Windows 7 期滿時間提醒(官方文件) - Windows

Emily avatar
By Emily
at 2009-05-28T15:02

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剛又寄來一封新的信, 總之資料有錯
Beta版從7/1開始2hr關機, 8/1結束

Exploring Windows: Special Beta Edition -- Correction

Because you signed up to test the Windows 7 Beta, we recently sent you mail
about the expiration dates for the Beta and Release Candidate. Unfortunately,
we made a mistake.

We said the Beta would start shutting down every two hours on June 1, 2009.
The correct date is July 1, 2009.

The rest of the dates in the mail were correct. Here’s a quick summary:

Version: Starts shutting down
every two hours: Expires:
Beta July 1, 2009 August 1, 2009
Release Candidate March 1, 2010 June 1, 2010

We apologize for the error and any confusion it may have caused.

Thanks again for helping us test Windows 7.

※ 引述《SmallBeeWayn (喵喵叫的蜜蜂貓)》之銘言:
: 重點不多,我就不翻全文了
: 1. Windows 7 Beta的試用期間到2009/8/1
: 從2009/6/1開始Beta版會每兩小時關機一次
: 建議在這之前更換到其他版本(例如RC版)
: 2. Windows 7 RC的試用期間到2010/6/1
: 到時候會有另外的通知
: =====================以下原文=====================
: Windows 7 Expiration Date Reminder
: Thanks again for your help in testing the Windows 7 Beta.
: We’re sending this mail to remind you that Windows 7 Release candidate is
: available and to make sure you plan ahead for when the Beta expires on August
: 1, 2009. On June 1, 2009, the PC you’re using to test the Beta will begin
: shutting down every two hours. Windows will send you a notice a couple of
: weeks in advance, and that’d be the ideal time to rebuild your test PC with
: a non-expired version of Windows, such as the RC or Windows Vista. This will
: be a clean installation, so be ready to reinstall your programs and data.
: (Learn more about installing Windows.)
: So, if you haven’t already done so, we highly recommend that you download
: and install the RC from one of the following sites today:
: -
: Developers
: -
: IT Pros/Microsoft Partners
: -
: Tech Enthusiasts/Consumers
: IMPORTANT: If you are running Windows 7 Beta you’ll need to back up your
: data (preferably on an external device) and then do a clean install of the
: Windows 7 Release Candidate. After installing Windows 7, you will need to
: reinstall applications and restore your files. If you need help with the
: installation process, please see the Installation Instructions.
: If you have questions or need help installing the RC, you can get help with
: your Windows 7 questions at
: There’s another expiration date you need to keep in mind: Windows 7 RC will
: expire on June 1, 2010, and you’ll need to either upgrade to the final
: release of Windows 7 or a prior version of Windows before then. (We‘ll send
: you another reminder as this date approaches.)
: Thanks again for your interest in Windows 7 and for your help in finishing
: this product!

Tags: Windows

All Comments

Steve avatar
By Steve
at 2009-05-29T07:25
結束? 不會關機了?
Michael avatar
By Michael
at 2009-06-01T18:59
Yuri avatar
By Yuri
at 2009-06-02T04:22


Jacob avatar
By Jacob
at 2009-05-28T11:02
小弟每次灌win7 一開始都很正常 但是灌好準備要到桌面的時候 螢幕就會暗掉 然後顯示 and#34;1024*768 85Hz....and#34;的字 據我所知 我的螢幕好更新率好像只到75Hz 請問我該怎麼做呢 因為這樣不能灌win7好吃虧喔 - ...


Agnes avatar
By Agnes
at 2009-05-28T06:37
vista要用管理員身分執行一直都很麻煩 有沒有辦法去哪裡設定成 永遠用管理員身分執行每個檔案? -- ★阿貓 你好,我是阿貓\( ̄▽ ̄at) - ...

Windows 7 期滿時間提醒(官方文件)

Odelette avatar
By Odelette
at 2009-05-28T03:39
※ 引述《SmallBeeWayn (喵喵叫的蜜蜂貓)》之銘言: : 重點不多,我就不翻全文了 : 1. Windows 7 Beta的試用期間到2009/8/1 : 從2009/6/1開始Beta版會每兩小時關機一次 : 建議在這之前更換到其他版本(例如RC版) : 2. Windows 7 R ...

無法安裝w7 7127

Charlie avatar
By Charlie
at 2009-05-28T02:28
我現在是用xp sp2 今天用酒精、DAEMON 掛載w7 7127光碟後會跳出 this installation disc isnand#39;t compatible with your version of Windows. To up grade, you need the correct ins ...

Windows 7後的XP安裝

Emily avatar
By Emily
at 2009-05-27T23:45
小的電腦是Asus A8Js 只有一顆硬碟 分割為CDE三槽 系統槽是C 衝著Windows 7 RC可以用一年 加上vista真的把我的系統槽塞得太滿 所以我就把C槽格式化 安裝了Windows 7 32bit 安裝完後大致上都很滿意 速度與穩定度都大勝Vista 不過...不能玩某些網路遊戲 ...