mint 19 Tara Cinnamon install Line - Linux

By Hedda
at 2018-07-13T18:33
at 2018-07-13T18:33
Table of Contents
各位先進這兩天將家中的IBM x200安裝了新版的linux mint 19 cinnamon
目前使用起來非常的順也非常高興,但是一直無法安裝Naver Line試了一
午,一樣是無解,基本上不管是GUI or CLI都無法順利安裝,按照別人的
2.sudo apt-get install wine
3.sudo apt-get install winetricks
6.然後,Which package(s) would you like to install?選 vcrun2008
8.下載Windows 桌面版的LineInst.exe 最新版。
sudo apt-get install wine --->按tab 這麼多種
wine1.6 wine32-preloader
wine64-development-tools wine-development
wine1.6-amd64 wine64
wine64-preloader winefish
wine1.6-dev wine64-development
wine64-tools wine-stable
wine32-development-preloader wine64-development-preloader
wine-binfmt winetricks
其實我每一種wine1.6 wine-stable wine64 wine32-development-preloader
You are using a 64-bit WINEPREFIX. Note that many verbs only install 32-bit
versions of packages. If you encounter problems, please retest in a clean
32-bit WINEPREFIX before reporting a bug.
Using winetricks 20180217 - sha256sum:
1b156c616174f41df79d72a90c52eb2b110c63a6e8ecb865d303a8f9f0908924 with
wine-3.0 (Ubuntu 3.0-1ubuntu1) and WINEARCH=win64
Gtk-Message: 18:31:27.464: GtkDialog mapped without a transient parent. This
is discouraged.
Gtk-Message: 18:31:46.102: GtkDialog mapped without a transient parent. This
is discouraged.
Gtk-Message: 18:31:50.533: GtkDialog mapped without a transient parent. This
is discouraged.
Executing w_do_call vcrun2008
Executing load_vcrun2008
Using native,builtin override for following DLLs: atl90 msvcm90 msvcp90
msvcr90 vcomp90
Executing rm -rf
Executing rm -rf
Executing rm -rf
Executing rm -rf
Executing rm -rf
Executing rm -rf
Executing rm -rf
Executing rm -rf
Executing rm -rf
Executing rm -rf
Executing rm -rf
Executing rm -rf
Executing rm -rf
Executing rm -rf
Executing rm -rf
Executing rm -rf
Executing rm -rf
Executing rm -rf
Executing rm -rf
Executing rm -rf
Executing rm -rf
Executing rm -rf
Executing rm -rf
Executing rm -rf
Executing rm -rf
Executing rm -rf
Executing rm -rf
Executing rm -rf
Executing rm -rf
Executing rm -rf
Executing rm -rf
Executing rm -rf
Executing rm -rf
Executing rm -rf
Executing rm -rf
Executing wine regedit C:\windows\Temp\_vcrun2008\override-dll.reg
it looks like wine32 is missing, you should install it.
as root, please execute "apt-get install wine32"
Executing wine64 regedit C:\windows\Temp\_vcrun2008\override-dll.reg
Executing cd /home/bill/.cache/winetricks/vcrun2008
Executing wine vcredist_x86.exe
it looks like wine32 is missing, you should install it.
as root, please execute "apt-get install wine32"
it looks like wine32 is missing, you should install it.
as root, please execute "apt-get install wine32"
wine: Y:\vcrun2008\vcredist_x86.exe 的不當 EXE 格式。
Note: command wine vcredist_x86.exe returned status 193. Aborting.
Gtk-Message: 18:32:02.097: GtkDialog mapped without a transient parent. This
is discouraged.
DESCRIPTION="Linux Mint 19 Tara"
目前使用起來非常的順也非常高興,但是一直無法安裝Naver Line試了一
午,一樣是無解,基本上不管是GUI or CLI都無法順利安裝,按照別人的
2.sudo apt-get install wine
3.sudo apt-get install winetricks
6.然後,Which package(s) would you like to install?選 vcrun2008
8.下載Windows 桌面版的LineInst.exe 最新版。
sudo apt-get install wine --->按tab 這麼多種
wine1.6 wine32-preloader
wine64-development-tools wine-development
wine1.6-amd64 wine64
wine64-preloader winefish
wine1.6-dev wine64-development
wine64-tools wine-stable
wine32-development-preloader wine64-development-preloader
wine-binfmt winetricks
其實我每一種wine1.6 wine-stable wine64 wine32-development-preloader
You are using a 64-bit WINEPREFIX. Note that many verbs only install 32-bit
versions of packages. If you encounter problems, please retest in a clean
32-bit WINEPREFIX before reporting a bug.
Using winetricks 20180217 - sha256sum:
1b156c616174f41df79d72a90c52eb2b110c63a6e8ecb865d303a8f9f0908924 with
wine-3.0 (Ubuntu 3.0-1ubuntu1) and WINEARCH=win64
Gtk-Message: 18:31:27.464: GtkDialog mapped without a transient parent. This
is discouraged.
Gtk-Message: 18:31:46.102: GtkDialog mapped without a transient parent. This
is discouraged.
Gtk-Message: 18:31:50.533: GtkDialog mapped without a transient parent. This
is discouraged.
Executing w_do_call vcrun2008
Executing load_vcrun2008
Using native,builtin override for following DLLs: atl90 msvcm90 msvcp90
msvcr90 vcomp90
Executing rm -rf
Executing rm -rf
Executing rm -rf
Executing rm -rf
Executing rm -rf
Executing rm -rf
Executing rm -rf
Executing rm -rf
Executing rm -rf
Executing rm -rf
Executing rm -rf
Executing rm -rf
Executing rm -rf
Executing rm -rf
Executing rm -rf
Executing rm -rf
Executing rm -rf
Executing rm -rf
Executing rm -rf
Executing rm -rf
Executing rm -rf
Executing rm -rf
Executing rm -rf
Executing rm -rf
Executing rm -rf
Executing rm -rf
Executing rm -rf
Executing rm -rf
Executing rm -rf
Executing rm -rf
Executing rm -rf
Executing rm -rf
Executing rm -rf
Executing rm -rf
Executing rm -rf
Executing wine regedit C:\windows\Temp\_vcrun2008\override-dll.reg
it looks like wine32 is missing, you should install it.
as root, please execute "apt-get install wine32"
Executing wine64 regedit C:\windows\Temp\_vcrun2008\override-dll.reg
Executing cd /home/bill/.cache/winetricks/vcrun2008
Executing wine vcredist_x86.exe
it looks like wine32 is missing, you should install it.
as root, please execute "apt-get install wine32"
it looks like wine32 is missing, you should install it.
as root, please execute "apt-get install wine32"
wine: Y:\vcrun2008\vcredist_x86.exe 的不當 EXE 格式。
Note: command wine vcredist_x86.exe returned status 193. Aborting.
Gtk-Message: 18:32:02.097: GtkDialog mapped without a transient parent. This
is discouraged.
DESCRIPTION="Linux Mint 19 Tara"
All Comments

By Daniel
at 2018-07-14T01:08
at 2018-07-14T01:08

By John
at 2018-07-14T09:11
at 2018-07-14T09:11

By George
at 2018-07-15T07:53
at 2018-07-15T07:53

By Elvira
at 2018-07-19T20:32
at 2018-07-19T20:32
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