Onedrive 免費升級至 30G - 免空

Freda avatar
By Freda
at 2014-09-20T10:32

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Hey iPhone Users…You Can Now Get 30 GB of Free Storage with OneDrive!
By Douglas Pearce - September 19, 2014

Tonight, we are pleased to announce that we are doubling the amount of free
storage you get with OneDrive. While it might seem strange to announce new
features on a Friday evening, we’ve been listening to the commentary about
storage on the new iPhones released today and we wanted to get you more
storage right away. We think you’ll appreciate having more free storage
while setting up your iPhone 6 or upgrading to iOS 8. It’s a limited time
offer, so act fast and download OneDrive for iOS.

All you have to do is sign up for OneDrive and activate the auto upload
feature for your camera roll sometime between now and the end of September,
and you will get 30 GB of free OneDrive storage moving forward (15 GB base
and 15 GB camera roll bonus). For those getting ready to install iOS8, this
means you won’t have to delete a bunch of photos or apps to make room for
the upgrade. For those buying a new phone, it means you can take all the high
resolution photos and videos you want without worrying about the amount of
storage you have.

Not an iPhone user? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. This also applies
to anyone who already uses the OneDrive camera roll on Windows Phone (Windows
Phone Store), Android (Google Play Store) and Windows (Download) – you’ll
see your storage go up as well. Same for any existing iPhone users who backup
their photos to OneDrive.

When you are setting up your new phone with OneDrive, all your photos and
videos will be available instantly without taking up precious space on your
device. You can also can get more done with the combined power of OneDrive,
Office Mobile, and OneNote.

With this limited time offer, we are excited to see even more people choose
OneDrive as the one place for everything in their life.


即日起至 9 月底開啟手機相片自動上傳功能,Onedrive 自動將你的空間增加 15G


Tags: 免空

All Comments

Eden avatar
By Eden
at 2014-09-25T00:05
Hedwig avatar
By Hedwig
at 2014-09-29T04:56
Emily avatar
By Emily
at 2014-10-01T15:23
已增家 謝謝
Hedwig avatar
By Hedwig
at 2014-10-06T07:56
John avatar
By John
at 2014-10-09T20:34
John avatar
By John
at 2014-10-12T07:10
只要是 OneDrive 皆可,請看綠色那段

copy 能回復已刪的檔案嗎?

Bennie avatar
By Bennie
at 2014-09-15T19:25
我今天在coding的時候 不小心在linux 上 rm(刪除) 了一個code 資料夾, 想上copy的網頁版把它回復, 可是一直找不到回復功能的使用法方, 請問copy可以回復已刪的檔案嗎? - ...

MEGA 網路上分享的資料夾連結

Eartha avatar
By Eartha
at 2014-09-14T15:10
請問 網路上有人分享的檔案是直接給MEGA的資料夾連結 這個資料夾有辦法轉存到自己的MEGA雲端空間嗎? 感謝 - ...


Rosalind avatar
By Rosalind
at 2014-09-14T14:07
本來box用得好好的 但幾天前不明原因,其他人都無法下載我的檔案,寫信給官方他們說沒問題 (有興趣可試試 所以想找個新的空間,可以供人預覽音樂、下載,最好免費10G以上 不知道有沒有哪個空間符合我的需求? - ...


Agatha avatar
By Agatha
at 2014-09-14T13:39
MEGAsync傳輸出現問題, 我的D:/資料總共有27.1GB 我下載MEGAsync要上傳資料 我把D:/資料全部複製到MEGAsync 但是全部資料有27.1GB 按複製卻只有複製5.15GB到MEGAsync資料夾 試了2次都一樣 後來我改用拖行檔案的方式, 結果卻還是一樣(只有複製5 ...

送115非VIP 1TB空間卡*5

Delia avatar
By Delia
at 2014-09-14T09:27
為了升級,先推先贏囉 限制非vip用戶喔,謝謝大家 - ...