微軟研發未來事件預測器,宛如關鍵報告 - Windows

Isabella avatar
By Isabella
at 2013-02-04T14:09

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不曉得這個東西有沒有預測到Windows 8 銷售量不佳 XD


At first glance, it may sound like the plot of Person of Interest, the
CBS show about a genius billionaire who develops a software program that
taps into all public surveillance systems and predicts when crimes are
most likely to occur. But as Technology Review reports, researchers at
Microsoft (MSFT) and the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology are working
on disaster-predicting software that is very real and also much less
invasive than its fictional counterpart. Instead of using surveillance
cameras to predict future events, the software analyzes news headlines in
different regions to see if it can spot warning signs for outbreaks of
diseases or civil unrest that could result in violence.

“I truly view this as a foreshadowing of what’s to come,” says Eric
Horvitz, a co-director at Microsoft Research. “Eventually this kind of
work will start to have an influence on how things go for people.”

Technology Review says that among other things, the software could have
predicted cholera outbreaks in Angola based on reports of droughts in the
region. The publication also writes that “in similar tests involving
forecasts of disease, violence, and a significant numbers of deaths,
the system’s warnings were correct between 70 to 90 percent of the time.”

Don’t expect this software to pop up as a new crime prevention system
at your local police station anytime soon, however, as Technology Review
says that Microsoft has no plans to make it available for commercial use
at the moment.

Tags: Windows

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win8 鎖檔案

Wallis avatar
By Wallis
at 2013-02-03T22:29
之前用vista 只要在檔案中按右鍵 就可以選擇鎖住該檔案 不過win8是不是沒有這個功能啊? 如果沒有 就得上網找程式用了~ 另外wn8市場怎下載檔案常常都會擱置阿 ... 謝謝 -- 你知道為什麼雪是白色的嗎? ...


Leila avatar
By Leila
at 2013-02-03T20:46
※ [本文轉錄自 ask 看板 #1H3bbuzo ] 作者: greentea952 (茶) 看板: ask 標題: [請問] 電腦系統還原之後怪怪的 時間: Sun Feb 3 20:35:01 2013 不好意思 請問一下 我今天早上 把我的筆電 [作業系統vista] 系統還原 還原之 ...


Hazel avatar
By Hazel
at 2013-02-03T20:41
趕在1/31前買到促銷的WIN8, 不過因為三顆硬碟的問題導致升級時出現錯誤, mbr出現問題不能開機, 後來才知道可以用WIN8光碟修復, 不過昨天跟今天傻傻地重灌, 導致現在出現WIN8無法啟用, 系統表示and#34;啟用伺服器報告產品金鑰已超過其解除鎖定限制and#34;, 請問這種情況該如何解決? ...

救救我windows 7 32bit

Skylar Davis avatar
By Skylar Davis
at 2013-02-03T20:19
發現記憶體很便宜 想買個8G讓自己開心 結果發現 電腦是windows 7 32bit 哭哭 8G裝上去沒有用 有沒有辦法破解呢?? - ...

原XP 32位元 可以灌WIN 7 64位元嗎?

Edith avatar
By Edith
at 2013-02-03T19:12
問個笨問題 小弟用XP好幾年了 最近需要用到某個程式一定要用WIN7 終於有把 OS 換成 WIN 7的念頭 但印象中 我的電腦是WIN XP 32位元的 這樣的話可以灌 WIN 7 64位元的系統嗎? 麻煩各位指點一下 謝謝 - ...