Razer 300元折價券 - 鍵鼠

Caroline avatar
By Caroline
at 2013-03-05T12:16

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It's the Year of the Snake on the Chinese Lunar calendar, and in accordance
with the custom of giving for good luck, we are offering all Synapse 2.0
users a discount on their next RazerStore purchase.

Your discount code is xxxxxxxxx.
This entitles you to a NT$300 discount off your order at the RazerStore with
a minimum purchase of NT$2990.

Instructions on how to activate your discount code:

1.Click here to visit the RazerStore
2.Add your desired Razer product(s) into your cart.
3.Enter the discount code into the Promo Code box prior to checkout to enjoy
your discount.

Need assistance? Contact us at [email protected].

Terms and Conditions:
‧Your activation or use of the discount code constitutes acceptance of these
terms & conditions.

‧The discount code is only applicable for purchases made at the RazerStore,
limited to 1 discount code per customer and cannot be combined with any other

‧The discount code is only applicable for purchases that meet a minimum
order value of NT$2990, which excludes shipping charges, custom fees and

‧The discount code is applicable for all Razer products except the Extended
Warranty for the Razer Blade or the Razer Edge.

‧Redemption of the discount code is only valid till May 31, 2013.

‧The discount code has no cash value, is non-transferable and cannot be sold
or exchanged.

‧All promotions are applicable while stocks last. Razer reserves the right
to withdraw, terminate or amend the terms of promotion at any time.

‧Razer has sole discretion to interpret these terms and its decision shall
be final in all cases.

‧Promotion void where prohibited by law.

Best Regards,
Team Razer


1. 感謝使用Synapse,為了在中國蛇年中帶給大家祝福

2. 結帳金額要高於2990才可以使用。

3. 使用期限到2013/5/31

快去收看看信箱吧,雖然只有300 囧

Jerhyn: Jerhyn: llewod: llewod: nony69:
什麼東西藏在 黑黑長長 如果三十公分 那就打開褲檔 海綿體寶寶
●> 我的褲子裡 \●/ 又臭有毛 ●/ 是你的願望 讓大鵰飛翔 海綿體寶寶
< m@ \/ 海綿體寶寶
) 海綿體寶寶 ) 海綿體寶寶 ) 海綿體寶寶 海綿體寶寶 ~●
/\ /\ ψQSWEET 海綿體~~~寶寶

Tags: 鍵鼠

All Comments

Una avatar
By Una
at 2013-03-06T17:31
運費就扣回來了 還沒利德的保固 比不上超給力的上次半價
Regina avatar
By Regina
at 2013-03-08T18:08
我也有收到 感覺好像沒什麼用 = =
Olivia avatar
By Olivia
at 2013-03-08T19:32
Olga avatar
By Olga
at 2013-03-11T16:08
2y4wzq8jq 這裡也有一組 歡迎自取
Olivia avatar
By Olivia
at 2013-03-12T06:44

Roccat 推出 Kone Pure Color 特別版

Jacob avatar
By Jacob
at 2013-03-04T22:25
[link] http://www.xfastest.com/thread-99264-1-1.html 遊戲周邊廠商 Roccat 近日針對旗下的 Kone Pure 推出特別版 新的版本將會有四種不同的色系 包括紅色、藍色、橘色及白色 Kone Pure Color Limited Editi ...


Christine avatar
By Christine
at 2013-03-03T23:44
為什麼說自虐…請聽我娓娓道來XD 我去年10/29打給羅技客服報修m555b, 當時客服告知我,目前沒備貨要我寄去等備貨還是等通知, 我選擇後者,因為m555b是右鍵不太正常還算可容許範圍。 (要是左鍵當然就不用說了換一個比較快!) . 到了12/15想說都沒消息,寫信問問吧…。 18日收到回覆說m555b ...


Ophelia avatar
By Ophelia
at 2013-03-02T08:27
由於過年紅包還有剩的關係... 決定趁著去高雄車站附近買書的時候 順便去PCPARTY看看鍵鼠 但之前已經買了DK SHINE 2的關係... 所以暫時沒有要購入鍵盤的意思 這次去就決定看看滑鼠 以上廢話------------- 手一握到FORCE ICE M9的時候都發光了(?) 因為手機 ...


Charlotte avatar
By Charlotte
at 2013-03-01T11:48
請問買過羅技 K360R的人 背面翻過來 型號是寫 K360正常嗎? 而且仔細一看背面的 SN 跟 PN跟外盒的都不一樣= =詭異.. 但是正面是素面的 不像是K360一樣有花紋阿..||| - ...


Christine avatar
By Christine
at 2013-03-01T01:35
為什麼黑軸跟紅軸說適合打遊戲? 很多人都說因為是直上直下 沒有段落感 為什麼這樣就是適合打遊戲? 有沒有段落感會影響到操作嗎? 不知道直上直下的好處在哪裡 - ...