在Mabinogi板上與他人討論的Win版本問題~ - Windows

By Selena
at 2010-05-08T01:21
at 2010-05-08T01:21
Table of Contents
※ 引述《AmosYang (LetMeGoogleThatForYou)》之銘言:
: ※ 引述《cat2000 ()》之銘言:
: : 終於有空來回應了~
: 1. 隔行如隔山,
: 有些事情你得要先有一定的背景知識與程度,
: 你才聽得懂別人在說什麼
: 使用 google & wikipedia 的先決條件是你本身先要有足夠的專業知識
: 去核對、驗證你 google 到的東西
: 不然你怎麼知道你 google 到的東西不是另一個外行人以訛傳訛掰出來的錯誤資訊?
: 2. 再來,要戰電腦相關的東西,就不要死抱著中文的資料了
: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Windows_7
: Blackcomb was renamed Vienna in early 2006[13] and again Windows 7 in
: 2007.[14] In 2008, it was announced that Windows 7 would also be the
: official name of the operating system.[15][16] There has been some
: confusion over naming the product Windows 7,[17] while versioning it
: as 6.1 to indicate its similar build to Vista and increase compatibility
: with applications that only check major version numbers,[18] similar to
: Windows 2000 and Windows XP both having 5.x version numbers.[19]
: 英文 wikipedia 至少有提到一些有用的資訊
: 布萊克姆更名為 維也納 2006年初 [13]再次 視窗7 於2007年。 [14]2008年,它宣
: 布的Windows 7 也將是正式名稱的操作系統。 [15][16]出現了一些混亂的Windows 7
: 命名的產品, [17]而它作為版本6.1表示了類似的建設,提高到Vista兼容的應用程
: 序只檢查主要版本號碼, [18]類似 的Windows 2000 和 Windows XP中 雙方有5.x的
: 版本號。[19]
: Senior Vice President Bill Veghte stated that Windows Vista users migrating
: to Windows 7 would not find the kind of device compatibility issues they
: encountered migrating from Windows XP.[34] Speaking about Windows 7 on
: October 16, 2008, Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer confirmed compatibility between
: Vista and Windows 7,[35] indicating that Windows 7 would be a refined version
: of Windows Vista.[35][not in citation given]
: 高級副總裁Bill Veghte表示, Windows Vista的 用戶遷移到Windows 7不會找到種設
: 備的兼容性問題,他們遇到的遷移從 Windows XP中 .[34]在談到Windows 7的10月16
: 日,2008年,微軟首席執行官 史蒂夫鮑爾默 證實的兼容性Vista和Windows 7之間,
: [35]表明Windows 7將是一個改良版的Windows Vista。 [35][沒有給出引用]
: 3. http://windowsteamblog.com/blogs/windowsvista/archive/2008/10/14/why-7.aspx
: 引用自 Windows team 官方 blog post ...
: (前略…)
: That brings us to Windows Vista, which is 6.0. So we see Windows 7 as
: our next logical significant release and 7th in the family of Windows
: releases.
: We learned a lot about using 5.1 for XP and how that helped developers
: with version checking for API compatibility. We also had the lesson
: reinforced when we applied the version number in the Windows Vista code
: as Windows 6.0-- that changing basic version numbers can cause application
: compatibility issues.
: So we decided to ship the Windows 7 code as Windows 6.1 - which is what
: you will see in the actual version of the product in cmd.exe or computer
: properties.
: (中略…)
: Windows 7 is a significant and evolutionary advancement of the client
: operating system. It is in every way a major effort in design,
: engineering and innovation. The only thing to read into the code
: versioning is that we are absolutely committed to making sure
: application compatibility is optimized for our customers.
: 這使我們到Windows Vista,這是6.0。因此,我們看到的Windows 7作為我們的下一
: 個合乎邏輯的顯著釋放和7 日 在家庭中的Windows版本。
