Re: 請問Gmail - Google

Mary avatar
By Mary
at 2009-05-15T06:50

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※ 引述《YongdaLai (再會了可樂喵)》之銘言:
: 當掉了嗎?
: 我第一次遇到Gmail當掉...
: 請問這是真的嗎?

This is your pilot speaking. Now, about that holding pattern...

from Official Google Blog by A Googler

Imagine if you were trying to fly from New York to San Francisco, but your
plane was routed through an airport in Asia. And a bunch of other planes were
sent that way too, so your flight was backed up and your journey took much
longer than expected. That's basically what happened to some of our users
today for about an hour, starting at 7:48 am Pacific time.

An error in one of our systems caused us to direct some of our web traffic
through Asia, which created a traffic jam. As a result, about 14% of our
users experienced slow services or even interruptions. We've been working
hard to make our services ultrafast and "always on," so it's especially
embarrassing when a glitch like this one happens. We're very sorry that it
happened, and you can be sure that we'll be working even harder to make sure
that a similar problem won't happen again. All planes are back on schedule

Posted by Urs Hoelzle, SVP, Operations

Tags: Google

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Google send to phone 傳簡訊不用錢??

Frederica avatar
By Frederica
at 2009-05-15T04:43
不是日曆的簡訊通知 如下... 不知道是不是舊消息 我特地去灌了firefox 裝了google的套件 還是不知道要怎麼用他的免費傳簡訊功能.... 是被河蟹掉了嗎atata... - ...


Barb Cronin avatar
By Barb Cronin
at 2009-05-15T00:44
推 traces:台灣版的好像還沒 05/13 10:22 推 YoyaKazuma:這功能台灣版的也有...不過不是and#34;誰來我家and#34;啦...XDD 05/13 10:37 → YoyaKazuma:這是and#34;您相片的愛好者and#34;的清單,也就是被加到對方的最愛裡 05/13 ...


Andy avatar
By Andy
at 2009-05-15T00:29
首頁 信箱 地圖 新聞.....等等 似乎有比較順了 剩下閱讀器是嗎? 請教一下使用中華的大大~~~ - ...

Re: 請問Gmail

Iris avatar
By Iris
at 2009-05-14T23:36
※ 引述《YongdaLai (再會了可樂喵)》之銘言: : 當掉了嗎? : 我第一次遇到Gmail當掉... : 請問這是真的嗎? 我是中華光纖... GOOGLE服務變超慢... 是小日本看黑NET不爽嗎= = 為什麼黑NET就是不直連台灣GOOGLE阿~~~ C:\andgt;tracert www ...


Dora avatar
By Dora
at 2009-05-14T23:09
[本研究僅限曾經有使用過線上文書軟體者作答,謝謝!] 親愛的受訪者,您好: 我是東吳大學企業管理研究所的學生,謝謝您百忙之中抽空接受本人的問卷調查。 本問卷的目的是想了解電腦族對於新技術產品的接受度。 全部資料僅作學術之用,絕不對外公開,請安心填寫。 敬祝 萬事如意 ...