Virtual Box無法開啟的問題 - Linux

Irma avatar
By Irma
at 2015-12-22T11:13

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如果其他人有遇到~就可以在這查詢到了 :)

Unfortunately, the issue that you are currently experiencing is indeed
related to a new bug. We are currently working to solve this bug as soon as
Meanwhile, the solution that I am proposing to you is to simply disable the
avipbb driver.

In order to disable avipbb driver, the following procedure can be followed:
‧ Open Avira configuration and go to General -> Security.
‧ Disable product protection options (all three).
‧ Press Ok button to save configuration.
‧ Press Start->Settings-> Control Panel->System.
‧ Start "Device Manager" in the tab "Hardware".
‧ In "View" menu activate the option "Show hidden devices".
‧ Now select the node "Non-plug and play drivers".
‧ Right-click on the driver "avipbb" and select "Properties".
‧ In tab "Driver" select the option "Disabled" and click OK.
‧ Close all and reboot.

After these manipulations, it is possible that the Mail Protection and Web
Protection services will cease to function. Just in case it`s happening, do
not worry and rest assured that your computer's security is in no way being
jeopardized; the Real-Time Protection will continue to protect you by
scanning any files.

※ 引述《Bellkna (柔弱氣質偽少女)》之銘言:
: ※ 引述《blueguan ()》之銘言:
: : 想請教大家是否有遇到以下Error Message 然後無法開啟.
: :
: : 感謝大家.
: 網址有點長所以用回文的
: 圖片看起來和這個一樣
: 解法1(堅持要用小紅傘的話)
: 我整理好的流程(因為comodo和avira相容性較好 所以我是沒換掉avira)
: 改好後 vbox正常工作
: //Avira
: Extras -> Configuration
: General -> Security -> Product protection
: Protect processes from unwanted termination -> Unchecked
: Protect files and registry entries from manipulation -> Unchecked
: devmgmt.msc
: View hidden devices -> Checked
: Non-Plug and play Drivers -> avipbb -> ContextMenu -> Properties
: Driver -> Startup -> Type: -> Disabled
: 弄好要重開機(缺點是郵件+網頁防護不能用 不過還是有即時防護)
: 解法2(不堅持要用小紅傘的話)
: 移除它換別家就好
: 解法3(堅持要用 也不想少了郵件+網頁防護)
: 去找 的安裝檔來裝 並用防火牆封鎖小紅傘的升級程式
: 和 都有這問題
: 不過缺點是病毒碼不能更新
: 補個和 linux 版有關的
: 有用 vbox5 裝 arch 的話(4我沒裝過不清楚)
: 應該會撞到 vbox 服務的問題(systemd 228)
: 在 229 修正前可以先這樣子讓它正常工作
: //Arch Linux
: # vi /usr/lib/systemd/system/vboxservice.service
: mod "ConditionVirtualization=oracle" -> "ConditionVirtualization=kvm"
: 參考網址:

Tags: Linux

All Comments

Isabella avatar
By Isabella
at 2015-12-25T17:06
我遇到是win64 host下,WTFast會導致Virtualbox開不起


Leila avatar
By Leila
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Virtual Box無法開啟的問題

Puput avatar
By Puput
at 2015-12-21T17:43
想請教大家是否有遇到以下Error Message 然後無法開啟. 感謝大家. - ...


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