Irma avatar
By Irma
at 2016-12-20T00:08

Table of Contents

BDM4350UC 43英寸4K顯示器 IPS高清窄邊電腦液晶顯示屏

7. 顯示器上所有介面都搭配有原裝線, bizlink的。


有 burn in 問題,以及在全淺色的背景上有 dark clouds。
burn-in issues usually happens only in the first 100h of usage.
沒有 FreeSync.
For more info:

A BGR (Blue, Green and Red) stripe subpixel layout is used. This is a less conventional subpixel than RGB (Red, Green and Blue) as ‘expected’ by operating systems including Microsoft Windows and Apple’s MacOS. Windows users should therefore run ClearType to optimise text clarity

the default ‘6500K’ setting was actually pretty decent on our unit and will hopefully be quite useable on most units.

Although ‘2.2’ is reported in the OSD, the monitor actually switches to ‘2.4’ for the gamma setting if ‘User Define’ is selected for ‘Color’. If you cycle to a different gamma setting and then back to ‘2.2’, the monitor will use ‘2.2’ as reported. If the monitor is switched off and the ‘User Define’ setting is being used, gamma will again revert to ‘2.4’ even if ‘2.2’ is displayed. In other words, you have to cycle the gamma setting to something else and then back to ‘2.2’ if you wish
to customise the colour channels and also have correct tracking of the ‘2.2’ curve.

As mentioned above we reduced brightness and made (significant) adjustments on the ‘User Define’ ‘Color’ setting. Be aware that individual units can vary, so these settings aren’t necessarily going to be optimal. Also be aware that we had to re-select ‘2.2’ for the gamma every time the monitor was switched on, as noted previously. If the monitor lost signal for any reason it was not necessary to re-apply this – if you don’t want the hassle of this, the default ‘6500K’ setting was actually
pretty decent on our unit and will hopefully be quite useable on most units.

Brightness= 40 (according to preferences and lighting)
SmartResponse= Fast
Color= User Define
R= 100
G= 84
B= 52


※ 文章網址:
DavidChiou: 對了,另外大陸網友表示這台螢幕很厚,有一個拳頭那 12/20 00:17
DavidChiou: 麼厚,很笨重。支架不能調高低。相較之下,BenQ 32吋 12/20 00:17
DavidChiou: 那台就新潮多了,控制是作得蠻不錯的。 12/20 00:18
Parodius: 支架固定應是尺寸使然,雖然定位是螢幕,不過看看隔壁棚 12/20 01:02
Parodius: 的電視,40"以上應該也沒幾台官配支架是能調整的(? 12/20 01:02
DavidChiou: 的確。我看了下家中電視,厚度的確也是一個拳頭厚。 12/20 15:32
DavidChiou: 這台43吋算是電視改來的 :D 12/20 15:32
aj6617: 感謝 看來我找資料的功力要再磨練 m(_._)m 12/20 18:22
xup61069: 整理推 12/20 21:39

※ 編輯: DavidChiou ( 臺灣), 08/25/2020 13:16:42

Tags: 螢幕

All Comments

Faithe avatar
By Faithe
at 2016-12-24T21:10
麼厚,很笨重。支架不能調高低。相較之下,BenQ 32吋
Olga avatar
By Olga
at 2016-12-27T06:18
Lauren avatar
By Lauren
at 2016-12-31T01:14
Anthony avatar
By Anthony
at 2017-01-01T03:10
這台43吋算是電視改來的 :D
Necoo avatar
By Necoo
at 2017-01-05T01:50
感謝 看來我找資料的功力要再磨練 m(_._)m
Joe avatar
By Joe
at 2017-01-06T09:14

Philip 226v6qsb6 亮面?-(意思是)->鏡面?

Tracy avatar
By Tracy
at 2016-12-19T21:24
問題一:在洽詢前是否看過置底文□ [情報] 網購寬螢幕整理(yes or no)? 回答一:Yex 問題二:購買新款LCD預算金額(預算金額請填範圍值)? 回答二:2800 問題三:購買新款LCD理想尺寸(請填寫理想尺寸範圍)? 回答三:19~22 問題四:看過置底文後心儀的螢幕型號(請填寫廠牌跟正確型 ...

Freda avatar
By Freda
at 2016-12-19T20:39
問題一:在洽詢前是否看過置底文□ [情報] 網購寬螢幕整理(yes or no)? 回答一:yes 問題二:購買新款LCD預算金額(預算金額請填範圍值)? 回答二:3000~8000 問題三:購買新款LCD理想尺寸(請填寫理想尺寸範圍)? 回答三:22-24 問題四:看過置底文後心儀的螢幕型號(請填寫廠 ...

24吋以上 多工、電影、舒適 求推薦

Ursula avatar
By Ursula
at 2016-12-19T16:05
問題一:在洽詢前是否看過置底文□ [情報] 網購寬螢幕整理(yes or no)? 回答一:yes 問題二:購買新款LCD預算金額(預算金額請填範圍值)? 回答二:15k以下 (單或雙螢幕) 很彈性 問題三:購買新款LCD理想尺寸(請填寫理想尺寸範圍)? 回答三:24以上 問題四:看過置底文後心儀的螢幕 ...

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