StatCounter記錄中華電信ip的問題 - 部落格

Suhail Hany avatar
By Suhail Hany
at 2015-01-28T01:39

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※ 引述《raura ( )》之銘言:
: 謝謝幾位大大在我上一篇文章的推文
: 因為一些原因,我到昨天才考慮會不會是StatCounter的問題
: 今天重看了後台紀錄,
: 才注意這幾天以來,
: 來源是中華電信的,就只有210.242.215.XX這幾組IP
: 畢竟用中華的人也不少,我網誌也有高人氣文章,不可能只有那位廣告商會來XD
: 而且Visitor Path那邊疑似記錄到我,可是跟我的IP卻不符合
: 剛剛才想到裝ShinyStat驗證一下
: 果然同樣的時間,
: ShinyStat記錄到我的IP,但StatCounter記錄到的還是210.242.215.XX orz
: 很明顯StatCounter不知為何,抓不到中華其它的IP
: 只能在210.242.215.XX這範圍鬼打牆
: 造成一直有人用同一組IP不同方式拜訪我網誌的錯覺
: 不知有沒其它人用StatCounter跟我遇到同樣的情況?
: 真是StatCounter誤我啊...


「中華電信不知為何弄了個transparent proxy,

Thanks for your patience. Our senior staff has previously looked into this
and there is nothing we can do about how an IP is reported to us. I hope
that makes sense because it's the truest way to describe the situation -
the IP is *reported to us*.

When it comes to IP detection it's not software each company on the
internet has to put together and program themselves all creating their
own "IP detection logic". These sorts of things have industry standards
and everyone is using something extremely similar if not exactly the

Let me give an example. In the programming language PHP which is
widely used by such sites as Facebook, Google, etc, to get the IP of a
visitor you simply use a code like :


To get the IP in the programming language Python which is also widely
used it's something like


And that's it, there's nothing more to be done. As you can see here there
is no room for error. It's not a big complex program to be tweaked and
have the bugs worked out. IP detection is extremely standardized and a
fundamental part of how the internet works.

*If* there were a glitch in how we record IP's it should be effecting a great
many people as we log an enormous amount of hits per day. But the only
IP's with this issue come from only this 1 network.

The important part is how IP's are setup are part of someone elses
network and configuration. In this case they seem to be running two IP
networks in some unique configuration. It could be that the 210.* range is
part of a proxy network they use for various reasons.

Our domain might be filtered on their network for whatever reason. We
are one of the oldest and most established visitor tracker and sometimes
that gets us on filter list.

I hope this makes sense. If you could relay this information to the other
people on your message boards I would greatly appreciate it.

StatCounter Team


All Comments

Belly avatar
By Belly
at 2015-01-28T10:41
Transparent Proxy(透明代理伺服器)通常是為了降低連
外流量,TP Server會優先利用cache內擷取的資源傳輸給其
Caroline avatar
By Caroline
at 2015-01-30T12:51
Olga avatar
By Olga
at 2015-01-30T17:09反映,說明原委和提供StatCounter的回覆,
Gilbert avatar
By Gilbert
at 2015-02-02T12:16
謝謝樓上 中華電信堅持我提供帳號資料才能回覆 但我沒有


Regina avatar
By Regina
at 2015-01-27T20:03
版上有找到許多前人分享如何把繼續閱讀的字體字型改掉的文章 甚至是改成圖片 但小妹我只是想把它改成別的文字 中文字或英文字 請問各位神人有沒有什麼方法可以改掉呢 感謝各位! - ...


Margaret avatar
By Margaret
at 2015-01-26T18:56
最近在研究新的部落格 覺得blogger,似乎很多人推薦,就開了一個試試看 結果完全是一條不歸路 因為之前看到某個網頁的設計是上方有漂亮的圖片輪播 背景設定就一直找這方面的 結果一直設定失敗 拜了很久的菇狗大神 還手滑刷卡買了國外的背景 網頁網址:http://sora-moon-sorate ...


Thomas avatar
By Thomas
at 2015-01-24T05:26
各位版友好 有一個問題想要請教 痞客邦部落格的內文網址 網頁往下拉 會看到and#34;0rz產生短網址and#34; 和and#34;全站分類and#34;之間 有一大片的空白.........囧rz 請問該如何做才能把這一大片空白刪除呢? 讓頁面變成: and#34;0rz產生短網址and#34; 和 ...


Heather avatar
By Heather
at 2015-01-23T15:36
各位好 我以前有寫部落格 但是現在facebook掘起 我也比較少寫文章了 所以想把以前的部落格收集起來 但是一篇一篇印很麻煩 所以想問有沒有一種製書服務 可以幫你把自己的網誌做成一本書 以後可以自己留著放在家裡做紀念的 如果有,有推薦的商家嗎,價格怎麼計算呢 感謝你的回答 -- 因 ...


Robert avatar
By Robert
at 2015-01-21T22:55
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