SIGT SWAP 情報 - 數位貨幣

By Jacky
at 2017-12-01T10:36
at 2017-12-01T10:36
Table of Contents
我擷取下面那一段跟SIGT有關的翻譯 重點翻翻 請隨意看
Signatum Swap and Developers Premine Information
In the spirit of full transparency please read the following information
carefully and ask questions on the STRAKS Discord server if you are unsure of
秉持公開透明的精神 請仔細閱讀下面的文章
如果你有任何疑問歡迎到STRAKS Discord上面發題
No Technical Association with Signatum
This is a new digital currency and it shares no technical association to
Signatum other than its superficial placeholder name and proposed “
proof-of-burn” style swap mechanics. This is simply a free coin-swap to a
new and much better currency, where you are invited to swap your Signatum
coins towards. Under no circumstance are you forced to do so. It is simply a
gesture we have decided to extend to the Signatum community in the light of
the recent scam by the old Signatum developers and emotional turbulence that
Signatum investors have experienced. The whole team was in agreement that
this was a better alternative in order to preserve value for Signatum
investors and help promote a clean, trustworthy and community orientated
cryptocurrency sector.
STRAKS是全新的電子貨幣 跟SIGT沒有關係啦
但是我們提供proof-of-burn 讓SIGT可以免費兌換STRAKS喔
因為SIGT最近的詐騙行為(我猜是指開發者已經落跑 整個放生SIGT的意思)
為了維持幣圈的和諧 所以我們團隊決定提供交換機制來解決這件事
The Coin Swap Community Poll
The coin swap poll was initiated on October the 30th and concluded on
Saturday the 4th November. From the poll-data it is evident that the
community is in great favour of the 4:1 swap, which includes burning the
Signatum coins that will be received during the swap process. Across
Bitcointalk and Discord 319 community members passed their vote. An
overwhelming 85.27% of voters were in favour of the 4:1 swap and burning the
coins in the process, while just 14.73% preferred the 20:1 option that would
have allowed them to keep their Signatum coins after the swap. As the
community has spoken and decided on the matter, we will initiate a 4:1 coin
swap and burn all Signatum coins that we receive in the process. We
personally also believe this to be the best option, as it ensures that fewer
people may be affected by the Signatum situation going forward. Nobody should
profit at the expense of others, simply because they may not have the full
overview of the situation when purchasing.
SIGT以 4:1兌換STRAKS 一旦交換後立即將SIGT燒掉 85.27%
SIGT以20:1兌換STRAKS 交換後繼續持有自己的SIGT 14.73%
基於這個結果 我們決定以SIGT 4:1來兌換STRAKS 並且燒掉收到的SIGT
我們認為這是最好的選擇 可以減少SIGT持有者受到的影響
The Swap and Developers Funds
Instead of premine, primarily due to the new REV1 payment rebalancing
algorithm requiring tracking of supply information, an instamine was added to
Block 1 for the total of 41,250,000 STAK.
The calculation of the swap and developer funds buffer is as follows:
Swap Ratio: 4 SIGT : 1 STAK
Signatum Circulation (approx): 137,000,000 SIGT
Assumed Circulation for Swap (0.36% buffer): 137,500,000 SIGT
*(Buffer covers 30 days swap period POS generation)*
STRAKS Swap Allocation: 34,375,000 STAK
STRAKS Swap Allocation (% of Max Supply): 22.9%
STRAKS Developers Allocation: 6,875,000 STAK
STRAKS Developers Allocation (% of Max Supply): 4.6%
Coins that remain unswapped of the initial dedicated swap supply: 60% will be
dedicated towards the treasury fund and 40% will be used for air-drops (with
minor requirements to increase exposure and awareness). Full transparency
will be provided and users are encouraged to track primary swap funds address.
STRAKS預計提供34,375,000 STAK進行兌換 佔整個STAK發行量的22.9%
STRAKS自己團隊持有6,875,000 STAK 佔整個STAK發行量的4.6%
60%會轉換成開發基金 40%會用來空投 增加貨幣的曝光度
Swap and Developer Funds Address(es)
at the time of writing;
[0.0] SUUTsZhb7cpXNgZbieKFrE8gocAtL7EK1C
[0.1] SPkVa5cB1kcgJk5rinL3p9w47qnjpej5gm
[1.0] SUUTsZhb7cpXNgZbieKFrE8gocAtL7EK1C
[1.1] STnW6H7rFWmoXoriS5zjuqBQntnvD1tvhB
[1.2] SZH7YJvMf4Wfxbf5ioZZgkasthebS9gZ4y
中間一大段code我就不po了 有興趣的人自己去看XD
The Swap Mechanics
The swap process will be conducted in a manner such that it aligns STRAKS'
investor/miner incentives, STRAKS' team long-term objectives, and SIGT's
"investors" seeking to accrue value alongside the STRAKS' community.
