Peejeshare 使用心得 - 免空

By Damian
at 2012-05-17T14:23
at 2012-05-17T14:23
Table of Contents
可多檔下載 免驗證碼 440MB檔案約10~15分鐘下載完畢
單檔上傳最大1GB 可用資料夾管理 上傳後可更改檔案名稱
可用密碼保護下載 單檔上傳至少70kb/秒(網咖測試有鎖上傳速所以用至少來敘述)
免註冊即可使用空間 永不砍檔
缺點 介面很醜 Z_O_O_M file uploader不支援 單"次"上傳量1GB
空間大小? 是否耐下載?
小弟曾上傳在MF檔案下載流量 一個月破6000 下載仍沒有問題
這個空間主旨是 任何人都有權利分享檔案 不論是上傳者或下載者
都不應該受到限速 或有等待時間的限制
唯一唯一的缺點在 完全沒有贊助或者付費
真的是貨真價實的免空 但維護 買空間 買硬碟都是錢
個人私心希望他們能夠開放贊助 讓這個宗旨能夠繼續持續下去
We at Peeje believe that the internet should be free, and as a part of that
so should file hosting.
We believe that everyone across the world should be
able to share their content without any speed or wait limitations.
We believe in a better internet. This is a short manual introducing you to our
Our philosophy is to offer an absolutely easy-to-use service
for you to send your files to other people. That is why you do not have to
sign-up in order to use our service. To start, you simply click on "Browse"
and select a local file on your hard-disk. Then just click the "Upload"
button and wait.
Uploading might take from a few seconds up to 30 minutes,
depending on your internet-connection and the file size. We are currently
offering files up to 1GB in size.
After your upload has finished, you will be
given a download-link and a delete-link instantly.
You can then share the download-link with other people using your email, website, facebook, or via
your favorite forum or blog. Thats it! Easy, isn't it?
It doesn't matter if you just expect one download of your file or over 100,000 downloads. We will
host your file forever, unless you delete it using the provided delete-link.
If you still have questions regarding this free service, please email us
through our contact page.
無論您只下載過一次 或是檔案分享超過十萬載次
我們都會留存您的檔案 除非您自己砍檔
可多檔下載 免驗證碼 440MB檔案約10~15分鐘下載完畢
單檔上傳最大1GB 可用資料夾管理 上傳後可更改檔案名稱
可用密碼保護下載 單檔上傳至少70kb/秒(網咖測試有鎖上傳速所以用至少來敘述)
免註冊即可使用空間 永不砍檔
缺點 介面很醜 Z_O_O_M file uploader不支援 單"次"上傳量1GB
空間大小? 是否耐下載?
小弟曾上傳在MF檔案下載流量 一個月破6000 下載仍沒有問題
這個空間主旨是 任何人都有權利分享檔案 不論是上傳者或下載者
都不應該受到限速 或有等待時間的限制
唯一唯一的缺點在 完全沒有贊助或者付費
真的是貨真價實的免空 但維護 買空間 買硬碟都是錢
個人私心希望他們能夠開放贊助 讓這個宗旨能夠繼續持續下去
We at Peeje believe that the internet should be free, and as a part of that
so should file hosting.
We believe that everyone across the world should be
able to share their content without any speed or wait limitations.
We believe in a better internet. This is a short manual introducing you to our
Our philosophy is to offer an absolutely easy-to-use service
for you to send your files to other people. That is why you do not have to
sign-up in order to use our service. To start, you simply click on "Browse"
and select a local file on your hard-disk. Then just click the "Upload"
button and wait.
Uploading might take from a few seconds up to 30 minutes,
depending on your internet-connection and the file size. We are currently
offering files up to 1GB in size.
After your upload has finished, you will be
given a download-link and a delete-link instantly.
You can then share the download-link with other people using your email, website, facebook, or via
your favorite forum or blog. Thats it! Easy, isn't it?
It doesn't matter if you just expect one download of your file or over 100,000 downloads. We will
host your file forever, unless you delete it using the provided delete-link.
If you still have questions regarding this free service, please email us
through our contact page.
無論您只下載過一次 或是檔案分享超過十萬載次
我們都會留存您的檔案 除非您自己砍檔
All Comments

By Michael
at 2012-05-20T17:16
at 2012-05-20T17:16

By Harry
at 2012-05-22T19:32
at 2012-05-22T19:32

By Dorothy
at 2012-05-26T10:40
at 2012-05-26T10:40

By Iris
at 2012-05-26T18:27
at 2012-05-26T18:27

By Zora
at 2012-05-29T01:16
at 2012-05-29T01:16

By Yuri
at 2012-05-31T16:13
at 2012-05-31T16:13

By Agnes
at 2012-06-01T08:44
at 2012-06-01T08:44
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