: 我們學到了很多有關使用5.1的XP以及如何幫助開發人員版本檢查的API的兼容性。我
: 們也有教訓,我們採用的鋼筋時,版本號在Windows Vista的代碼為 Windows 6.0 -
: ,改變基本版本號可能會導致應用程序兼容性問題。
: 所以我們就決定將在Windows 7中的代碼為 Windows 6.1 - 這是你將看到在實際版本
: 的產品在cmd.exe或計算機屬性。
: Windows 7是一個重大的進步和進化的客戶端操作系統。它是在各種方式的重大努力,
: 設計,工程和創新。唯一讀入的代碼版本是,我們絕對致力於確保應用程序的兼容性
: 是優化我們的客戶。
: (前略)
: Of course it's a very relevant release -- it's the minor versions of Windows
: (3.1, 98, XP) that have been the most successful, because they've built upon
: the .0 before them but refined the .0's rough edges. And a version of
: Windows that builds upon Vista's incredible platform and then fills in the
: cracks (or in Vista's case by certain people's opinions, chasms) -- is
: exactly what we need right now. And it sounds like that's exactly what
: Windows 7 is.
: The major-minor heartbeat of Windows has worked well for years and to claim
: that nothing is ever minor is just wrong. Yes, minor versions of Windows are
: more major than most any other software product out there, but compared to
: true major Windows versions, they are minor.
: (中略)
: Overall, I *am* a fan of using a simple marketing name that reflects the
: version. When Longhorn was under development, I was hoping for it to be
: released simply as Windows 6.0 (the old-school in me wanted it named Windows
: NT 6.0). I'm not opposed to "7" if it really truly was an 7.0-worthy
: release. But it isn't. And what happens when the real 7.0 comes along --
: will it need to be skipped to avoid the certain confusion?
: My personal opinion is that Steven Sinofsky brought over the "major version
: only" mentality from Office and 1) scrapped the non-scope-implying codename
: Vienna and replaced it with "7", leading the public to expect another
: release, 2) cooler heads prevailed and realized that it isn't major enough to
: be 7.0 so it became 6.1. Yet no one at MS wants to admit that in the grand
: scheme of things, it's a comparatively minor release, so no one's willing to
: be brave and stick up for calling it Windows 6.1 after all the months of
: letting the Windows 7 codename float around. It would seem like backpedaling
: of sorts, almost an admission that what we need is an improved Vista, whereas
: with artificially using the number 7 you get to convey a bigger departure
: from Vista than what really exists.
: (後略)
: 當然,這是一個非常相關的釋放 - 這是次要版本的Windows(3.1,98,XP)中已經
: 是最成功的,因為他們已經建立在0.0之前他們,但改進了0.0的粗糙邊緣。和一個
: 版本的Windows是建立在Vista的令人難以置信的平台,然後填充在裂縫(或在Vista
: 的情況下由某些人的意見,裂痕) - 這正是我們現在需要的。它聽起來像這正是
: Windows 7的。
: 主要的,次要的Windows心跳多年來一直行之有效,並聲稱,沒有什麼是永遠只是輕
: 微的錯誤。是的,次要版本的Windows更比大多數其他主要軟件產品在那裡,但相對
: 於真正的主要的Windows版本,他們是未成年人。
: (中略)
: 總的來說,本人* *風扇的使用一個簡單的名稱,反映了市場的版本。當 Longhorn的
: 正在發展,我希望它被釋放只是為 Windows 6.0(舊校在我希望它命名的Windows NT
: 6.0)。
: 我不反對“7”如果真的真的是一個 7.0值得釋放。但事實並非如此。而時會發生什
: 麼真正的7.0走來 - 它需要將被跳過,以避免某些混亂?
: 我個人的看法是,史蒂芬西諾夫斯基帶來了“主要版本只”的心態從辦公室和1)取
: 消了非範圍,這意味著它的代號維也納,取而代之以“7”,導致市民的期望又釋放
: ,2)頭腦冷靜佔了上風,便知道是不是足夠大,以便將 7.0成為 6.1。然而,沒有
: 人在MS要承認,在宏偉計劃的事情,這是一個相對次要版本,所以沒有人願意要勇敢
: ,堅持為把它的Windows 6.1後,所有的幾個月讓 Windows 7的代號漂浮。它似乎像
: 倒退各種各樣的,幾乎是承認我們所需要的是改進的景色,而與人為用數字 7你傳達
: 一個更大的出發比從Vista確實存在。
