:23:09UserNamedeMacBook-Air WeChat[278]: objc[278]: Class
MarsReachability is implemented in both
(0x1123bd7b8) and /Applications/
(0x1111550b8). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Mar 12 07:23:10UserNamedeMacBook-Air LINE[279]: objc[279]: Class
WebViewPrivate is implemented in both
(0x7fff94d8a170) and /Applications/
(0x11364fd40). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Mar 12 07:23:10UserNamedeMacBook-Air Dock[305]: DEPRECATED USE in libdispatch
client: Setting timer interval to 0 requests a 1ns timer, did you mean
FOREVER (a one-shot timer)?; set a breakpoint on _dispatch_bug_deprecated to
Mar 12 07:23:11UserNamedeMacBook-Air Finder[307]: assertion failed: 18G8022:
libxpc.dylib + 90649 [522FA3AF-D3B1-3283-8EF4-8B17CB237B65]: 0x89
Mar 12 07:23:11UserNamedeMacBook-Air SystemUIServer[306]: DEPRECATED USE in
libdispatch client: Setting timer interval to 0 requests a 1ns timer, did you
mean FOREVER (a one-shot timer)?; set a breakpoint on
_dispatch_bug_deprecated to debug
Mar 12 07:23:11UserNamedeMacBook-Air Finder[307]: objc[307]: Class
FIFinderSyncExtensionHost is implemented in both
/System/Library/CoreServices/ (0x102d7a768)
(0x105551f50). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Mar 12 07:23:12UserNamedeMacBook-Air xpcproxy[354]: libcoreservices:
_dirhelper_userdir: 529: bootstrap_look_up returned (ipc/send) invalid
destination port


Tags: MAC

All Comments

Hazel avatar
By Hazel
at 2021-03-15T11:56
Ina avatar
By Ina
at 2021-03-17T00:57

M1 mac mini外接雙螢幕

Harry avatar
By Harry
at 2021-03-11T23:18
各位好 小弟我的電腦主螢幕是接HDMI的4k螢幕 另外有一個支援type c輸入的攜帶式螢幕 想要連接上做第二個螢幕 但是我接上type c卻沒有螢幕輸出 查詢官網說明 若為 Mac mini(M1,2020),您可以使用 HD ...

macbook air m1 轉軸有聲音

Mason avatar
By Mason
at 2021-03-11T23:00
大家好,小弟我幾個禮拜前在studio a購買macbook air m1的筆電。這陣子發現一個問題 ,正常使用一陣子,要蓋上螢幕的時候,往下蓋那瞬間有一個轉軸的塑膠聲,自己也會感 覺到一個很明顯的卡頓感,但是過了咔一聲,上下掀時,轉軸又順滑起來了。拿去送修, 工程師是說一切正,沒有轉軸過緊或是潤滑不夠的情況 ...

2012 MacBook Pro Retina GPU Panic

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By Ophelia
at 2021-03-11T13:28
2012 MacBook Pro Retina 2013還14換過鍍膜,也因花屏換過主機板。 就這樣用到現在。最近常自己突然螢幕熄掉,重開看到八國語言, 多為GPU Panic。如下訊息,有方式可以關閉不使用nvidia獨顯嗎? 看看只用Intel 內顯會不會改善? 謝謝 panic(cpu 0 call ...

Macbook 一直自己重開機

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By Hazel
at 2021-03-11T12:48
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MacbookPro 2018 wTB 原廠重灌

Edith avatar
By Edith
at 2021-03-11T11:26
目前手上的2018 macbook pro(TB) 上禮拜拿去非原廠/官方的維修站去檢測, 初步檢測他們以為是主機板問題, 但昨天通知說:檢測不出來主機板有甚麼問題, 想要直接重灌也沒辦法重灌,猜測有可能是鎖住了(?) 因為本身螢幕已破裂看不到,之前都是依靠外接螢幕去做使用。 他們是建議我說,有可能是T2 ...