Netflix的執行長建議使用比特幣支付 - 數位貨幣

Hedy avatar
By Hedy
at 2016-01-13T00:09

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Netflix CFO David Wells touched on the subject of bitcoin during a
question-and-answer session at an investor event earlier this month.

Speaking at the 2016 Internet, Media and Telecommunications Conference, held
on 6th and 7th January, Wells was asked about lessons Netflix learned amid
problems launching payment services in Latin America.

Wells remarked that the company is still adjusting to those lessons today, as
well as experiences from integrations in Europe. He said that the world of
payments is in a state of evolution, and that bitcoin could be a solution to
some of the issues it has faced.

Wells said:

“We'll see where we go from here in the next 10, 15 years from a payments
perspective, because countries still want to hold on to their monetary
policy. But [it] sure would be nice to have bitcoin, in terms of a global
currency, that you could use globally.”

While Wells made no indication that Netflix is looking to integrate bitcoin,
the comments are sure to spark speculation that that company is at least
aware of the technology.

The event came after the announcement that the popular content streaming
service would expand its area of service by 130 countries, a move revealed at
the 2016 CES electronics conference.

A representative for Netflix declined to comment when reached.

Do you think Netflix will be the next online merchant to use bitcoin as a
payment method? Share your thoughts below:

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