在Mabinogi板上與他人討論的Win版本問題~ - Windows

Dorothy avatar
By Dorothy
at 2010-05-07T15:10

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※ 引述《cat2000 ()》之銘言:
: 終於有空來回應了~

1. 隔行如隔山,

使用 google & wikipedia 的先決條件是你本身先要有足夠的專業知識
去核對、驗證你 google 到的東西
不然你怎麼知道你 google 到的東西不是另一個外行人以訛傳訛掰出來的錯誤資訊?

2. 再來,要戰電腦相關的東西,就不要死抱著中文的資料了


Blackcomb was renamed Vienna in early 2006[13] and again Windows 7 in
2007.[14] In 2008, it was announced that Windows 7 would also be the
official name of the operating system.[15][16] There has been some
confusion over naming the product Windows 7,[17] while versioning it
as 6.1 to indicate its similar build to Vista and increase compatibility
with applications that only check major version numbers,[18] similar to
Windows 2000 and Windows XP both having 5.x version numbers.[19]

英文 wikipedia 至少有提到一些有用的資訊

3. http://windowsteamblog.com/blogs/windowsvista/archive/2008/10/14/why-7.aspx

引用自 Windows team 官方 blog post ...


That brings us to Windows Vista, which is 6.0. So we see Windows 7 as
our next logical significant release and 7th in the family of Windows

We learned a lot about using 5.1 for XP and how that helped developers
with version checking for API compatibility. We also had the lesson
reinforced when we applied the version number in the Windows Vista code
as Windows 6.0-- that changing basic version numbers can cause application
compatibility issues.

So we decided to ship the Windows 7 code as Windows 6.1 - which is what
you will see in the actual version of the product in cmd.exe or computer


Windows 7 is a significant and evolutionary advancement of the client
operating system. It is in every way a major effort in design,
engineering and innovation. The only thing to read into the code
versioning is that we are absolutely committed to making sure
application compatibility is optimized for our customers.

4. 關於 W2k8 與 W2k8R2 之間的差異
如果你沒有維護 server farm 的實際工作經驗
我誠心建議你閉上你的嘴 :)


"Mr. Data, can you show me how to parse this XML?"
"Certainly, sir. Let me google that for you."
-- StarTrek, the Next Gen. 《Back to 2009》 (誤)

Tags: Windows

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Win 7 可以更改系統圖示嗎?

Daph Bay avatar
By Daph Bay
at 2010-05-07T13:24
在Win 7的右下角有幾個windows內建的系統圖示 如:音量、網路、電源、行動作業中心 但這些圖示都是黑白的 一點色彩都沒有 請問有沒有甚麼地方可以把這些圖示換掉呢?? 感謝~ -- Itand#39;s Impossible To Give A Hug Without Getting One ...

以 Ghost 8 備份 Win7

Frederic avatar
By Frederic
at 2010-05-07T13:24
好像看到有人說有問題 但我成功啦.. ;; 我們從and#34;什麼叫備份and#34;說起 從前 DOS 時代 用 copy *.* 也就是備份了 即使後來有子目錄 那麼用 xcopy 也足夠了 但這只是備份資料 對於 OS 來說,有最重要的啟動磁區 DOS 就用 sys 指令 而 win OS 用 ...


Eden avatar
By Eden
at 2010-05-07T10:13
如題,好像自己就消失了。有爬文說好像之前VISTA也會這樣,記事本會自己變成 「筆記本文件」,請問該怎麼把這個設定改回來呢? -- 有兩個人我第一次看他們打球 我就知道他們一定會拿冠軍 一個是Shaquille Oand#39;Neal 另一個則是Timothy Duncan - ...


Zanna avatar
By Zanna
at 2010-05-07T10:01
之前就有這樣過 原因不明 然後這次是把資料夾從C槽遺到D槽 中間發生錯誤 結果在D槽的資料夾就打不開也刪不掉 然後顯示都是0kb 用chkdsk的指令修復也沒用 請問該如何刪除呢? - ...

Windows XP Pro Xp3重灌完與隨身硬碟的問題

Dinah avatar
By Dinah
at 2010-05-07T08:56
大家好.此問題已經在yahoo.google上面處理很久. 但是都沒辦法解決.希望大大們可以幫忙 主要問題是 我的USB2.0的隨身硬碟.Y形USB插上後. 硬體裝置有讀到. .但是在[我的電腦]下面.卻沒又辦法顯示. http://img64.imageshack.us/img64/4360/20941 ...