MEGA首週回顧 - 免空

Tom avatar
By Tom
at 2013-01-27T11:45

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MEGA's first week - a retrospective
一月 27, 2013

It's been seven busy days for us since MEGA went live. As millions of users
were hitting 50,000 freshly written and barely tested lines of code and
dozens of newly installed servers, teething troubles were inevitable - it
took us almost 72 hours to resolve the major bottlenecks, and we would like
to apologize to all users who were affected.


As expected, the public debate about MEGA revolves primarily around our
cryptographic security model and can be classified into five categories:

以下五類:(以下五點皆與密碼安全模型有關 略過)

Actual bugs. Two (an XSS hole and the invalid use of CBC-MAC as a secure
hash) were reported by the community so far and fixed swiftly. To all the
bright minds going through our amorphous code: Thank you for your efforts! We
will make our JavaScript more readable and launch a bug bounty program

Design flaws exacerbating the potential impact of weak user passwords. We
acknowledge that our current approach is based on the assumption that all of
our users choose strong passwords, which is probably a bit naive. We are
going to improve the sign-up interface (better user education and rejection
of overly weak passwords). We'll also reduce the offline password cracking
risk for users who do use weak passwords and fall victim to someone
intercepting their e-mail or obtaining their user record from our central

Weak random number generation: We have added WebKit's
crypto.getRandomValues() into the mix and will collect mouse/keyboard timing
entropy explicitly before generating the RSA key pair rather than informing
the user that we are doing so only after the generation has already started.

Deduplication - clause 8 of our Terms of Service has caused some confusion
and concern. The reality is quite harmless: We deduplicate based on the full
encrypted file. That's it.

Polemic in the "if you can break SSL, you can break MEGA" category. No

Other issues:


Within hours after the launch, Hotmail started blackholing our e-mails
(silently discarding potential ham is actually quite a rude thing to do!).
Apparently, our sudden surge of activity triggered some heuristics designed
to guard against spam botnets. Please do not use a Hotmail address to sign up
while we're working with them unblock our IP range.

1. 復活後內的好幾小時內,Hotmail過濾掉了我們的e-mail(blackhole)。顯然,

Uploads would sometimes restart from scratch in case of intermittent network
issues. This has been fixed.

2. 本來上傳有時會因為網路問題導致重新開始。現在已經修正了

We would also like to thank everybody who submitted suggestions and feature
requests. Our to-do list is growing!

先前有遇到這兩個問題的網友可以再試試看 是不是解決了

Tags: 免空

All Comments


Ursula avatar
By Ursula
at 2013-01-27T11:17
我昨天開始dropbx登入的驗證碼都完全收不到了 一直點重送也沒用 我號碼是中華電信的,也有打電話過去中華電信詢問。 不過結果查說發送的那間公司跟他們沒有簽約,沒辦法查到對方是否正常。 想請教大家是否使用正常還是也都收不到呢? - ...


Tristan Cohan avatar
By Tristan Cohan
at 2013-01-27T08:00
看了很多鄉民說下載新Mega的檔案,會無緣故消失。 我發現其實好像是場誤會。 只要下載進度100%完成後,去點選網頁下方and#34;Save fileand#34;(存檔),就可以把檔案存起來了 參考示意圖 測試環境 ...


Megan avatar
By Megan
at 2013-01-26T13:11
用遊戲修改軟體(例如FPE)修改瀏覽器中JavaScript的時間變數 原來要等30秒下載,修改成1秒就可以下載 有人這樣做過嗎? - ...


Jacob avatar
By Jacob
at 2013-01-26T09:57
1. 速度方面雖然不一定穩 但是至少目前沒看到有人有龜速的狀況 整體而言相當不錯 並不是問題。 =andgt; 為了維持伺服器穩定性 速度被降低? 2. 下載檔案常會出現「暫時錯誤 重試中」然後就一直沒繼續, 所以大檔案不易下載成功 =andgt; 出現機率變低 似乎還是有 ...


George avatar
By George
at 2013-01-26T07:40
MEGA剛推出的幾天就有聽到人在說不太好上傳 當初以為是剛推出,而且人又突然增多的原因,想說過幾天再試, 看會不會好一點 結果我從昨天傳到現在,傳了20個檔案有13個傳不上去, 常常傳到100%後CHROME就顯示網頁錯誤,等待佇列的檔案根本不能傳orz 總不可能要我整天盯著MEGA的網頁看他是否上傳成功吧 ...