: 4. 關於 W2k8 與 W2k8R2 之間的差異
: 如果你沒有維護 server farm 的實際工作經驗
: 我誠心建議你閉上你的嘴 :)
: ※ 引述《cat2000 ()》之銘言:
: : 終於有空來回應了~
: 1. 隔行如隔山,
: 有些事情你得要先有一定的背景知識與程度,
: 你才聽得懂別人在說什麼
: 使用 google & wikipedia 的先決條件是你本身先要有足夠的專業知識
: 去核對、驗證你 google 到的東西
: 不然你怎麼知道你 google 到的東西不是另一個外行人以訛傳訛掰出來的錯誤資訊?
: 2. 再來,要戰電腦相關的東西,就不要死抱著中文的資料了
: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Windows_7
: Blackcomb was renamed Vienna in early 2006[13] and again Windows 7 in
: 2007.[14] In 2008, it was announced that Windows 7 would also be the
: official name of the operating system.[15][16] There has been some
: confusion over naming the product Windows 7,[17] while versioning it
: as 6.1 to indicate its similar build to Vista and increase compatibility
: with applications that only check major version numbers,[18] similar to
: Windows 2000 and Windows XP both having 5.x version numbers.[19]
: 英文 wikipedia 至少有提到一些有用的資訊
: 布萊克姆更名為 維也納 2006年初 [13]再次 視窗7 於2007年。 [14]2008年,它宣
: 布的Windows 7 也將是正式名稱的操作系統。 [15][16]出現了一些混亂的Windows 7
: 命名的產品, [17]而它作為版本6.1表示了類似的建設,提高到Vista兼容的應用程
: 序只檢查主要版本號碼, [18]類似 的Windows 2000 和 Windows XP中 雙方有5.x的
: 版本號。[19]
: Senior Vice President Bill Veghte stated that Windows Vista users migrating
: to Windows 7 would not find the kind of device compatibility issues they
: encountered migrating from Windows XP.[34] Speaking about Windows 7 on
: October 16, 2008, Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer confirmed compatibility between
: Vista and Windows 7,[35] indicating that Windows 7 would be a refined version
: of Windows Vista.[35][not in citation given]
: 高級副總裁Bill Veghte表示, Windows Vista的 用戶遷移到Windows 7不會找到種設
: 備的兼容性問題,他們遇到的遷移從 Windows XP中 .[34]在談到Windows 7的10月16
: 日,2008年,微軟首席執行官 史蒂夫鮑爾默 證實的兼容性Vista和Windows 7之間,
: [35]表明Windows 7將是一個改良版的Windows Vista。 [35][沒有給出引用]
: 3. http://windowsteamblog.com/blogs/windowsvista/archive/2008/10/14/why-7.aspx
: 引用自 Windows team 官方 blog post ...
: (前略…)
: That brings us to Windows Vista, which is 6.0. So we see Windows 7 as
: our next logical significant release and 7th in the family of Windows
: releases.
: We learned a lot about using 5.1 for XP and how that helped developers
: with version checking for API compatibility. We also had the lesson
: reinforced when we applied the version number in the Windows Vista code
: as Windows 6.0-- that changing basic version numbers can cause application
: compatibility issues.
: So we decided to ship the Windows 7 code as Windows 6.1 - which is what
: you will see in the actual version of the product in cmd.exe or computer
: properties.
: (中略…)
: Windows 7 is a significant and evolutionary advancement of the client
: operating system. It is in every way a major effort in design,
: engineering and innovation. The only thing to read into the code
: versioning is that we are absolutely committed to making sure
: application compatibility is optimized for our customers.
: 這使我們到Windows Vista,這是6.0。因此,我們看到的Windows 7作為我們的下一
: 個合乎邏輯的顯著釋放和7 日 在家庭中的Windows版本。
: 我們學到了很多有關使用5.1的XP以及如何幫助開發人員版本檢查的API的兼容性。我
: 們也有教訓,我們採用的鋼筋時,版本號在Windows Vista的代碼為 Windows 6.0 -
