megaupload的問題 - 免空

By Kristin
at 2007-05-24T02:48
at 2007-05-24T02:48
Table of Contents
※ 引述《comsboy (C_Chat版 歡迎你)》之銘言:
: 標題: [問題] megaupload的問題
: 時間: Thu May 10 18:19:06 2007
: 這個空間真的讓我很苦惱
: 不管是裝megaupload toolbar或是他們的下載程式後
: 還是都無法下載,一樣都會跳到
: 分配给贵国 (Taiwan) 的全部下载通道均已占用。请在几个小时后再次尝试
: 或安装 Megaupload 工具条立即获得通道 - 安装了工具条后,您即不再受通道限制!
: 請問有啥方法可以順利下載這空間咧
: 不然很多外國論壇就是特別愛用這><
: 推 test00: 05/11 16:37
: 推 lazylazy:推樓上!!!我試了終於可以下載了,棒 05/15 12:21
: 推 Jamesbang:能否有神人說明一下網頁的內容? 05/18 18:00
1. Download and install the User Agent Switcher extension for FireFox.
打開FireFox 下載這個檔案並安裝
2. Restart the FireFox web browser after installation ended.
3. Go to Tools -> User Agent Switcher -> Options.
工具 -> User Agent Switcher -> Options -> Options
4. Then click on User Agents and then click on Add.
按 User Agents 再按 Add
5. Key in the following information:
在Description 欄輸入 MegaUpload
在User Agent 欄輸入 MEGAUPLOAD TOOLBAR 1.0
6. Exit by clicking on OK twice.
7. Whenever you want to download from MegaUpload, go to Tools -> User Agent
Switcher and select MegaUpload as FireFox’s temporary user agents.
當要下載檔案時 點 工具 -> User Agent Switcher 選 MegaUpload
8. After downloading the files, you may want to switch back to original user
agents, by selecting Default.
下載完成後 再到工具 -> User Agent Switcher 選 Default
: 標題: [問題] megaupload的問題
: 時間: Thu May 10 18:19:06 2007
: 這個空間真的讓我很苦惱
: 不管是裝megaupload toolbar或是他們的下載程式後
: 還是都無法下載,一樣都會跳到
: 分配给贵国 (Taiwan) 的全部下载通道均已占用。请在几个小时后再次尝试
: 或安装 Megaupload 工具条立即获得通道 - 安装了工具条后,您即不再受通道限制!
: 請問有啥方法可以順利下載這空間咧
: 不然很多外國論壇就是特別愛用這><
: 推 test00: 05/11 16:37
: 推 lazylazy:推樓上!!!我試了終於可以下載了,棒 05/15 12:21
: 推 Jamesbang:能否有神人說明一下網頁的內容? 05/18 18:00
1. Download and install the User Agent Switcher extension for FireFox.
打開FireFox 下載這個檔案並安裝
2. Restart the FireFox web browser after installation ended.
3. Go to Tools -> User Agent Switcher -> Options.
工具 -> User Agent Switcher -> Options -> Options
4. Then click on User Agents and then click on Add.
按 User Agents 再按 Add
5. Key in the following information:
在Description 欄輸入 MegaUpload
在User Agent 欄輸入 MEGAUPLOAD TOOLBAR 1.0
6. Exit by clicking on OK twice.
7. Whenever you want to download from MegaUpload, go to Tools -> User Agent
Switcher and select MegaUpload as FireFox’s temporary user agents.
當要下載檔案時 點 工具 -> User Agent Switcher 選 MegaUpload
8. After downloading the files, you may want to switch back to original user
agents, by selecting Default.
下載完成後 再到工具 -> User Agent Switcher 選 Default
All Comments

By Olga
at 2007-05-26T11:25
at 2007-05-26T11:25

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at 2007-05-29T12:34
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at 2007-05-30T17:53
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at 2007-06-04T11:46
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at 2007-06-05T02:55
at 2007-06-05T02:55

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at 2007-06-06T12:36
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at 2007-06-11T10:36
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