抓不到網路卡 - BBS

By Rebecca
at 2005-10-05T21:23
at 2005-10-05T21:23
Table of Contents
※ 引述《hangchen (hang)》之銘言:
: ※ 引述《micchiu (PP )》之銘言:
: : 原本我是灌5.4可以抓得到
: : 但是現在要灌回5.3,重新分割slice後
: : 不管用cd還是網路安裝,
: : 在要安裝網路的時候,居然抓不到網路卡了....
: : 實在是不知道為什麼
: : 那如果要先裝好freebsd後再安裝網路卡,該怎麼安裝呢…?
: : 不好意思麻煩各位高手指教^^"
: I have no experience on this problem,
: but I will do:
: 1: make sure which card I have,and find if its driver exists
: on its inventor's official web, if ok,congradulation,download,unpack,
: make install,steps followed indicated in the driver's manual page.
: 2:like sound card, there are sections introduce driver installation
: in handbook of various hardware, so check if there are words teach you to
: load your card's driver exactlly.
: 3:maybe ports have driver to be installed.
: if wrong/stupid steps above,please tell me...
oh,maybe kernel update is mostly quickly, just consult the handbook.
: ※ 引述《micchiu (PP )》之銘言:
: : 原本我是灌5.4可以抓得到
: : 但是現在要灌回5.3,重新分割slice後
: : 不管用cd還是網路安裝,
: : 在要安裝網路的時候,居然抓不到網路卡了....
: : 實在是不知道為什麼
: : 那如果要先裝好freebsd後再安裝網路卡,該怎麼安裝呢…?
: : 不好意思麻煩各位高手指教^^"
: I have no experience on this problem,
: but I will do:
: 1: make sure which card I have,and find if its driver exists
: on its inventor's official web, if ok,congradulation,download,unpack,
: make install,steps followed indicated in the driver's manual page.
: 2:like sound card, there are sections introduce driver installation
: in handbook of various hardware, so check if there are words teach you to
: load your card's driver exactlly.
: 3:maybe ports have driver to be installed.
: if wrong/stupid steps above,please tell me...
oh,maybe kernel update is mostly quickly, just consult the handbook.
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