The distribution of swap funds will be managed to the extent that significant
disruption of STAK circulation and market value can/will be minimised. It
would be unreasonable to think that the development team have not extensively
considered the detrimental impact of an instantaneous increase in the
circulation of STAK coins post swap. To this consideration, the process
defined, as follows, to an appreciable degree, prevents SIGT investors
benefiting at the expense of STRAKS' miners/investors.
The start date of the swap will be announced soon on all relevant
communication channels, and the window for registration will last exactly 30
所以我們會管理交換基金 讓影響降到最低
同時防止SIGT持有者在這個機制下 從STRAKS的礦工或投資者身上獲利
交換的日期很快就會公布 開放登記30天
The "STAK-bot"
Users will use the STRAKS swap-bot on Discord, to initiate and conclude their
coin-swap. The steps involved in registering for the swap, subject to minor
amendments, will be as follows:
將來可能會有些修改 但大致的流程如下
1. User initiates SIGT swap by issuing direct-message to STAK-bot
2. STAK-bot generates new Signatum address and requests SIGT transfer from
3. STAK-bot monitors address and waits for 15 confirmations
4. STAK-bot notifies user of completion of transfer
5. STAK-bot requests user STAK address for swap process.
6. User provides new STAK address for swap.
7. STAK-bot confirms user registration for swap.
8. End of STAK swap registration process
1. SIGT持有者直接發訊息給STAK機器人
2. STAK機器人產生一個新的SIGT地址 讓SIGT持有人將SIGT傳送到該地址
3. 等待15個確認數
4. 通知傳送完成
5. 請求SIGT持有者發送他的STAK錢包地址給機器人
6. SIGT持有者發送STAK錢包地址
7. 確認完成交換註冊
8. 完
The Swap Process
Following the end of the swap period, 30-days post announcement of the start,
the swap process will be executed on a monthly basis thereafter, in-line with
the rate at which supply is being generated for STAK through mining, i.e at
1440 blocks per day = 14,400 STAK per day. With the minor adjustment of the
swap supply being accelerated by 5% each year.
All Signatum coins will be burnt instantly upon receipt in a transparent
manner, which the user should be able to track via the Signatum explorer.
This is aligned with the STRAKS team's position to NOT be responsible for the
maintenance of Signatum's chain, associated nodes and issues that may arise
over the duration of the swap payback period. The STRAKS team will only be
responsible for the swap allocated STAK and monthly distributions to swap
participants on an ongoing basis.
交換結束後30天 每個月將會進行一次兌換的貨幣發送
團隊收到SIGT之後都會馬上燒掉 大家可以通SIGT瀏覽器來追蹤檢視
但是STRAKS團隊不負責SIGT的區塊練和節點 或是其他交換期間可能會出現的問題
Monthly swap distribution for registered STAK swap addresses:
Year 1 per Month: 432,000 STAK distributed; equivalent to 1,728,000 SIGT
Year 2 per Month: 453,600 STAK distributed, equivalent to 1,814,400 SIGT
Year 3 per Month: 475,200 STAK distributed, equivalent to 1,900,800 SIGT
Year 4 per Month: 496,800 STAK distributed, equivalent to 1,987,200 SIGT
Year 5 per Month: 518,400 STAK distributed, equivalent to 2,073,600 SIGT
Year 6 for 10 Months: 540,000 STAK distributed, equivalent to 2,160,000 SIGT
Year 6 for 1 Month: 463,000 STAK distributed, equivalent to 1,852,000 SIGT
恩 6年發完喔
By tracking POW generation, we have essentially introduced a parallel POS
system for SIGT "investors". As such, SIGT investors are rewarded in-line
with miners without having to "re-mine" coins - having done so already. We
the STRAKS team, present this as an equitable approach for all parties
We note, again however, that Signatum investors/miners are not compelled in
any way shape or form to participate in this swap. This is simply an offer
with the goal of alleviating their distress from being scammed by Signatum's
development team, and to build trust for the crypto-currency sector, from an
external perspective. Moreover, to promote a zero tolerance policy for
nefarious operators within the sector.
If you have any questions, or misunderstandings, please ask questions on the
STRAKS Discord.
我們沒有強迫SIGT的持有者參與這次的貨幣交換 你自己決定就好
STRAKS只是提出一個提議 減輕SIGT所造成的問題
如果有問題的話 歡迎到STRAKS Discord提問
1. SIGT兌換STAK比例為4:1
2. 每個月兌換一次 六年兌換完成
3. 兌換需要先註冊 只有30天可以註冊
4. 兌換使用機器人全自動兌換
1. 六年內如果STAK有起來的話 我覺得算是蠻划算的 但是STAK可以撐到六年嗎?
2. SIGT的價格一直跌到現在剩下126聰 想壓注STAK的人可以現在去買 拿去換
3. 如果STRAKS兌換的目的是真的 STRAKS肯讓SIGT持有者去兌換 真的是佛心來著
4. 如果SIGT的持有者都去兌換了 SIGT的節點一定會死光的 持有就是廢幣了...
4. 其實我真的想不通STRAKS幹嘛淌這渾水 有卦嗎?
4. 兌換打太多 現在看兌都覺得怪怪的...
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