應使用者要求,HP 再度推出預載 Windows - Windows

Lucy avatar
By Lucy
at 2014-01-21T11:54

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應使用者要求,HP 再度推出預載 Windows 7 產品
由 Casper 於 二, 2014/01/21 - 10:43am 發表
電子產品 HP windows 7 觀眾要求

HP(目前應該只有美國)在上周開始寄發掛有「小七再臨」(Windows 7 is back)的電
子郵件宣傳給使用者,主要內容是提供預載 Windows 7 的選項,同時最多還可以省 150

Windows 7 預載出貨,筆電方面雖然有部分是掛 Windows 8,不過絕大部分也是以
Windows 7 掛牌,甚至連 All-in-One 也都以非 Windows 8 機種在推銷,一如
Android 產品。

如果 HP 開了這一槍,其他 PC 廠似乎也有跟進的可能,看來微軟提早推 Windows 9 出

圖文引用來源:The Verge、HP

Ouch: HP brings Windows 7 'back by popular demand'

Ian Paul
@ianpaul Jan 20, 2014 8:22 AMprint
With Windows 8 bearing a good share of the blame for the declining PC market,
HP is falling back on Windows 7 for its latest marketing push. The world’s
second largest computer maker recently began promoting PCs loaded with
Windows 7 on its U.S. website, buoyed by an email marketing push.

“Back by popular demand,” HP’s U.S. website reads, offering customers the
chance to get $150 off a new computer loaded with Windows 7. While other
manufacturers—including Dell and Lenovo—also sell a limited number of
Windows 7 PCs to consumers, only HP is advocating the aging OS with such

PC shipments have been declining for seven consecutive quarters, so HP’s
Windows 7 hype could be an attempt to bolster lagging sales by reverting to
Microsoft’s more successful (and less contentious) version of Windows.

No end in sight
Microsoft has yet to put a firm end date on when computer makers have to stop
pre-installing Windows 7 on new PCs, according to the company’s lifecycle
page, and that is unlikely to change anytime soon. With a potential mass
migration from Windows XP coming in 2014, having Windows 7 as an option could
keep Metro haters within the Windows ecosystem.

Plus, Microsoft probably doesn’t want to see a repeat of the Vista era, when
Dell used the Windows Pro-level “downgrade” rights to sell more Windows XP
devices such as the Inspiron 1525.

Speaking of XP…
Then again, with extended support for Windows XP coming to an end on April 8,
HP could be hoping to get an early jump on deals to attract longtime XP users
shopping for a new PC. Windows 7's traditional interface would be much less
of a shock to reluctant XP upgraders than Windows 8's Live Tiled Start screen.

Even with this new promotion HP’s selection of Windows 7 PCs is severely

At this writing, the company offered only two laptops running Windows 7,
compared to 28 with Windows 8.1 and five (five!) with Chrome OS. Moving over
to desktops, HP offers three with Windows 7, seven with Windows 8, and 26
with Windows 8.1.

Perhaps, if this Windows 7 push is successful, the company will expand that
lineup, but that is far from clear.

Of course, the answer to why HP is hyping Windows 7 could also be “none of
the above” as Stephen Baker, the Vice President of Analysis for the NPD
research group, told PCWorld via email.

“I think HP sees an opportunity and is reaching out to exploit it like any
good selling organization would,” Baker said. “I believe anything else is
reading way too much into one email marketing campaign.”

Tags: Windows

All Comments

Hardy avatar
By Hardy
at 2014-01-25T07:11
HP在台灣這樣做不是已經很久了嗎 預載W7附W8光碟
Hedwig avatar
By Hedwig
at 2014-01-29T03:16
Win 7真的可以再戰個十幾二十年了!!
Irma avatar
By Irma
at 2014-02-01T06:34
Sarah avatar
By Sarah
at 2014-02-05T09:36
Rosalind avatar
By Rosalind
at 2014-02-08T15:18
我六年前買的電腦 現在還在服役 灌win7
過年期間要換新電腦 一樣已經準備好win7隨機版
Olivia avatar
By Olivia
at 2014-02-09T17:24
Linda avatar
By Linda
at 2014-02-14T11:49
Bethany avatar
By Bethany
at 2014-02-16T16:48
Audriana avatar
By Audriana
at 2014-02-17T02:04
XP佔了那麼久 也沒有其他OS成功趁虛而入
Callum avatar
By Callum
at 2014-02-20T14:32
Isabella avatar
By Isabella
at 2014-02-22T02:43


Frederica avatar
By Frederica
at 2014-01-21T10:10
小弟目前非住校,當然得用SSLVPN方式進行win7企業版驗證。 然後參考了這個影片 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jjAkO9wdDP4 影片內容是教大家到windows官網進行[驗證]。 而我到官網驗證也成功了。 如圖: http://ppt.cc/3bsc ...


Caroline avatar
By Caroline
at 2014-01-21T01:12
昨天小弟把家裡的老舊電腦從XP升級到WIN7 可是發現WIN7的 AREO PEEK功能無法使用 想說是顯卡驅動太老舊 於是就上NVIDIA的官網找更新 可是他官網的搜尋結果是無法正確辨認我的顯卡 家裡電腦有點久了大概7 8年 請問找不到驅動這種狀況該怎麼辦呢? - ...


Oliver avatar
By Oliver
at 2014-01-21T01:12
目前我有一個問題想請教大家 我的電腦最近變的非常慢(1年來) 查了一下發現原本372GB的C槽 目前只剩37.1GB 可是當我點進去C槽案and#34;內容and#34;之後發現 C槽下面全部的資料夾+檔案 只佔 70GB 想問就是剩下的370GB隱藏到哪去了? 畢竟記憶體憑空消失 讓我覺得超虧的 謝 ...

Windows 7 隨機版 更換主機版問題

Erin avatar
By Erin
at 2014-01-21T01:10
請問使用Windows 7 隨機版 是否是綁主機板? 有人跟我說換主機板此序號不可以在讓其他主機板使用,是綁定的。 又有人說更換新主機版,輸入之前的序號只要舊的主機板不用即可? 何者為真? - ...


Andrew avatar
By Andrew
at 2014-01-20T18:32
最近升級到8.1 發現有時候連線家中WIFI會變成 連線能力受限 變得無法上網 要重新連線 尚未升級的時候就不會這樣 這有解嗎QQ? -- - ...