Windows 7 期滿時間提醒(官方文件) - Windows

Caitlin avatar
By Caitlin
at 2009-05-25T16:45

Table of Contents


1. Windows 7 Beta的試用期間到2009/8/1

2. Windows 7 RC的試用期間到2010/6/1


Windows 7 Expiration Date Reminder


Thanks again for your help in testing the Windows 7 Beta.

We’re sending this mail to remind you that Windows 7 Release candidate is
available and to make sure you plan ahead for when the Beta expires on August
1, 2009. On June 1, 2009, the PC you’re using to test the Beta will begin
shutting down every two hours. Windows will send you a notice a couple of
weeks in advance, and that’d be the ideal time to rebuild your test PC with
a non-expired version of Windows, such as the RC or Windows Vista. This will
be a clean installation, so be ready to reinstall your programs and data.
(Learn more about installing Windows.)

So, if you haven’t already done so, we highly recommend that you download
and install the RC from one of the following sites today:


IT Pros/Microsoft Partners

Tech Enthusiasts/Consumers

IMPORTANT: If you are running Windows 7 Beta you’ll need to back up your
data (preferably on an external device) and then do a clean install of the
Windows 7 Release Candidate. After installing Windows 7, you will need to
reinstall applications and restore your files. If you need help with the
installation process, please see the Installation Instructions.

If you have questions or need help installing the RC, you can get help with
your Windows 7 questions at

There’s another expiration date you need to keep in mind: Windows 7 RC will
expire on June 1, 2010, and you’ll need to either upgrade to the final
release of Windows 7 or a prior version of Windows before then. (We‘ll send
you another reminder as this date approaches.)

Thanks again for your interest in Windows 7 and for your help in finishing
this product!

Tags: Windows

All Comments

Lauren avatar
By Lauren
at 2009-05-25T18:01
請問一下 RC裝好後有要上網輸入什麼key嗎? 謝謝~
Callum avatar
By Callum
at 2009-05-26T09:47
Yedda avatar
By Yedda
at 2009-05-30T07:25
對不起 我笨了XD 問錯
Anthony avatar
By Anthony
at 2009-06-01T19:40
Ophelia avatar
By Ophelia
at 2009-06-05T09:51
Skylar Davis avatar
By Skylar Davis
at 2009-06-06T23:36
所以現在試用RC版完全不用active key?
Elizabeth avatar
By Elizabeth
at 2009-06-08T16:28
還是要,RC 版預設在 3 or 4 天會去自動啟動金鑰
Hedwig avatar
By Hedwig
at 2009-06-09T16:28
安裝時不輸入Key 可以用個30天才會煩你XD

windows8 功能展示

Isla avatar
By Isla
at 2009-05-25T16:36
儘管windows7 才剛進入RC階段 但windos8 卻已在開發中 不知是否預告 windows7 將比vista更為短命.. 有興趣的來看看吧.. 影片如下.. - ...


Queena avatar
By Queena
at 2009-05-25T14:55
IE8採用了不同分頁不同核心的新機制 似乎在穩定性上是有比較好 不過卻遇到了一個新問題 就是開新分頁要儲存檔案時 有時會直接開啟預設的路徑(像是「我的文件」) 而不會自動記錄上一個儲存檔案的位置 在之前的IE版本因為都是同一個核心 所以沒有這樣的問題 但IE8卻是有時會記錄前一個儲存位置 ...


Joseph avatar
By Joseph
at 2009-05-25T13:59
事情是這樣的... 我剛剛把舊版的skype移除,灌了新版 但是兩個版本路徑不同 所以我想說把固定在開始功能表中的捷徑改路徑 結果腦殘按錯...按到選擇哪個程式開啟應用程式 現在的情況是,系統把所有的.exe檔都指定使用skype.exe開啟 連想要打開系統還原,都會變成skype 請問該怎麼改回來呢? ...


Suhail Hany avatar
By Suhail Hany
at 2009-05-25T13:43
※ [本文轉錄自 ask 看板] 作者: ksf1002 (冰山) 看板: ask 標題: [請問] 網頁的字顏色很〝淡〞 時間: Mon May 25 10:58:47 2009 不好意思 我又來問問題了 昨天把電腦重灌 可是在安裝完顯示 ...

Photoshop on Windows

Hamiltion avatar
By Hamiltion
at 2009-05-25T13:05
官網下載的PHOTOSHOP CS4試用版 為什麼XP SP3無法安裝呢? SETUP跑一陣子就停住了 無法繼續安裝? 那可以安裝在Windows 7嗎? 謝謝回答 - ...