台灣首家 中信銀宣布加入國際最大金融區 - 數位貨幣

Dinah avatar
By Dinah
at 2016-10-21T22:12

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More than 60 of financial institutions around the world (including many
top-tier banks) are involved in the R3 consortium, with considerable
financial and resource commitments. The international consortium promises to
build a common blockchain-based platform – called Corda – but the
end-result is still a number of years away.

Meanwhile, large US banks such as Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs (which are
also members of R3), have filed patents for their own blockchain projects,
which threatens to derail the project, according to an article by Jonas
Leijonhufvud at Sweden-based DI Digital.

A representative of SEB at R3, Kristian Gårder, told Leijonhufvud that the
R3 project requires a significant amount of time and resources from the banks
in the consortium. SEB, for instance, has around ten employees committed to

The bank was one of the founding partners of R3 (today, the consortium has 43
partners and 65 members).

“The R3 consortium has applied for a patent for Corda. But both Morgan
Stanley and Goldman Sachs have applied for their own blockchain patents, and
they are not alone in doing so,” Gårder said.

“Members will obviously worry if some R3 members seek patents that we’ve
discussed together. Now we are beginning to see alliances form.”

The distrust caused by these individual patent applications may prove fatal
to the common platform strategy of R3, he feels. And whilst he believes that
Corda will be eventually launched, the question is what happens after that.

“The risk is that Corda is not used by all the banks. If that happens it’s
benefit will be severely limited. It’s a huge challenge to get 65 banks to
co-operate,” Leijonhufvud quotes Gårder.

“We will probably know the outcome of this within three months.”

SEB’s position is that Corda should be open and available to the entire
financial community. But if this broad co-operation ultimately fails, the
underlying technology and the experience gained would still be useful, Gå
rder said.

“We have never seen R3 as a risk-free project.”


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