: ,改變基本版本號可能會導致應用程序兼容性問題。
: 所以我們就決定將在Windows 7中的代碼為 Windows 6.1 - 這是你將看到在實際版本
: 的產品在cmd.exe或計算機屬性。
: Windows 7是一個重大的進步和進化的客戶端操作系統。它是在各種方式的重大努力,
: 設計,工程和創新。唯一讀入的代碼版本是,我們絕對致力於確保應用程序的兼容性
: 是優化我們的客戶。
: (前略)
: Of course it's a very relevant release -- it's the minor versions of Windows
: (3.1, 98, XP) that have been the most successful, because they've built upon
: the .0 before them but refined the .0's rough edges. And a version of
: Windows that builds upon Vista's incredible platform and then fills in the
: cracks (or in Vista's case by certain people's opinions, chasms) -- is
: exactly what we need right now. And it sounds like that's exactly what
: Windows 7 is.
: The major-minor heartbeat of Windows has worked well for years and to claim
: that nothing is ever minor is just wrong. Yes, minor versions of Windows are
: more major than most any other software product out there, but compared to
: true major Windows versions, they are minor.
: (中略)
: Overall, I *am* a fan of using a simple marketing name that reflects the
: version. When Longhorn was under development, I was hoping for it to be
: released simply as Windows 6.0 (the old-school in me wanted it named Windows
: NT 6.0). I'm not opposed to "7" if it really truly was an 7.0-worthy
: release. But it isn't. And what happens when the real 7.0 comes along --
: will it need to be skipped to avoid the certain confusion?
: My personal opinion is that Steven Sinofsky brought over the "major version
: only" mentality from Office and 1) scrapped the non-scope-implying codename
: Vienna and replaced it with "7", leading the public to expect another
: release, 2) cooler heads prevailed and realized that it isn't major enough to
: be 7.0 so it became 6.1. Yet no one at MS wants to admit that in the grand
: scheme of things, it's a comparatively minor release, so no one's willing to
: be brave and stick up for calling it Windows 6.1 after all the months of
: letting the Windows 7 codename float around. It would seem like backpedaling
: of sorts, almost an admission that what we need is an improved Vista, whereas
: with artificially using the number 7 you get to convey a bigger departure
: from Vista than what really exists.
: (後略)
: 當然,這是一個非常相關的釋放 - 這是次要版本的Windows(3.1,98,XP)中已經
: 是最成功的,因為他們已經建立在0.0之前他們,但改進了0.0的粗糙邊緣。和一個
: 版本的Windows是建立在Vista的令人難以置信的平台,然後填充在裂縫(或在Vista
: 的情況下由某些人的意見,裂痕) - 這正是我們現在需要的。它聽起來像這正是
: Windows 7的。
: 主要的,次要的Windows心跳多年來一直行之有效,並聲稱,沒有什麼是永遠只是輕
: 微的錯誤。是的,次要版本的Windows更比大多數其他主要軟件產品在那裡,但相對
: 於真正的主要的Windows版本,他們是未成年人。
: (中略)
: 總的來說,本人* *風扇的使用一個簡單的名稱,反映了市場的版本。當 Longhorn的
: 正在發展,我希望它被釋放只是為 Windows 6.0(舊校在我希望它命名的Windows NT
: 6.0)。
: 我不反對“7”如果真的真的是一個 7.0值得釋放。但事實並非如此。而時會發生什
: 麼真正的7.0走來 - 它需要將被跳過,以避免某些混亂?
: 我個人的看法是,史蒂芬西諾夫斯基帶來了“主要版本只”的心態從辦公室和1)取
: 消了非範圍,這意味著它的代號維也納,取而代之以“7”,導致市民的期望又釋放
: ,2)頭腦冷靜佔了上風,便知道是不是足夠大,以便將 7.0成為 6.1。然而,沒有
: 人在MS要承認,在宏偉計劃的事情,這是一個相對次要版本,所以沒有人願意要勇敢
: ,堅持為把它的Windows 6.1後,所有的幾個月讓 Windows 7的代號漂浮。它似乎像
: 倒退各種各樣的,幾乎是承認我們所需要的是改進的景色,而與人為用數字 7你傳達
: 一個更大的出發比從Vista確實存在。
: 4. 關於 W2k8 與 W2k8R2 之間的差異
: 如果你沒有維護 server farm 的實際工作經驗
: 我誠心建議你閉上你的嘴 :)
All Comments

