One X電信版刷通路版升JB後感應器失效 - Android
By Lily
at 2012-10-30T02:22
at 2012-10-30T02:22
Table of Contents
使用One X電信版遲遲等不到升級的朋友,
小弟使用遠傳電信版本的One X, 因為等不到OTA,
解鎖以後刷成通路版, 再一路更新上JB, 結果出現怪狀況:
1.距離感測器失效 - 通話中不會自動關閉螢幕
2.光感應器失效 - 螢幕亮度不會自動調整
原本為第三方軟體衝突, 整支重設不裝任何軟體也是一樣,
爬到XDA發現有類似災情, 請參考:
Light and proximity sensors [JB firmware]
It seems that some phones have different-model sensors(require different
drivers)? And since the pre-release of JB builds some phones have a
problem with Light and Proximity sensors. This thread is to troubleshoot
this problem and hopefully reach a solution.
Whats causing this problem ?
ALL JB new firmwares : 3.09.XXX.XXX - 3.14.XXX.XXX on bootloaders
(as of 29/10) 1.23/1.28/1.31 hboot
Whats not causing this problem ?
tested all possible boot.img/system.img combinations
Which devices are affected ?
Devices with S/N starting in HT243 , HT251 or HT253
(please report if you have contradictory results)
How to fix this problem?
IF S-OFF; Downgrade to ICS firmware
IF S-ON; No solution, so don't flash it unless you receive it
Over-The-Air to keep your warranty.
大意話機可能有不同感測器模組, 需要不同firmware,
部分有問題機器序號開頭是HT243 , HT251 or HT253
目前解法只有S-OFF的機器可以降級回ICS, S-ON機器暫時無解,
討論串上大概都在等OTA, 但小弟就是台灣OTA以後出包的XDXD
如果有朋友知道怎麼解, 也請不吝分享, 感激不盡!
使用One X電信版遲遲等不到升級的朋友,
小弟使用遠傳電信版本的One X, 因為等不到OTA,
解鎖以後刷成通路版, 再一路更新上JB, 結果出現怪狀況:
1.距離感測器失效 - 通話中不會自動關閉螢幕
2.光感應器失效 - 螢幕亮度不會自動調整
原本為第三方軟體衝突, 整支重設不裝任何軟體也是一樣,
爬到XDA發現有類似災情, 請參考:
Light and proximity sensors [JB firmware]
It seems that some phones have different-model sensors(require different
drivers)? And since the pre-release of JB builds some phones have a
problem with Light and Proximity sensors. This thread is to troubleshoot
this problem and hopefully reach a solution.
Whats causing this problem ?
ALL JB new firmwares : 3.09.XXX.XXX - 3.14.XXX.XXX on bootloaders
(as of 29/10) 1.23/1.28/1.31 hboot
Whats not causing this problem ?
tested all possible boot.img/system.img combinations
Which devices are affected ?
Devices with S/N starting in HT243 , HT251 or HT253
(please report if you have contradictory results)
How to fix this problem?
IF S-OFF; Downgrade to ICS firmware
IF S-ON; No solution, so don't flash it unless you receive it
Over-The-Air to keep your warranty.
大意話機可能有不同感測器模組, 需要不同firmware,
部分有問題機器序號開頭是HT243 , HT251 or HT253
目前解法只有S-OFF的機器可以降級回ICS, S-ON機器暫時無解,
討論串上大概都在等OTA, 但小弟就是台灣OTA以後出包的XDXD
如果有朋友知道怎麼解, 也請不吝分享, 感激不盡!
All Comments
By Audriana
at 2012-10-30T08:28
at 2012-10-30T08:28
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at 2012-11-02T12:08
at 2012-11-02T12:08
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at 2012-11-03T06:33
at 2012-11-03T06:33
By Freda
at 2012-11-03T23:51
at 2012-11-03T23:51
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