Pint-Sized Backdoor for OS X Discovered - MAC

Belly avatar
By Belly
at 2013-02-21T12:05

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Pint-Sized Backdoor for OS X Discovered
Posted on February 18th, 2013 by Lysa Myers

A new backdoor which affects OS X has been announced to an AV industry
mailing list. Details are fairly limited right now, and the components we
have indicate a fairly small, simplistic but efficient threat. It’s believed
that this was a targeted attack, perhaps dropped by an exploit. At the time
of writing, all of the network components have been sinkholed so it’s unable
to receive commands.

From what we’ve seen, this threat likely starts with an exploit to get it
past Gatekeeper. Once on a system, it sets up a reverse shell. That is to
say, rather than announcing to the controller that the machine is infected
(because the machine has been targeted and they already know where it is),
the controller periodically contacts the infected machine to perform
commands. Initiating the contact from outside the affected machine
potentially helps it get past firewalls. This part of the threat is comprised
of clear text Perl scripts, which means it’s fairly easy to spot if someone
knows what to look for.

So that’s where the second part of this threat comes in. The binary
component uses a modified version of existing tools (namely OpenSSH 6.0p1)
for creating a secure connection to encrypt the traffic so that it is much
better hidden. The tool is further hidden by placing the file in a directory
that is usually used for printing, so that if anyone sees a list of processes
contacting the network, it will appear as if the affected machine is simply
printing from a networked printer. This version of the tool also has been
modified so that it will not save a log of its command histories.

The threat encrypts traffic with the command and control channel by use of an
RSA key.

The filenames as they were reported are:
cupsd (Mach-O binary)
One of the (sinkholed) network addresses that the threat contacts is “” It’s been noted that this is a misspelling of Apple, but it
is the stock symbol for Apple. 訊息來的太快請審慎評估..






我的專長:迅速解毒 當機處理 資料救援 取回帳號 系統規劃 資訊整合
省空間,使用舒適感佳,溫暖的鍵盤與滑鼠 (抗手冰冷) 鄉民說收卡是為了培養EQ

Tags: MAC

All Comments

Ethan avatar
By Ethan
at 2013-02-22T19:12
deny 掉 有沒有用?
Emma avatar
By Emma
at 2013-02-23T00:06

bootcamp win7 藍屏

Jessica avatar
By Jessica
at 2013-02-21T00:43
電腦: 2011 MBP 用 bootcamp裝 win7 我過年期間剛重灌過 但是我昨天晚上在玩lol的時候 兩次藍屏 今天打了約七場 就在剛剛又藍屏 我win7幾乎沒有裝什麼東西 請問一下這是硬體還是軟體的問題呢? ----------------------------------- ...


Agnes avatar
By Agnes
at 2013-02-21T00:39 (Mac Rumors, 2013/02/19) 這幾天多虧了Apple員工電腦被駭事件(?) Oracle和Apple又分別推出Java 7 (1.7.0_15) 和Java 6 (1.6.0_41) 的更新了 這次正好碰上(?)Apple每季例行的Java ...


Poppy avatar
By Poppy
at 2013-02-21T00:22
※ 引述《acjo (盧小小)》之銘言: : 本來都有設定顯示隱藏文字 : 但是剛剛發現功能好像失效了 : 不會自動開燈 : 目前使用1.4.9 應該是最新版吧? : 有板友發生同樣情形嗎? : 記得前幾天功能還正常啊 這我要解釋一下 (本篇文章可以按 \ 選擇 2 或 3 以看到完整內容) PTT 現在 ...


Carolina Franco avatar
By Carolina Franco
at 2013-02-20T22:58
本來都有設定顯示隱藏文字 但是剛剛發現功能好像失效了 不會自動開燈 目前使用1.4.9 應該是最新版吧? 有板友發生同樣情形嗎? 記得前幾天功能還正常啊 - ...


Mia avatar
By Mia
at 2013-02-20T22:30
從台灣帶了iphone到大陸前, 手機上下載了網際直通車,也可以使用, 但我在macbook上的app store找不到網際直通車(vpn express)可以下載, 是這樣嗎?還是回台灣才能找得到並且下載?? 又或者網際直通車的帳號能在內建的vpn裡設置? 另外,有關iphone5的問題, 我找不到個人熱 ...