put.io 將取消免費帳號 - 免空

By Jacky
at 2013-11-23T16:41
at 2013-11-23T16:41
Table of Contents
12/1 起將取消免費帳號 QQ
Dear xxx.
I have bad news. Free accounts will be disabled on 1st of December, 2013.
We've been grandfathering 108,000 free accounts for 1.5 years now.
It's time to say goodbye before the cost kills us.
Thank you for all your support. We hope you will not be bummed too much. We
sincerely wanted to keep serving you, but it's not possible anymore.
Take care.
PS: We noticed a decent competitor called Streamza. They have a free plan
that might suit your needs.
PPS: If you'd like to stay, here's a coupon code that gives you 15% discount
on all the yearly plans: HEISENBERGHAT. Just enter it when our payment
service (Fastspring) prompts you.
1985/01/12 三嶋鳴海 1989/02/22 優希堂悟 1990/02/22 冬川こころ 1993/07/05 小町
つぐみ 歡迎來到 1994/05/21 高江ミュウ 1997/03/24 守野いづみ 1997/03/24 伊野瀬
チサト 1998/06/18 守野くるみ 打越鋼太郎的 1999/10/19 楠田ゆに 2000/02/15 樋口遙
2002/12/17 八神ココ 2011/01/11 HAL18於朱倉岳墜機 ∞與∫的世界 2011/04/02 茜崎空
啟動 2012/05/21 第貮日蝕計畫預定 2017/05/01~07 LeMU崩壞 2019/04/01~07 某大學合宿
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