台灣Android Market 開放付費軟體 - Android

Robert avatar
By Robert
at 2010-10-04T22:58

Table of Contents

因為我也是亂設地區 XD

我有寄信去問 Google 怎麼辦


基本上是 註冊新帳號 -> 付 25 鎂 -> 轉移應用程式 -> 關閉舊帳號 -> 退 25 鎂



Thank you for your email.

Please know that Google Checkout does not currently support the change of
location setting in your account. We appreciate your feedback about this
which we will take into consideration as we continue to develop this product.

As an alternative, we recommend creating a second Google Account (with a
different email address); when you create the second account, and the
corresponding Google Checkout Merchant account, please select the appropriate

After you've created the new Google Account and registered with Android
Market, we can transfer your existing applications to your new account. To
do this, please respond to this message including the sign in email address
of the new developer account with the desired country. You will need to
indicate the prices for your applications in the new currency.

[We cannot transfer balances from your current account to a new account. If
your current Checkout account has an outstanding balance, we recommend
leaving your account open so that the current balance may be paid out.]

Please note that we cannot transfer applications until the new account has
been created and the registration fee has been purchased. [We are able to
cancel your original account and refund the registration fee. Once the refund
is processed, you will no longer be able to sign in to the Android Market
Developer Console with that account.]


The Google Checkout Team

※ 引述《Romulus (R. Urakagi Ts'ai)》之銘言:
: ※ 引述《anyun (黯雲)》之銘言:
: : 剛剛收到來自 Android market 的信~
: : 說明可以新增付費軟體囉~
: : 我到管理後台看,的確可以選擇台灣地址囉~
: : 應該近期就可以在 Android Market 看到付費程式囉
: 之前手賤亂選美國,現在找不到怎麼改,只好上論壇問 orz
: 另外台灣現在好像還不能來收用銀行付款,一定要和AdSense帳號連結才能收錢
: ...............可是我找不到要怎麼連結AdSense帳號

Tags: Android

All Comments

Ivy avatar
By Ivy
at 2010-10-07T13:08
Emma avatar
By Emma
at 2010-10-11T04:20
Developer console
Bennie avatar
By Bennie
at 2010-10-13T13:10
Faithe avatar
By Faithe
at 2010-10-15T14:52
Bennie avatar
By Bennie
at 2010-10-18T06:47
Quintina avatar
By Quintina
at 2010-10-22T02:19
是的,看來很多人都遇到這個問題 orz

邁向 Android 開發之路趴踢 (Installfest)

Harry avatar
By Harry
at 2010-09-23T11:55
各位好,由於 Google 將於 10/1 在台北舉行 DevFest, 屆時會有許多從 Google 總部的工程師來台灣。 因為機會難得,所以 Taipei GTUG 與 DevFest 工作團隊 合作在前一天晚上(9/30 星期四 1830-2130)弄一個關於 Android 開發的 party, 現 ...


Lauren avatar
By Lauren
at 2010-09-18T00:23
※ 引述《john0312 (Chen John L)》之銘言: : ※ 引述《birdpon (千山我獨行)》之銘言: : : 不知道你還有沒有其他案例?畢竟這影片只能代表一個人不是? : : 01的連結可是有二十幾頁討論串證明很多HTC Legend用戶都是受災戶。 : : 不要以為01就是全世界。 : ...


Olga avatar
By Olga
at 2010-09-17T23:55
※ 引述《birdpon (千山我獨行)》之銘言: : 不知道你還有沒有其他案例?畢竟這影片只能代表一個人不是? : 01的連結可是有二十幾頁討論串證明很多HTC Legend用戶都是受災戶。 : 不要以為01就是全世界。 一下說01不是全世界, 一下拿01來當擋劍牌, 要戰也不是這樣吧? 至於影片只 ...


Christine avatar
By Christine
at 2010-09-17T23:01
※ 引述《john0312 (Chen John L)》之銘言: : ※ 引述《birdpon (千山我獨行)》之銘言: : : 不是每個人買這支來都要裝程式灌爆它。 : : i9000的確在美國也大受好評,不要以為01就是全世界。 : : 本來我是想買Legend,結果沒想到HTC也有天線門事件... ~. ...

小心,AsyncTask 不是萬能的

Belly avatar
By Belly
at 2010-09-14T12:23
[原文] ysl 的程式天堂 Donand#39;t only use AsyncTask for your download task 要進入 Android 應用開發之門,真的一點都不 ...