NY Times on Enterprise Ethereum - 數位貨幣

Eden avatar
By Eden
at 2017-02-28T15:08

Table of Contents


Business Giants to Announce Creation of a Computing System Based on Ethereum

原文太長 我節錄一些重點:

An alliance of about 30 companies, including Microsoft and JPMorgan Chase,
has plans to standardize data gathering and tracking using software that is
seen as harder to hack.

The new organization, a nonprofit, is part of a broader movement to harness
the technological concept known as the blockchain, which was introduced to
the world by Bitcoin.

IBM has made a particularly big push into the blockchain business, and it has
been leading a separate collaborative project, known as the Hyperledger

The new Ethereum alliance has been described by some of its backers as a way
to ensure that the IBM-led blockchain effort is not the only option for
businesses looking to use the technology. Other companies like R3 and Chain
have also been developing alternative blockchains.

The purpose of the alliance is to create a standard, open-source version of
Ethereum that can provide a foundation for any specific use case.


All Comments

Quanna avatar
By Quanna
at 2017-03-04T09:52
Hedwig avatar
By Hedwig
at 2017-03-04T14:51
Lydia avatar
By Lydia
at 2017-03-05T21:40
成員有富邦金控 LOL
Aaliyah avatar
By Aaliyah
at 2017-03-09T17:20


Regina avatar
By Regina
at 2017-02-28T10:40
有沒有推薦的國外比特幣交易所(不要中國的交易所)? 之前我用過btc-e跟bitstamp這兩家 但是發生過 某一次轉出幣的量過大 給我惡意卡幣 居然要我傳很多身份驗證 差點幣轉不出來 被吃掉 弄的很麻煩 不知道 除了這兩家 還有哪家國外的交易所大家有推薦的嗎? 其實 我覺得幣託跟maicoin的買賣價差太大 ...


Victoria avatar
By Victoria
at 2017-02-26T01:13
昨天教授叫我去研究乙太幣(完全門外漢 看了很多文章似懂非懂後 就看著YouTube的教學 下載了Ethereum wallet 建立了帳號 並且同步了blocks 原本還不以為意 慢慢的研究如何操作 後來電腦瞬間少了10G 我就趕快移除了Ethereum wallet 但是消失的10G還是找不回來(泣 找了好 ...

Poloniex BTC withdrawal到BitoEx

Edith avatar
By Edith
at 2017-02-24T12:26
如題 我用Poloniex幫我把ETH換成BTC後 然後用它的BTC withdrawal到BitoEx的錢包 可是它顯示Complete但BitoEx說沒有收到那筆錢 在區塊鏈也沒看到交易紀錄QQ 到底發生甚麼事了嗚嗚 Address: 18nsTmRg9hS6K4ShRnoZ81MUVeWE8D ...


Belly avatar
By Belly
at 2017-02-23T12:58
https://goo.gl/LjG13F 現在比特幣壅塞情形幾乎來到歷史新紀錄了,高達6%供應量的比特幣交易全塞在 未確認狀態了,比特幣當初設計就是以超強的流動性為賣點,現在全塞住啦~~~~ 看來Bitcoin-core的夢想,比特幣交易手續費跟國際電匯一樣貴有可能實現喔XDD 現在用獨立錢包發交易 ...

一字不只值千金! 程式碼多一字讓駭客偷

Mason avatar
By Mason
at 2017-02-23T02:56
新聞來源連結: http://www.ithome.com.tw/news/112057 一字不只值千金! 程式碼多一字讓駭客偷走近60萬美元的零幣 零幣(Zcoin)專案本周表示幾周前零幣程式碼中一個錯字造成的漏洞,讓駭客偷走37萬零 幣,約美金59.2萬(約1820萬台幣)。 零幣(Zcoin, Z ...