By Isabella
at 2010-05-12T20:53
at 2010-05-12T20:53

By Edward Lewis
at 2010-05-15T23:25
at 2010-05-15T23:25

By Faithe
at 2010-05-19T17:38
at 2010-05-19T17:38

By Puput
at 2010-05-20T06:19
at 2010-05-20T06:19

By Regina
at 2010-05-20T23:44
at 2010-05-20T23:44

By Blanche
at 2010-05-22T10:51
at 2010-05-22T10:51

By Emma
at 2010-05-27T06:39
at 2010-05-27T06:39

By Kumar
at 2010-05-30T19:45
at 2010-05-30T19:45

By Agatha
at 2010-06-02T14:56
at 2010-06-02T14:56

By Charlie
at 2010-06-05T21:20
at 2010-06-05T21:20

By Elvira
at 2010-06-08T15:20
at 2010-06-08T15:20

By Sandy
at 2010-06-08T18:09
at 2010-06-08T18:09

By Tracy
at 2010-06-13T08:36
at 2010-06-13T08:36

By Ina
at 2010-06-17T16:51
at 2010-06-17T16:51

By Ula
at 2010-06-18T21:14
at 2010-06-18T21:14

By Charlie
at 2010-06-22T09:25
at 2010-06-22T09:25

By Jacky
at 2010-06-25T03:33
at 2010-06-25T03:33

By Hedy
at 2010-06-29T10:53
at 2010-06-29T10:53

By Belly
at 2010-07-03T02:29
at 2010-07-03T02:29

By Connor
at 2010-07-07T10:27
at 2010-07-07T10:27

By Hedda
at 2010-07-09T10:14
at 2010-07-09T10:14

By Regina
at 2010-07-10T01:13
at 2010-07-10T01:13

By Tom
at 2010-07-13T18:10
at 2010-07-13T18:10

By Kama
at 2010-07-16T06:18
at 2010-07-16T06:18

By Olivia
at 2010-07-16T12:29
at 2010-07-16T12:29

By Gary
at 2010-07-18T08:42
at 2010-07-18T08:42

By Kama
at 2010-07-19T11:50
at 2010-07-19T11:50

By Joe
at 2010-07-21T07:41
at 2010-07-21T07:41

By Kama
at 2010-07-24T11:21
at 2010-07-24T11:21

By Emma
at 2010-07-26T06:58
at 2010-07-26T06:58

By Kama
at 2010-07-28T04:42
at 2010-07-28T04:42

By Hedda
at 2010-07-31T04:08
at 2010-07-31T04:08

By Kumar
at 2010-08-02T04:10
at 2010-08-02T04:10

By Catherine
at 2010-08-03T15:40
at 2010-08-03T15:40

By Bethany
at 2010-08-07T17:52
at 2010-08-07T17:52

By Irma
at 2010-08-09T16:38
at 2010-08-09T16:38

By Elma
at 2010-08-14T01:32
at 2010-08-14T01:32

By Hedda
at 2010-08-18T14:51
at 2010-08-18T14:51

By Irma
at 2010-08-20T15:35
at 2010-08-20T15:35

By Belly
at 2010-08-25T00:48
at 2010-08-25T00:48

By Zenobia
at 2010-08-29T05:05
at 2010-08-29T05:05

By Caitlin
at 2010-09-02T09:05
at 2010-09-02T09:05

By Annie
at 2010-09-02T13:46
at 2010-09-02T13:46

By Connor
at 2010-09-05T13:30
at 2010-09-05T13:30

By Puput
at 2010-09-06T07:48
at 2010-09-06T07:48

By Queena
at 2010-09-08T14:30
at 2010-09-08T14:30

By Bethany
at 2010-09-10T08:40
at 2010-09-10T08:40

By Una
at 2010-09-14T18:09
at 2010-09-14T18:09

By Iris
at 2010-09-15T16:43
at 2010-09-15T16:43

By Puput
at 2010-09-17T01:59
at 2010-09-17T01:59

By Madame
at 2010-09-19T21:22
at 2010-09-19T21:22

By Leila
at 2010-09-22T02:24
at 2010-09-22T02:24

By Gary
at 2010-09-23T10:37
at 2010-09-23T10:37

By Christine
at 2010-09-27T03:12
at 2010-09-27T03:12

By Donna
at 2010-09-29T06:53
at 2010-09-29T06:53

By Quintina
at 2010-10-03T17:28
at 2010-10-03T17:28

By Lydia
at 2010-10-07T06:22
at 2010-10-07T06:22

By Dinah
at 2010-10-12T01:34
at 2010-10-12T01:34

By Faithe
at 2010-10-16T07:54
at 2010-10-16T07:54

By Frederic
at 2010-10-19T06:59
at 2010-10-19T06:59

By Audriana
at 2010-10-23T21:09
at 2010-10-23T21:09

By Blanche
at 2010-10-25T12:14
at 2010-10-25T12:14

By Edwina
at 2010-10-25T19:28
at 2010-10-25T19:28

By Puput
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