Neverwinter Night 2 AppStore特價$0.99 - MAC

Candice avatar
By Candice
at 2012-04-03T23:18

Table of Contents

Unfortunately, our license to support Neverwinter Nights 2 has
expired which means we do not have the rights to have digital
vendors distribute the game. Once the game has been pulled, it
will no longer be available for redownloads or purchases. To obtain
a refund, please contact App Store customer service directly. Or,
send us your mailing address so we can send you a disk version of the game.

當初就是為了不要放光碟才買digital copy啊...orz

※ 引述《YUPTT (ZaC)》之銘言:
: "Aspyr's rights to sell Neverwinter Nights 2 have recently expired,
: but Aspyr remains committed to supporting customers who have purchased
: Neverwinter Nights 2.
: If you purchased the game from Apple's Mac App Store
: we suggest you back up the game to an external hard-drive or similar device
: before you reformat your computer or otherwise delete the game.
: Neverwinter Nights 2 will not be available for re-download from
: the Mac App Store per Apple's terms and conditions.
: If you experience any issues please
: do not hesitate to reach out to our customer support team.
: We can help you."
: 看來只能跟他們客服聯絡了 ==
: 這邊附上 兩個聯絡管道
: email
: [email protected]
: 提供購買證明,他們意願解決問題(希望不是退我0.99)

Tags: MAC

All Comments

Candice avatar
By Candice
at 2012-04-05T16:39
我也收到一樣的回信 退費要不然就是郵寄光碟版 囧

google talk視訊無法使用

Zanna avatar
By Zanna
at 2012-04-03T22:41
想請教一下 我向來在mac使用兩個視訊軟體 一個是google talk 一個是 skype 今天skype講視訊沒有問題 但開google talk 就會變成對方看得到我 我看不到對方的狀況 也有請多位朋友幫助測試 大家的google talk都沒問題 只有我的會有以上狀況 能請教一下 我該怎麼辦 ...


Olga avatar
By Olga
at 2012-04-03T21:00
好像是最近更新之後才發生的問題 因為我也有一段時間沒有整理相片了... 然後今天把照片輸入至iphoto之後發現, 如果是一般橫式照片都沒問題 但是直式照片都會變成黑的 如果用Finder開是沒有問題的 可是從iphoto看的話就有問題... 想請問這個問題有解嗎? 謝謝大家... - ...

Neverwinter Night 2 AppStore特價$0.99

Catherine avatar
By Catherine
at 2012-04-03T18:30
※ 引述《andy0826 (AKG)》之銘言: : ※ 引述《iPluto (》之銘言: : : Neverwinter Night2應該是有點年紀的RPG了 : : 不過它現在正在Mac App Store 95% off : : 只要.....0.99美金orz ...

Neverwinter Night 2 AppStore特價$0.99

Noah avatar
By Noah
at 2012-04-03T17:55
※ 引述《iPluto (》之銘言: : Neverwinter Night2應該是有點年紀的RPG了 : 不過它現在正在Mac App Store 95% off : 只要.....0.99美金orz : 有興趣的板友可以參考一下XD : 別忘了先看一下System ...


Tracy avatar
By Tracy
at 2012-04-03T13:31
爬文爬的頭好昏, 決定直接來發文問一下好了, 我本身使用舊款的imac 21.5吋, 因為有繪圖的需求,所以想要加買一個外接螢幕變成雙螢幕, 目前考慮買mac 27吋顯示器, 有兩種 Apple LED Cinema 和 Apple Thunderbolt Display , 想問的是舊款imac ...